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Everything posted by Chun-Chun

  1. Stark , if was realy selling unbugged serverfiles , i wouldnt really sell them for "25" so i guess they do have buggs. i ve unbugged we have unbugged almost everything in our 40k with my team its SOOOOOOOOOO exhausting and nerve breaking xD so i would never sell them for 30$ fully unbugged. They are old files. If i would sell them for more, no one would buy them I spent 2 months on fixing them, so.... I've got my 40k files too, and i could sell those too, for 100 euros or so, but they are not fully unbuaged, and as they are not, i don't want to fool anyone
  2. Well, i know this dosen't exactly help you, but i have an english server files, on 34k, completly unbugged ( as far as i know ), with drops and such things that mach the oficial server perfectly, because i made them acordingly to wiki. I sell the files with their own client and all for 25 euros via paypal if you're interested. I used this server files for my own server some time ago, and i had 200-300 online. Or, you could just use a clean version for 34k, but you'll have to fix some bugs. 90% of the free files are bugged, or have a problem, that's why they are free. So make your own files, or buy something that is to your liking.
  3. The game is nice, but i don't realy like the crowd control abilites. You have to kill 1 monster at a time, because it's too much of a hassle to make a huge crowd. ( mobs aren't close to each other). Also the game dosen't has "open mob tagging" but "closed mob tagging", meaning you can't join/ks a players mob and expect to get any drop. The first person that hits the mob gets the drop, which is not that good, in my opinion and others too. I think they drifted to far away from the korean version with some changes, but anyway, it's a good game
  4. quest deviltower_zone begin state start begin when login begin if pc.get_map_index() == 66 then if pc.get_x() < 2048+88 or pc.get_y() < 6656+577 or pc.get_x() > 2048+236 or pc.get_y() > 6656+737 then pc.warp((5376+532)*100, (512+596+4)*100, 65) end pc.set_warp_location(65, 5376+532, 512+596+4) elseif pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 then pc.set_warp_location(65, 5376+532, 512+596+4) end end when logout begin pc.remove_item(30300, pc.count_item(30300)) pc.remove_item(30301, pc.count_item(30301)) pc.remove_item(30302, pc.count_item(30302)) end when deviltower_man.chat.locale.deviltower_man_chat begin say_title("Wächter des Dämonturmes") if pc . get_level ( ) < 40 then say("Du hast noch nicht genügend Erfahrung gesammelt.") say("Komme wieder, wenn du Level 40 bist!") return end say("Möchtest du den Daemonenturm betreten?") local s = select ("Betreten", "Abbrechen") if s == 1 then pc.warp (216500, 727000) end end when kill begin if npc.get_race() == 8015 then timer("devil_stone1_1", 6) end end when devil_stone1_1.timer begin d.new_jump_all(66, special.devil_tower[1][1], special.devil_tower[1][2]) d.regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower2_regen.txt") d.set_warp_at_eliminate(4, d.get_map_index(), special.devil_tower[2][1], special.devil_tower[2][2], "data/dungeon/deviltower3_regen.txt") end when kill begin if npc.get_race() == 1091 then d.set_warp_at_eliminate(4, d.get_map_index(), special.devil_tower[3][1], special.devil_tower[3][2], "data/dungeon/deviltower4_regen.txt") d.check_eliminated() end end function get_4floor_stone_pos() local positions = { {368, 629}, {419, 630}, {428, 653}, {422, 679}, {395, 689}, {369, 679}, {361, 658}, } for i = 1, 6 do local j = number(i, 7) if i != j then local t = positions[i]; positions[i] = positions[j]; positions[j] = t; end end return positions end when kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin if npc.get_race() == 8016 then d.setf("level", 4) local positions = deviltower_zone.get_4floor_stone_pos() for i = 1, 6 do chat(positions[i][1], positions[i][2]) d.set_unique("fake" .. i , d.spawn_mob(8017, positions[i][1], positions[i][2])) end chat(positions[7][1], positions[7][2]) local vid = d.spawn_mob(8017, positions[7][1], positions[7][2]) chat(vid) d.set_unique("real", vid) server_loop_timer('devil_stone4_update', 10, pc.get_map_index()) server_timer('devil_stone4_fail1', 5*60, pc.get_map_index()) d.notice("Findet den richtigen Metinstein und zerstört ihn.") d.notice("Die falschen Metinsteine werden verschwinden!") d.notice("Ihr habt 15 Minuten zeit!") end end when devil_stone4_fail1.server_timer with d.getf("level") == 4 begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Verbleibende Zeit: 10 Minuten") server_timer('devil_stone4_fail2', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone4_fail2.server_timer with d.getf("level") == 4 begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Verbleibende Zeit: 5 Minuten") server_timer('devil_stone4_fail', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone4_fail.server_timer with d.getf("level") == 4 begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Die Zeit ist abgelaufen") d.notice("Ihr werdet nun nach draußen teleportiert") d.exit_all() clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_update', get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone4_update.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then if not d.is_unique_dead("real") then for i = 1, 6 do if d.getf("fakedead" .. i) == 0 then if d.unique_get_hp_perc("fake" .. i) < 50 then d.purge_unique("fake" .. i) d.setf("fakedead" .. i, 1) d.notice("Die falschen Metinsteine verschwinden.."); end end end else server_timer("devil_stone4_end", 5, get_server_timer_arg()) d.notice("Ihr habt den richtigen Metinstein zerstört.") d.notice("Ihr werdet nun in die nächste Etage teleportiert") clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_fail1', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_fail2', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_fail', get_server_timer_arg()) end else server_timer('devil_stone4_stop_timer', 1, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone4_stop_timer.server_timer begin clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_update', get_server_timer_arg()) end when devil_stone4_end.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_update', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_fail1', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_fail2', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_fail', get_server_timer_arg()) d.setf("level", 5) d.setf("stone_count", 5) d.notice("Du bist nun in der 5. Ebene") d.notice("Öffne alle Alten Siegel um in die nächste Ebene zu gelangen.") d.notice("Du hast 20 Minuten Zeit um alle Siegel zu öffnen.") d.jump_all(special.devil_tower[4][1], special.devil_tower[4][2]) server_timer('devil_stone5_fail1', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_update', get_server_timer_arg()) d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower5_regen.txt") d.spawn_mob(20073, 421, 452) d.spawn_mob(20073, 380, 460) d.spawn_mob(20073, 428, 414) d.spawn_mob(20073, 398, 392) d.spawn_mob(20073, 359, 426) end end when devil_stone5_fail1.server_timer with d.getf("level") == 5 begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Verbleibende Zeit: 15 Minuten") server_timer('devil_stone5_fail2', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone5_fail2.server_timer with d.getf("level") == 5 begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Verbleibende Zeit: 10 Minuten") server_timer('devil_stone5_fail3', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone5_fail3.server_timer with d.getf("level") == 5 begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Verbleibende Zeit: 5 Minuten") server_timer('devil_stone5_fail', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone5_fail.server_timer with d.getf("level") == 5 begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Die Zeit ist abgelaufen") d.notice("Ihr werdet nun nach draußen teleportiert") d.exit_all() end end when kill with npc.get_race() == 1062 and pc.in_dungeon() and d.getf("level") == 5 begin local KILL_COUNT_FOR_DROP_KEY = 50 local n =d.getf("count") + 1 d.setf("count", n) if n == KILL_COUNT_FOR_DROP_KEY then game.drop_item(50084, 1) d.setf("count", 0) end end when devil_stone5.take with item.vnum == 50084 begin npc.purge() item.remove() d.setf("stone_count", d.getf("stone_count") - 1) if d.getf("stone_count") <= 0 then clear_server_timer('devil_stone5_fail1', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone5_fail2', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone5_fail3', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone5_fail', get_server_timer_arg()) d.notice("Ihr habt alle alten Siegel geöffnet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!") d.notice("Als Belohnung erhaltet ihr einen besonderen Schmied!") d.kill_all() d.check_eliminated() local reward_alchemist = {20074, 20075, 20076} d.spawn_mob(reward_alchemist[number(1,3)], 383, 462); d.setqf("can_refine", 1) else d.notice("Es verbleibt eine Anzahl von "..d.getf("stone_count").." Siegeln") end end when 20074.chat."Die höheren Etagen.." with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 and npc.lock() begin say_title(mob_name(20074)) say("Ihr möchtet in die 7.Etage?") say("Ihr haben Glück! Heute erlaube ich es ihnen vielleicht!") say("Aber voher muss ich euch noch prüfen..") say("Mal sehen..") wait() say_title(mob_name(20074)) if pc.level >=75 then say(""..mob_name(20074)..":") say("Ich erlaube euch weiterzugehen!") say("Viel Glück und passt auf euch auf da oben!") npc.unlock() d.purge() wait() d.clear_regen() d.spawn_mob(8018, 639, 658) d.spawn_mob(8018, 611, 637) d.spawn_mob(8018, 596, 674) d.spawn_mob(8018, 629, 670) d.setf("level", 7) d.jump_all(2048+590, 6656+638) return end say_reward("Betreten der 7.Etage nicht erlaubt!") say("Ihr seid nicht qualifiziert genug!") say("Erreicht Level 75 oder höher,") say("damit ihr eure Fertigkeiten steigern könnt") say("und kommt dann wieder!") wait() pc.warp(590500, 110500) return end when 20075.chat."Die höheren Etagen.." with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 and npc.lock() begin say_title(mob_name(20075)) say("Ihr möchtet in die 7.Etage?") say("Ihr haben Glück! Heute erlaube ich es ihnen vielleicht!") say("Aber voher muss ich euch noch prüfen..") say("Mal sehen..") wait() say_title(mob_name(20075)) if pc.level >=75 then say("Ich erlaube euch weiterzugehen!") say("Viel Glück und passt auf euch auf da oben!") npc.unlock() d.purge() wait() d.clear_regen() d.spawn_mob(8018, 639, 658) d.spawn_mob(8018, 611, 637) d.spawn_mob(8018, 596, 674) d.spawn_mob(8018, 629, 670) d.setf("level", 7) d.jump_all(2048+590, 6656+638) return end say_reward("Betreten der 7.Etage nicht erlaubt!") say("Ihr seid nicht qualifiziert genug!") say("Erreicht Level 75 oder höher,") say("damit ihr eure Fertigkeiten steigern könnt") say("und kommt dann wieder!") wait() pc.warp(590500, 110500) return end when 20076.chat."Die höheren Etagen.." with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 and npc.lock() begin say_title(mob_name(20076)) say("Ihr möchtet in die 7.Etage?") say("Ihr haben Glück! Heute erlaube ich es ihnen vielleicht!") say("Aber voher muss ich euch noch prüfen..") say("Mal sehen..") wait() say_title(mob_name(20076)) if pc.level >=75 then say("Ich erlaube euch weiterzugehen!") say("Viel Glück und passt auf euch auf da oben!") npc.unlock() d.purge() wait() d.clear_regen() d.spawn_mob(8018, 639, 658) d.spawn_mob(8018, 611, 637) d.spawn_mob(8018, 596, 674) d.spawn_mob(8018, 629, 670) d.setf("level", 7) d.jump_all(2048+590, 6656+638) return end say_reward("Betreten der 7.Etage nicht erlaubt!") say("Ihr seid nicht qualifiziert genug!") say("Erreicht LvL 75 oder höher,") say("damit ihr eure Fertigkeiten steigern könnt") say("und kommt dann wieder!") wait() pc.warp(590500, 110500) return end when devil_jump_7.timer begin end when kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin if npc.get_race() == 8018 then local cont = d.getf("7_stone_kill") + 1 d.setf("7_stone_kill", cont) if cont >= 4 then d.setf("7_stone_kill", 0) d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower7_regen.txt") end end end when kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin if npc.get_race() == 8019 then game.drop_item(30300, 1) end end when 30300.use with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin pc.remove_item("30300", 1) local pct = number(1,10) if pct == 1 then game.drop_item(30302, 1) d.clear_regen() else game.drop_item(30301, 1) end end when 30302.use with pc.in_dungeon() and d.getf( "level" ) == 7 and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin -- 8ÃþÀ¸·Î ¿öÇÁ if d.getf( "level" ) != 7 then pc.remove_item( "30302", 1) return end say_title("Karte") say("Die Karte wird euch alle in die nächste Ebene") say("des Dämonenturms bringen.") pc.remove_item("30302", 1) timer("devil_jump_8", 6) d.setf("level", 8) d.clear_regen() end -------------------------------------------- -- 8Ãþ ÁøÀÔºÎÅÍ 9Ãþ ±îÁö -------------------------------------------- when devil_jump_8.timer begin d.jump_all(2048+590, 6656+403) d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower8_regen.txt") d.spawn_mob(20366, 640, 460) local _count= pc.count_item(30302)-- Áø »ç±ÍŸ¿ö Áö¿ì±â pc.remove_item(30302,_count) end when kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin if npc.get_race() == 1040 then local pct1 = number(1, 5) if pct1 == 1 and d.getf("level") == 8 then local pct2 = number(1, 10) if pct2 == 1 then -- ÁøÂ¥ ¿*¼è µå·Ó game.drop_item(30304, 1) else -- °¡Â¥ ¿*¼è µå·Ó game.drop_item(30303, 1) end else return end end end when 20366.take with item.vnum == 30304 begin -- ºÀÀÎ ÇØü 9Ãþ ¤¡¤¡ npc.purge() item.remove() timer("devil_jump_9", 6) end --------------------------------------------- -- 9Ãþ ÁøÀÔºÎÅÍ ¿Ï·á±îÁö --------------------------------------------- when devil_jump_9.timer begin d.setf("level", 9) d.jump_all(2048+590, 6656+155) d.regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower9_regen.txt") end when kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin if npc.get_race() == 1093 then d.kill_all() timer("devil_end_jump", 60) end end when devil_end_jump.timer begin d.exit_all() end end end This one should work. Good luck
  5. Good news for all Western Black Desert Fans. Daum, the Korean Publisher of Black Desert will expand to the Western Market and open a new Office in the West. Pearl Abyss also announced the Date for the 3rd Closed Beta, which is scheduled for late August/early September. This information are confirmed, so they are true. The game might come for NA/EU with no localization of the game, like it did in Russia, meaning the game won't suffer any changes, and it will stay just like the korean version, but translated. The russian publisher is GameNet.ru. The black deserts russian oficial page is here: http://blackdesert.ru/ More information are coming soon. https://www.facebook.com/BlackDesertOnline?fref=ts
  6. And again, i can't aford to let it be, if it gets this big. And dosen't seem to record anything useful. It's just records when people change bonuses on items.... and they change a LOT of bonuses....
  7. You can also use the 'old' way, with a quest: quest hp_bug_fix begin state start begin when login begin affect.add_collect(apply.HP_REGEN, 500000, 5) affect.add_collect(apply.SP_REGEN, 500000, 5) end end end
  8. @xDeStRuCtx: I use game_vanilla_r55170_2_inv, so it won't work for me. Thanks anyway. @Shogun: I know it's a bad idea, but i have a small vds and i can't afford to check it everyday. As for my syserr i only get something with header and something with pet, cannot find motion, or something... I'll fix the pet thing some other time. Up, still unsolved. If anyone needs the download link for r55170 pm me.
  9. Is there anyway to disable syslog? I want to disable it because it records every thing. In 48 hours of running with 100 online players it becomes 400 mb big. I know that for the old revs ( 2089, 34k ) you were able to do it with a dif file. Can't find any for 40k. And the problem is that i use vanilla core. Would a dif file for 40k work on vanilla? Thanks!
  10. So let me see if i understood you right: You want a sf with a full translate.lua in english, and unbuged, and clasic. Should i give you some money too? To pay the translator eventually.... Dude, no one will give you his work for free... Compile your own game, or use a alredy commpiled one, with GF quests, and translate by yourself the translate.lua file. You won't get a more classic sf than that. Good luck.
  11. Here's a diff file for global chat for 34k rev file. This difference file has been created by TheGame game 000FBE8D: 0F E9 000FBE8E: 84 01 000FBE8F: 05 00 000FBE90: 01 00 000FBFB2: 97 00 000FBFB3: 7D 00 000FBFB4: 0E 00 000FD92C: 74 EB 0010133B: 74 EB 002E24CC: 74 90 002E24CD: CF 90
  12. Is there any way to distinguis which is which? Or are all of them from the biologist? If i empty that table, what would happen in the worst case? And is this all i have to do? nothig to do with player -> quest ? Thanks!
  13. Is there any way to delete the quests from the biologist and the rewards that were given to players by the quests ( like 10% movement speed, and etc )? What i mean with "delete" it's to make it so the characters would look like they didn't make that quests. Is it from player/quest ( in mysql )? Thanks.
  14. @Ellie, i get: Calls undeclared function: pc.block_exp and pc.unblock_exp. And i've added them in quest functions. I use vanilla core 2.4.1 EDIT: forgot to delete the "()"
  15. The perks of being a wallflower - really nice drama. Didn't expect to enjoy it so much. @Sanchez: I'll try Sabotage too
  16. Guys, you need to put the video into a spoiler.
  17. Transcendence: Really nice movie. It's perfect if you're into SF.
  18. Guys, does anyone know a reason for the cores shutting themselves down? They shut down no matter what game i use. ( even if it's compiled by me, even if it's one already compiled, even if it's vanilla, it's the same ). I've tried removeing some quests that use timers, but nothing changes. That's the syserr while using vanilla core, but it's the same with all games. Thanks for help
  19. when kill with npc.get_race() == 8031 or kill with npc.get_race() == 8032 or kill with npc.get_race() == 8033 or kill with npc.get_race() == 8034 begin All i did was changing the npc.kill to kill with npc.get_race(). I get the next error: syntax error: 'then' expected near 'with' I'm noob when it comeing to quests, sorry if it's a stupid question. Thanks.
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