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Everything posted by Karbust

  1. This is the code I have on the test page: $sql = "INSERT INTO account_pvp.account (login, password, social_id, email, create_time, status, coins, ip_registo) VALUES ('" . $benutzername . "', PASSWORD('" . $passwort . "'), '" . $loeschcode . "', '" . $email . "', '" . $zeit . "', '" . $status . "', '" . $registercoins . "', '".$user_ip."')"; $qry = mysqli_query($sql, $con)or die('Erro: ' . mysqli_error()); But no error returns: I will try...
  2. If I run directly on navicat the record is created... Engine: MyISAM
  3. I ran this query: INSERT INTO account (login,password,real_name,email,social_id,question1,answer1,create_time,status,newsletter,coins,ip_registo,web_aktiviert) VALUES ('contateste',PASSWORD('testesenha'),'teste','[email protected]',1234567,1,'awnser','0000-00-00 00:00:00','BLOCK','1','0','','codigoativacao'); Is the website query to create accounts... I ran this query on navicat and no error... Affected rows: 1 Time: 0.077s
  4. Do you want to increase the time to revive "here" just on one map? If so I think that you can do something like this: if (iTimeToDead > 170) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("¾ÆÁ÷ Àç½ÃÀÛ ÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù. (%dÃÊ ³²À½)"), iTimeToDead - 170); return; } if(ch->GetMapIndex() == 1) { if (iTimeToDead > 130) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("¾ÆÁ÷ Àç½ÃÀÛ ÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù. (%dÃÊ ³²À½)"), iTimeToDead - 170); return; } } I hope I could help...
  5. No errors are shown on /var/db/mysql/<hostname>.err... Neither on error_log from the webserver and syserr from the game... :S
  6. Thank you very much!! We can use our own makepack.exe?
  7. Hello guys Since I moved to the server for a VPS bought in Eterhost that my database does not work well ... On the site, when trying to register, you can not always say that the account already exists (error adding the query), the server itself has errors and sometimes lost items due to the server can not save the database, the site can not do the SELECT and this return correct without errors ... This happens since I moved to the VPS, there everything worked well in Virtual Box ... Users of the site and play, have the maximum permissions, has no N, have all selected the Y ... Does anyone know what's going on? I need to solve this fast ... Thank you
  8. What is the type, subtype and those things for mysql? Thanks
  9. Hello, I have a couple questions on source, if someone knows, I would appreciate... -What's the name of the function that sends private messages -What's the name of the function that manage the opening of stores -What's the name of the function that manages the opening of stores -What's the name of the function that manages the pkmode Thanks in advance... Kind Regards, charparodar
  10. I'm using Virtual Box, I already made a lot of reboots, also I already restarted the computer, portmap, everything, but keeps happening... Now I guess is not happening much, maybe two or three times a day..
  11. I'm going to test... For log, common and player is the same way? CommonDB, LogDB and PlayerDB? Thanks
  12. Hello, I'm editing some things in source, some use a command like this: DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("UPDATE account.account SET status= 'BLOCK' WHERE id = %d", ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id) Where is account.account how can I set to detect the database in use? I have to accounts db, one for my pvm called account and another for my pvp called account_pvp, how can I do? Thanks
  13. I only have two games running (channel1 (only have 1 core) and game99 (only have 1 core)) and the auth... I even stoped my pvm server, but the problem stills happening... Before I had the pvm server (with 5 cores on channel1 and game99) and the test sv (with 5 cores on channel1 and game99) and this problem never happened... This only happens from time to time, in a day the server can stop multiply times with this error, but I can restart he server and it cames back online...
  14. Hello, On my pvp server I'm always getting this shit error, and the server is going down all the time, and I don't now why... I use game 2089M SYSERR: Apr 28 21:45:23 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:45:28 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:45:33 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:45:38 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:45:43 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:45:48 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:45:53 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:45:58 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:46:04 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:46:09 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:46:14 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:46:19 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:46:24 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:46:29 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:46:34 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:46:39 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:46:44 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:46:49 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use SYSERR: Apr 28 21:47:01 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use What can I do? I doing the things like this tutorial: [Hidden Content] Thanks
  15. Hello, My server is starting needing a dedicated server for the players... I'm using 2089M game, and I'm wondering if it can run in FreeBSD 9.2 x64bits, or its just x32bits? Thanks
  16. Yes Now that I use that quest (was using function) just bugs on lvl 1 char's login...
  17. I don't now how to do that, but if I knew, I would give the same reply as PACI... We don't now if that is true... You have 4 posts, 3 on this topic...
  18. So you can simple create a new password hash and forget that one...
  19. This is my function, actually created be you that hás worked on another server I had... quest lvl begin state start begin when login begin while pc.get_level() < 120 do pc.give_exp2(pc.get_next_exp()) end end end end I guess is this, I'm writting on my mobile The pc.changegold() is on the give_basic_weapon quest and the other pc.give_exp2() is on a simples when kill with npc.is_pc() begin....
  20. I'm already trying to do that, thanks... By the way, whats the difference between pc.give_exp() and pc.give_exp2()? If I use pc.give_exp2() on my server to give level when login, the server crashs and generates a syslog file with over 4 million lines with the same text Apr 19 21:38:59 :: QUEST [REWARD] charparodar give exp2 2100000000 What can I do? If I use pc.give_exp() I don't receive nothing... EDIT: The same is happening with pc.changegold() on login... This is like entering in an infinite loop until server crashs...
  21. But with when login statement I can't set this automatically, I wanted the boss to respawn in one of the 3 cities on the coordinates selected from an array every 8h...
  22. Hello, Someone knows how to spawn a mob on map via quest? I want to do event to spawn a boss on a random city on pre defined coordinates but I don't now a function that can spawn on map with map index... I'm not using source or 40k game... Thanks in advance
  23. Already tried, but even I wasn't successfull thats not kind what I'm looking for... But thanks for the sujestion... I will see what can I do, I will have to learn C#... Thanks for the sujestion...
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