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Everything posted by Karbust

  1. How can I do that? I will change, but not at the moment... It's working? Thanks for all the answers
  2. I know it's not possible to hide the ip, since every process connected to the outside is registed on the computer, but while I don't encrypt my client I wanted to make this a little difficult for amateurs, 'cause some kids just know how to unpack the root and see the IP on serverinfo...
  3. Hello, I would like to remove the serverinfo.py from my client, by defining everything on the client source, or at least the server ports and ip's. Anyone can tell me how to do it? Thanks
  4. I use the same dump proto since I started to "play" with the source, I didn't knew how to build the item proto so I used the one from the ymir source on vs 2010, I had this problem some time ago, but I can't remember what I did to correct this... EDIT: I used the same item proto but from another client that is working, and the one that I'm using says the same error...
  5. Hello metin2dev I'm having this problem, after I open log in, the client abort, this is the error: 1001 10:11:08935 :: ## Network - Select Phase ## 1001 10:11:08938 :: 1001 10:11:09158 :: SYSERR: CPythonItem::LoadItemTable: invalid item_proto[locale/pt/lista_itens] STRIDE[220] != sizeof(SItemTable)[168] 1001 10:11:09161 :: SYSERR: LoadLocaleData - LoadItemProto Error 1001 10:11:09162 :: importing from pack introSelect 1001 10:11:09167 :: importing from lib math 1001 10:11:09169 :: importing from pack uiMapNameShower 1001 10:11:09171 :: importing from pack uiAffectShower 1001 10:11:09176 :: importing from pack uiToolTip 1001 10:11:09191 :: importing from pack uiPlayerGauge 1001 10:11:09194 :: importing from pack uiCharacter 1001 10:11:09202 :: importing from pack uiTarget 1001 10:11:09206 :: importing from pack consoleModule 1001 10:11:09212 :: importing from pack interfaceModule 1001 10:11:09222 :: importing from pack uiTaskBar 1001 10:11:09229 :: importing from pack uiInventory 1001 10:11:09238 :: importing from pack uiRefine 1001 10:11:09242 :: importing from pack uiAttachMetin 1001 10:11:09244 :: importing from pack uiPickMoney 1001 10:11:09246 :: importing from pack uiPrivateShopBuilder 1001 10:11:09249 :: importing from pack uiDragonSoul 1001 10:11:09258 :: importing from pack uiChat 1001 10:11:09265 :: importing from pack colorInfo 1001 10:11:09267 :: importing from pack uiMessenger 1001 10:11:09272 :: importing from pack uiGameOption 1001 10:11:09276 :: importing from pack uiHelp 1001 10:11:09278 :: importing from pack uiWhisper 1001 10:11:09281 :: importing from pack uiPointReset 1001 10:11:09282 :: importing from pack uiShop 1001 10:11:09285 :: importing from pack uiExchange 1001 10:11:09287 :: importing from pack uiSystem 1001 10:11:09289 :: importing from pack uiOption 1001 10:11:09292 :: importing from pack uiSystemOption 1001 10:11:09295 :: importing from pack uiSelectMusic 1001 10:11:09297 :: importing from pack uiRestart 1001 10:11:09298 :: importing from pack uiMiniMap 1001 10:11:09302 :: importing from pack uiParty 1001 10:11:09307 :: importing from pack uiSafebox 1001 10:11:09312 :: importing from pack uiGuild 1001 10:11:09329 :: importing from pack uiUploadMark 1001 10:11:09333 :: importing from pack uiQuest 1001 10:11:09339 :: importing from pack uiEquipmentDialog 1001 10:11:09341 :: importing from pack uiGameButton 1001 10:11:09343 :: importing from pack uiTip 1001 10:11:09345 :: importing from pack uiCube 1001 10:11:09350 :: importing from pack uiSelectItem 1001 10:11:09352 :: importing from pack uiCards 1001 10:11:09355 :: importing from pack uiAttrDialog 1001 10:11:09359 :: importing from pack uiinventory What can I do? Thanks
  6. Ok, thanks anyway, at least know I can export Import just need to convert
  7. What I really want is to open the gr2 filé directly on 3ds max... I already have a converter gr2 no obj, but every file I want to open I need to convert...
  8. The plugin that z35 published is working, but just for exporting... There's any plugin for importing without having to convert to obj? Thanks
  9. Do I just need to execute? Or what do I need to do? EDIT: Working, just need to execute... Thanks Just exists only the exporter? There's no importer for 2013 version?
  10. In what folder do I put the dlo files?? What is the function of the exe?? Thanks for your anwser...
  11. As much as I can remember, when you leave a war you go back to the place you were... At least on game 2089M was this way, I didn't play on servers with this game yet, and I didn't test the wars on my serverfiles... Thanks
  12. Hello, I was looking at start_position.cpp and I saw 2 things that I don't know the difference... What is the difference between DWORD g_start_position[4][2] and DWORD g_create_position[4][2] ? And what long g_start_map[4] does? Thanks
  13. New link for the original file: [Hidden Content] Link with the textures corrected (path monster2) (textures inside the mob folder): [Hidden Content] (Granny 2.9 needed, tested with 2.4 not working, client crash)
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