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Everything posted by Karbust

  1. I think you need to edit the item.cpp or shop.CPP, I'm not completely sure...
  2. Thanks, I retired the refine reload, and now it starts!
  3. "The Art Of Getting By" "Final Destination 3"
  4. On db i just added the refine_proto reload function and the no txt function...
  5. I'm not a expert, just started today on source, but I had many times this error, but always worked everything... My db conf.txt: My db syserr: SYSERR: Jan 3 19:49:32 :: pid_init: Start of pid: 3367 SYSERR: Jan 3 19:49:32 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default SYSERR: Jan 3 19:49:35 :: Load: DirectQuery failed(SELECT login FROM block_exception) SYSERR: Jan 3 19:49:42 :: socket_accept: accept: Software caused connection abort (fd 19) SYSERR: Jan 3 19:49:44 :: hupsig: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM signal has been received. shutting down. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:49:44 :: hupsig: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM signal has been received. shutting down. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:49:45 :: pid_deinit: End of pid
  6. Thanks, I'm compiling the game to see if results... I have another question: My syserr from channels: SYSERR: Jan 3 19:22:39 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:22:42 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:22:45 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:22:48 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:22:51 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:22:54 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:22:57 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:23:00 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:23:03 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Jan 3 19:23:06 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. What this mean? Thanks
  7. Hi Someone can teach me how to disable the package load on source? I started today and I'm with problems with this... Thanks, King Regards
  8. I already added, but thanks anyway...
  9. Tanks to all Problem solved! Happy New Year to all the members and their families...
  10. My friend isn't working on source, is working with vanilla core 2.5...
  11. I think they was made by nizze... When I go to the computer I reupload...
  12. Hi If I'm right there it is the weapons: *this link isn't allowed here, reupload the content if you want to answer him* I hope this help you...
  13. Thanks Dave But has I said to you on private, on function give_dm (vouchers) who use is.execute I changed mysql to the complete directory, and worked by on the function mysql_query isn't working...
  14. Hi A friend of me asked if I now how to notice when a guild recuse a war, he said when transfered to the game 2089M this annoncement doesn't worked anymore, and now he want to implement it again... Game: 55k vanilla core Someone now how to do that? Thanks, King Regards
  15. That part is now working right, thanks! But the mysql_query function isn't working :S mysql_query = function(query) if not pre then local rt = io.open('CONFIG','r'):read('*all') pre,_= string.gsub(rt,'.+PLAYER_SQL:%s(%S+)%s(%S+)%s(%S+)%s(%S+).+','-h%1 -u%2 -p%3 -D%4') end math.randomseed(os.time()) local fi,t,out = 'mysql_data_'..math.random(10^9)+math.random(2^4,2^10),{},{} os.execute('mysql '..pre..' --e='..string.format('%q',query)..' > '..fi) -- für MySQL51 --os.execute('/usr/local/bin/mysql '..pre..' -e'..string.format('%q',query)..' > '..fi) -- für MySQL55 for av in io.open(fi,'r'):lines() do table.insert(t,split(av,'t')) end; os.remove(fi); for i = 2, table.getn(t) do table.foreach(t[i],function(a, out[i-1] = out[i-1] or {} out[i-1][a] = tonumber( or b or 'NULL' out[t[1][a]] = out[t[1][a]] or {} out[t[1][a]][i-1] = tonumber( or b or 'NULL' end) end return out end I have FreeBSD 8.2, I guess is MySQL 5.1, but I tried with the two and doesnt' work... My old mysql_query function: function mysql_query(query,user,pw,db,ip) -- Gibt ALLE Werte als STR zurück. local var = {} var.pre = '' if ip ~= nil then var.pre = var.pre..' -h'..ip end if user ~= nil then var.pre = var.pre..' -u'..user end if pw ~= nil then var.pre = var.pre..' -p'..pw end if db ~= nil then var.pre = var.pre..' -D'..db end var.scriptfile = 'sc_'..pc.get_name() var.outputfile = 'op_'..pc.get_name() query= string.gsub(query,'"',"'") var.str = "/usr/local/bin/mysql "..var.pre.." < "..var.scriptfile.." > "..var.outputfile script = io.open(var.scriptfile,"w") script:write(query) script:close() os.execute(var.str) local g = {} local f = io.open(var.outputfile) g.i = 0 g.li={} g.out= {} g.count = 0 for line in f:lines() do g.i = g.i+1 g.li[g.i] = line end -- TESTDEBUG if g.li[1] == nil then return "ERROR" end if string.len(g.li[1]) == 0 then return "ERROR" end -- TESTDEBUG ENDE -- Abfrage später : if out == "ERROR" then return end << Beispiel!! g.fields = split(g.li[1],' ') table.foreachi(g.fields, function(lb,ln) g.out[ln] = {} end) table.foreachi(g.li, function(ou1,ou2) if ou1 > 1 then local la = split(ou2,' ') g.count = g.count+1 table.foreachi(g.fields, function(lb,ln) g.out[ln][(ou1-1)] = la[lb] end) end end ) f:close() -- Alle Strings, die nur Zahlen beinhalten, in Zahlen umwandeln -- Zeigt gleichzeitig die Nutzungsmöglichkeit vom von mir modifizierten tonumber() table.foreach(g.out, function(i,l) table.foreach(l, function(i2,l2) local d,e = tonumber(l2) if e then g.out[i][i2] = d end end ) end ) g.out.__data = {} -- Zur Ausgabe Queryspezifischer Daten g.out.__data.fields = g.fields g.out.__data.lines = g.count g.out.__data.user = user g.out.__data.pass = pw g.out.__data.host = ip g.out.__data.db = db g.out.__data.query = query os.execute("rm "..var.scriptfile) os.execute("rm "..var.outputfile) return g.out end
  16. os.execute('/usr/local/bin/mysql '..pre..' -e'..string.format('%q',query)..' > '..fi) os.execute("/usr/local/bin/mysql -u mt2 --password='mt2!@#' account --execute='UPDATE account SET coins = coins + ".. mycash .." WHERE id = ".. pc.get_account_id() ..";'") like this?
  17. Thanks for share, I started using and its really good, but can you say how can I so to implement a internet window? (To show a page with notices and other things)
  18. Karbust


    Just to which a happy Christmas to all the members, with a lot of gifts and sweets!
  19. syserr db is clean mysql syserr: [Hidden Content] syserr channel1/core1 (where are the maps where I use the quests): lots of lines like those: [Hidden Content]
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