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Everything posted by Karbust

  1. My idea was not using that file, but create a new installer that download the files from the server and install, like that one...
  2. Hello, I have this old installer from M2M, and I would to do one for my server with that functions (download and install) Someone nows how to do that? Thanks
  3. Everyone can do something wrong, yet you helped me a lot!
  4. It's already working, but I had to move the $counter = 1 to outsite the loop, otherwise it would be always setting to one...
  5. I have this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'echo' (T_ECHO) in C:\xampp\htdocs\habiramt2\pages\itemshop.php on line 56 Line 56: </select><button onclick="confirmacao(escolha<? $counter ?>,<?= $getItems->id ?>,<?= $getItems->preis; ?>)" title="Vais gastar <?= echo $getItems->preis; ?> moedas">Comprar</button> I noticed that the function is not receiving the counter argument, I don't now much of java, so how can I read that? Thanks
  6. It is packed with type 4, you need to decript it, I don't now how to do, but I would like to learn...
  7. Thank you very much EDIT: Can you post locale, I need item_proto, item_list and itemdesc, you someone can give to me, thanks...
  8. Hello, I trying to create a system that gives the options to the player to buy on item shop for him self or other player. This is my code: But there is a problem, just the first item's select box is valid to all the itens If I select the first option on the first item I just can use that option for all the itens, the option select on the other item is ignored... Someone can help me? I don't now what I doing wrong... Thanks Kind regards, charparodar
  9. Someone can tell me how to unpack the metin2 pt client please? Thanks
  10. Where says Name server what IP should we put? Thanks
  11. Hello, I decompile the item proto from the normal 40k client, but when I try to pack the client doesn't read it... Some one nows how to pack the item proto for these new clients? Or someone nows what keys do I need to change in source to be like the old item proto? Thanks Kind Regards, charparodar
  12. Hello, Someone have the gr2 plugin to 3ds max 2013? Thanks, charparodar EDIT: Searching for the 2013 instead 2016, since doesn't exists, preferential granny 2.9...
  13. I have mysql 5.6 and the files are with 777 rights
  14. As BackPlayer said, you can use a Diff Patcher, I recommend this: [Hidden Content] Or you can do it manually with HxD, as I do, I don't like to use a diff patcher so I apply the diff manually...
  15. I said that because I thaught you where using the source, but if you don't you, yes, is on the version.txt file.
  16. Hello, Go game/src open Makefile, and search for SVN_VERSION, must be the number of the version.
  17. I don't use shell scripts with MySQL commands, that error just starts appearing when I start the server... By the way, I already executed that command, but I don't now where do I use that method...
  18. I already saw syslog, it says that I used the command level, but doesn't says nothing about a query, and I even tried to set level 120, but the same error...
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