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Everything posted by Chun-Chun

  1. I can't find that. Mine is full of crap, like: =Þ0=­q<.=¶ÁØ0˜q•3Oëú©.¦.S!.3Û;ËÀ?ä©%.;ˈ^.‰^.Ìû_ .‘£Èß|.£Ì.Ћ.Ž
  2. Hello devs. I'm not that good when it's coming to clients, so i need your help with something. Can someone tell me how can i get out of the client the energy bar thing and the costumes button from the invetory? And also, how can i make the hairstyle to be like in 2009, or so. I mean without the new system Thanks !
  3. syslog is empty. syserr shows: SYSERR: Apr 9 19:56:56 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Apr 9 19:56:59 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. SYSERR: Apr 12 03:02:03 :: heart_idle: losing 33 seconds. (lag occured) SYSERR: Apr 12 03:05:11 :: heart_idle: losing 158 seconds. (lag occured) SYSERR: Apr 12 03:09:08 :: heart_idle: losing 207 seconds. (lag occured) SYSERR: Apr 12 07:38:09 :: ChildLoop: MySQL connection was reconnected. querying locale set SYSERR: Apr 12 08:48:25 :: DirectQuery: MySQL connection was reconnected. querying locale set it's doing the same thing with everyclient i try to conect with.
  4. Well that's defintly better than what i used until now Going to test it now, look really good:D
  5. Hei guys. I wanted to make a 2011 lookalike metin2 server, so i used the 2089 game and 2011 metin2sg client provided by shogun. But i have a problem. I can't conect into the game. When i enter a wrong acount it says it's wrong, but when i enter a good one it gives me the error thing. The server is up and running and syserr is clean. Can't figure out what the problem is. serverinfo.py: import locale def BuildServerList(orderList): retMarkAddrDict = {} retAuthAddrDict = {} retRegion0 = {} ridx = 1 for region, auth, mark, channels in orderList: cidx = 1 channelDict = {} for channel in channels: key = ridx * 10 + cidx channel['key'] = key channelDict[cidx] = channel cidx += 1 region['channel'] = channelDict retRegion0[ridx] = region retAuthAddrDict[ridx] = auth retMarkAddrDict[ridx*10] = mark ridx += 1 return retRegion0, retAuthAddrDict, retMarkAddrDict if locale.IsEUROPE(): STATE_NONE = '...' STATE_DICT = { 0 : '....', 1 : 'NORM', 2 : 'BUSY', 3 : 'FULL', } CHANNELS1 = [ {'name':'CH1','ip':'89.**.14.67','tcp_port':13001,'udp_port':13001,'state':STATE_NONE,}, {'name':'CH2','ip':'89.**.14.67','tcp_port':13002,'udp_port':13002,'state':STATE_NONE,}, {'name':'CH3','ip':'89.**.14.67','tcp_port':13003,'udp_port':13003,'state':STATE_NONE,}, ] MARK1 = { 'ip' : '89.**.14.67', 'tcp_port' : 13000, 'mark' : '120.tga', 'symbol_path' : '120', } AUTH1 = {'ip':'89.**.14.67','port':11002, } NAME1 = { 'name' : 'xD'} REGION0_ORDER_LIST = [ (NAME1, AUTH1, MARK1, CHANNELS1), ] NEW_REGION0, NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, NEW_MARKADDR_DICT = BuildServerList(REGION0_ORDER_LIST) # RESULT NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT = {0 : 'POLAND',} NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = {0 : NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT,} NEW_REGION_DICT = {0 : NEW_REGION0,} MARKADDR_DICT = NEW_MARKADDR_DICT REGION_DICT = NEW_REGION_DICT REGION_NAME_DICT = NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT TESTADDR = { 'ip' : '89.**.14.67', 'tcp_port' : 50000, 'udp_port' : 50000, } channel 1 config: HOSTNAME: channel1 CHANNEL: 1 PORT: 13001 P2P_PORT: 14001 DB_PORT: 15000 DB_ADDR: localhost
  6. magic stone = a bless that when upgrading, even if you fail, the item will remain the same. ( ex: bsa +7 upgradingit with magic stone, you fail, and the bsa is still + 7 ). It looks like a black stone
  7. He means the thing from yu-hawn. The one with 4 arenas for dueling, that you use for pvp events . And i think he wants it for 34k. I've tried in the past to make it work, but it was no succes .
  8. I've just finished the 1st book but I really enjoyed it. Maybe it was a bit too long. I read it in pdf format, it was about 500 pages, but I think it was at least 1000 pages by the spread of a page. Anyway, I'll read the other 4 too, after I finished Dan Brown's Inferno The first book has 800 or so pages. The second one 900. The third has 1000. The fourth 1200 if i'm not mistaken . You should buy them. It's a lot better than reading them on .pdf. I like R.R. books mostly beacuse of his detalied description in everthing, but also his intrigue is awesome. It's easy to imagine things while reading it
  9. I'm curently reading the books, and maybe after that i'll watch the Tv series. It's an awesome fantasy novel. Too bad i'm a lazy fart and it takes me forever to motivate myself to take the book in my hands:)). After i take it, i can't let it down for about 6h And by the way, the actress that plays Sansa is hot
  10. Or you can make a quest, that teleports the player somewhere else on his first login. Or you can place some portals at the start coordinates that teleports the player to another place.
  11. Ok, so i used this tutorial to compile the metin2 source on freebsd: [Hidden Content]. But i have one little problem. I want to compile the mainline, but the mainline dosen't have the .a files from lib*** . Novaline has them, but with novaline i get all kinds of bugs. How should i compile mainline? Should i use the novaline .a files? Should i compile it without those files? Thanks!
  12. Why adapt metin2 to another engine? It would be more easier to remake it from 0 on another engine. But you need quite some money and good programing skills. It has already been done on hero engine by magictomaster dev. team.
  13. Dont use anymore /shutdown.... I stopeed using it ages ago, because it's 80% chance that some players would lose some items/lvl, etc. ( Not sure if it's a bug that can be solved, but i never searched for a way to fix it if i can shut it down from the console). Shut down the server from the console. It's not that hard .
  14. The one i liked the best was Assassin's Creed Revelations. I've payed all of them, but revlation and 2 were the best. The last one was shitty, can't really point why, even if it had those amazing graphics And ofc, i like the singleplayer thing more then the multi
  15. The game isn't avaliable for ps3 or 4? Just xbox?
  16. while looking for yours i found some other mushrooms but i have found the ones you are looking for too. They are inside some map, but i think you can unpack it [Hidden Content] and [Hidden Content]
  17. Use a quest for it, and the type of the box should be 18 if i remember corectly. quest levelup_boxes begin state start begin when login begin pc.give_item2(50187) set_state(run) end end state run begin when 50187.use or 50188.use or 50189.use or 50190.use or 50191.use or 50192.use or 50193.use or 50194.use or 50195.use or 50196.use or 50212.use or 50213.use begin local weapon = 10 if pc.job == 3 then weapon = 7000 elseif pc.job == 1 then weapon = 1000 end local box_num = item.vnum-50186 local rewards = { {1,6,50188,1,weapon,1,76004,1,76021,1,76012,20,76018,20}, {10,5,50189,1,76007,5,76011,1,76003,10,76006,1}, {20,5,50190,1,76005,1,76022,1,76000,200,76008,10}, {30,5,50191,1,76013,200,76014,200,76015,1,71107,1}, {40,5,50192,1,72724,1,72728,1,76020,20,71081,5}, {50,5,50193,1,71020,10,27987,10,72725,1,72729,1}, {60,5,50194,1,50513,30,27992,1,27993,1,27994,1}, {70,5,50195,1,72726,1,72730,1,71161,1,50135,1}, {80,5,50196,1,71043,1,71082,10,71017,1,30319,5}, {90,4,50212,1,70004,1,38050,1,76000,200}, {100,4,50213,1,71153,1,38055,1,70056,200}, {105,3,71148,1,71149,1,70056,200}, } if rewards[box_num][1] == nil then syschat("The seal on this chest is too strong. No matter what you do, it won't budge.") elseif pc.get_level() < rewards[box_num][1] then syschat("Your Level does not suffice to open this box.") elseif pc.get_empty_inventory_count() < rewards[box_num][2] then syschat("You do not have enough free inventory space to open this box.") else for i = 1,rewards[box_num][2],1 do pc.give_item2(rewards[box_num][3+2*(i-1)],rewards[box_num][4+2*(i-1)]) end item.remove() end end end end
  18. Chun-Chun

    Hunter Girl

    Just one word: sexy <3
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