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Everything posted by Chun-Chun

  1. type 28, subtype 1, antiflag 106882 for women and 106881 for men, flag 0, wearflag 0 , for hairstyles. On 34k clean sf, they are working just fine.
  2. He looks really awesome. But your maps are even more beautiful
  3. Some of the hosts already offer you a preinstaled serverfiles included in their pirce. ( only optional ). In my country a basic plan like yours with a preinstalated serverfiles is about 40-50 euros. Not really sure what patch server is, if it's for autopach :? my host offers it for 50 euros, no aditional cost for it. If it's not what i think it is, sorry . There is already a host with the same name :? [Hidden Content]
  4. If i am not mistaken I think he used the maid costume.
  5. Thanks Vanilla. Really useful and completly new for me
  6. Try with the skills at M1. Also check in skill_proto if they have any dmg Worked for me with 34k files.
  7. Because it's for 40k ? If you have a version for 36k game file, then give it to me )
  8. Yes, i have those funtions. I use them for dragon room too. And yes, i am in a party. But with party, or without party, it's the same :? I use 34k files. Any other ideeas? Did someone tested the quest before? Ty!
  9. I don't like how that 0.00% is positonated . But anyway, awesome design
  10. Well i chose "Deiner Gruppe wieder beitreten" and then nothing happens. Same with GM: Flame_Dungeon duration . Syserr is clean. Any ideea?
  11. Did that. Stil, won't work. No more core_dumped. But when i click the npc nothing happens?
  12. It's not black. If you look closley you see some mountains or something, but it's too dark. It looks good. You should enlighten the background ( make it brighter ) and also add some ranking things on the left
  13. quest flame_dungeon begin state start begin function get_settings() local flame_dungeon_settings = {} flame_dungeon_settings.map_index = 75 flame_dungeon_settings.base_cord = {7424, 6144 } --Base Kordinaten flame_dungeon_settings.outside_entry_pos = {62,6142,7068} -- Mapindex, Exit Position (Feuerland) flame_dungeon_settings.start_position = { 345,549 } --Startposition flame_dungeon_settings.need_level = 105 -- Ab wann ist der Dungeon betretbar. flame_dungeon_settings.need_level_group = 100 -- Benötigte Level für Gruppenmitglieder flame_dungeon_settings.need_items = 71095 --Benötigte items zum eintritt flame_dungeon_settings.need_itemsc = 1 --Benötigte item anzahl zum eintritt flame_dungeon_settings.wait_duration_user = 60*30 --Wartezeit bis zum nächten run (Userbezogen) flame_dungeon_settings.wait_duration_core = 0 --Wartezeit bis zum nächten run (Channelbezogen) ->>>>> NICHT EINGEBAUT flame_dungeon_settings.max_out_party = 60*5 --Maximale zeit für das wiederbetreten des Dungeons flame_dungeon_settings.zone_b_vnum_drop = 30329 --Vnum von item Zone b flame_dungeon_settings.zone_e_vnum_drop = 30330 --Vnum von item Zone e flame_dungeon_settings.zone_d_lvl5_vnumf = 6009 --Vnum vom (fake) Boss flame_dungeon_settings.zone_d_lvl6_vnumr = 6051 --Vnum vom (right) Boss flame_dungeon_settings.zone_d_lvl6_vnumr_pos = {470,175} --Position of right boss flame_dungeon_settings.bossroom_entry_pos = {8109,6867} --Jump Kordinaten zur Bosszone flame_dungeon_settings.boss_pos = {686,637} --Endboss position flame_dungeon_settings.boss_vnum = 6091 --Endboss vnum --Brücken Ende flame_dungeon_settings.indoors_vnum = 20388 flame_dungeon_settings.idoors_zone_new = { {"A",268,447,4},{"B",234,359,3}, {"C",300,264,6},{"D",454,217,4},{"E",470,355,3},{"F",467,469,2} } --Brücke Anfang flame_dungeon_settings.doors_vnum = 20387 flame_dungeon_settings.doors_zone_new = { {"A",320,394,4},{"B",293,359,3},{"C",333,321,6},{"D",378,320,4},{"E",400,355,3},{"F",394,401,6} } --Zone B Säule flame_dungeon_settings.level2_vnum = 20386 flame_dungeon_settings.level2_kords = {195,352,1} --Zone E Säulen flame_dungeon_settings.level6_vnum = 20386 flame_dungeon_settings.kords = { {486, 345},{511, 336},{525, 349},{521, 365},{503, 372},{486, 365},{500, 354}} --Zone F Metinsein flame_dungeon_settings.metinstone_vnum = 8057 flame_dungeon_settings.metinstone_pos = {511,480} return flame_dungeon_settings end function is_flame_dungeon() local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() local map = pc.get_map_index() if map >= (set.map_index * 10000) and map < (set.map_index * 10000 + 9000) then return true else return false end end function clear_alls() local d_index = d.get_map_index() clear_server_timer("time_",d_index) clear_server_timer("time_1",d_index) clear_server_timer("time_2",d_index) clear_server_timer("time_3",d_index) clear_server_timer("time_4",d_index) clear_server_timer("time_5",d_index) clear_server_timer("time_exit_all",d_index) d.setf("level",1) d.setf("missi_finish",0) d.setf("stone_count",0) d.setf("kill_count",0) d.setf("key_count",0) d.setf("spawn_right_mob",0) d.setf("check_items",0) d.setf("party_leader_pid",0) d.setf("status",0) --local x = "Area_zones"..d_index --LIB_table_del(x) local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() local o = set.doors_zone_new --local lib_name = "zone_"..d_index.."_" for i = 1, table.getn(o), 1 do d.setf("have_zone_"..o[i][1].."",0) d.setf("have_zonei_"..o[i][1].."",0) --LIB_variable_add(lib_name..o[i][1].."_enabled",0) --d.setf("zone_"..o[i][1].."_enabled",0) end end --GM start when 20394.chat."GM: Flame_Dungeon duration" with pc.is_gm() begin pc.setqf("duration",0) set_skin(NOWINDOW) end when 9010.chat."GM: Flame_Dungeon -> Exit all now" with pc.is_gm() begin d.notice("Zeit ist abgelaufen. Alle werden hinausteleportiert in 10 Sekunden.") server_timer("time_exit_all",10,d.get_map_index()) setskin(NOWINDOW) end --GM end when 20394.chat."Deiner Gruppe wieder beitreten" with (party.is_party() and party.getf("flame_dungeon_map_index") >= 1) begin local n = party.getf("flame_dungeon_map_index") local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() local cord = set.base_cord local start_pos = set.start_position say("debug: "..pc.getqf("can_enter").."") if pc.getqf("out_party_time") < get_global_time() then say_npc() say("") say("Ich kann dich nicht deiner Gruppe wieder") say("beitreten lassen.") say("") return end if pc.getqf("can_enter") == 0 then say_npc() say("") say("Ich kann dich nicht deiner Gruppe wieder") say("beitreten lassen.") say("Du hattest beim eintreten keinen") say("Passierschein dabei.") say("") return end if n == 0 then setskin(NOWINDOW) return else say_npc() say("") say("Möchtest du deiner Gruppe wieder beitreten?") if select("Ja","Nein") == 1 then pc.setqf("can_rejoin",1) pc.warp((cord[1] + start_pos[1])*100,(cord[2] + start_pos[2])*100,n) end end end when 20394.chat."Flamen Dungeon betreten" begin --with party.getf("flame_dungeon_map_index") == 0 begin local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() -- if is_test_server() then -- say_npc() -- say("") -- say("Is Developer Server") -- say("") -- say("Will use this?") -- if select("Yes","No") == 1 then -- flame_dungeon.make_dungeon() -- return -- end -- else -- wait() -- end if pc.getqf("duration") >= get_global_time() then say_npc() say("") say("Du musst dich noch gedulden.") say("") say("Verb. Zeit: "..LIB_duration(pc.getqf("duration")).."") return end if pc.get_level() < set.need_level then say_npc() say("") say("Dein Level ist noch zu niedrig") say("um den Dungeon zu betreten.") say("") say_reward("Benötigt wird: "..set.need_level.." Level.") return end if pc.count_item(set.need_items) == 0 then say_npc() say("") say("Du hast keinen "..item_name(set.need_items).."") say("bei dir. Komme wieder wenn einen hast.") say_item(set.need_itemsc.."x "..item_name(set.need_items), set.need_items,"") say("") return end if not party.is_leader() then say_npc() say("") say("Nur der Gruppenanführer kann") say("euch hineinbringen.") say("") return end --New Party Func -- if flame_dungeon.check_party() == false and party.get_near_count() >= 2 then -- return -- end -- if flame_dungeon.set_party_flagsuser() == false then -- return -- end -- Ist alles in when Login vereint nun. say_npc() say("Ich lasse euch eintreten.") say("") wait() --LIB_party_remove_item(set.need_items,set.need_itemsc) flame_dungeon.make_dungeon() end when logout begin if flame_dungeon.is_flame_dungeon() == true then local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() pc.setqf("out_party_time",get_global_time() + set.max_out_party) if d.getf("status") == 0 then pc.setqf("can_enter",0) end end end when login begin local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() local backk = set.outside_entry_pos local old_item_need_count = pc.count_item(set.need_items) if set.map_index == pc.get_map_index() then --chat("#debug flame# mapindex "..set.map_index.." == "..pc.get_map_index().."") pc.warp(backk[2] * 100,backk[3] * 100) return end if flame_dungeon.is_flame_dungeon() == true then pc.set_warp_location(backk[1], backk[2],backk[3]) if d.getf("party_leader_pid") != party.get_leader_pid() then chat("#debug flame# leader_pid -> "..d.getf("party_leader_pid").." "..party.get_leader_pid().."") chat("Outside, your Group is not on this Dungeon") d.exit() return end if pc.get_level() < set.need_level_group and party.is_party() and not party.is_leader() then d.exit() end -- if d.getf("check_items") == 0 then -- d.setf("check_items",1) -- d.set_item_group ("need_items", 1, set.need_items, set.need_itemsc) -- d.exit_all_by_item_group ("need_items") -- d.delete_item_in_item_group_from_all ("need_items") -- end if pc.getqf("can_enter") == 1 then return elseif pc.count_item(set.need_items) >= set.need_itemsc and pc.getqf("can_enter") == 0 then local h = set.wait_duration_user + get_global_time() pc.setqf("duration",h) pc.remove_item(set.need_items,set.need_itemsc) pc.setqf("can_enter",1) else pc.setqf("can_enter",0) d.exit() end pc.setqf("can_rejoin",0) chat("Ihr habt 60 Minuten zeit für den Run!") -- local new_item_need_count = pc.count_item(set.need_items) -- chat("#debug item check "..new_item_need_count -1 .." "..new_item_need_count.."") -- if (old_item_need_count -1) == (new_item_need_count) then -- pc.setqf("can_enter",1) -- end end end function make_dungeon() local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() local cord = set.base_cord local start_pos = set.start_position d.new_jump_party(set.map_index,(cord[1] + start_pos[1]), (cord[2] + start_pos[2])) flame_dungeon.clear_alls() for i = 65, 70, 1 do d.setf("random_zone_"..i.."",i) end flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() server_timer("time_",60*15,d.get_map_index()) party.setf("flame_dungeon_map_index",d.get_map_index()) d.setf("party_leader_pid",party.get_leader_pid()) d.setf("status",1) end when time_.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Verleib. Zeit: 45 Minuten.") server_timer("time_1",60*15,d.get_map_index()) end end when time_1.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Verleib. Zeit: 30 Minuten.") server_timer("time_2",60*15,d.get_map_index()) end end when time_2.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Verleib. Zeit: 15 Minuten.") server_timer("time_3",60*10,d.get_map_index()) end end when time_3.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Verleib. Zeit: 5 Minuten. Nach 5 Minunten, werden alle hinausteleportiert.") server_timer("time_4",60*4,d.get_map_index()) end end when time_3.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Verleib. Zeit: 1 Minuten. Nach 1 Minunte, werden alle hinausteleportiert.") server_timer("time_5",60*1,d.get_map_index()) end end when time_5.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Zeit ist abgelaufen. Alle werden hinausteleportiert in 10 Sekunden.") server_timer("time_exit_all",10,d.get_map_index()) end end when time_exit_all.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then flame_dungeon.clear_alls() d.exit_all() end end function respawn_main_npc() local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() local o = set.doors_zone_new for i = 1, table.getn(o), 1 do d.setf("have_zone_"..o[i][1].."",0) d.setf("have_zonei_"..o[i][1].."",0) --chat("-> "..d.getf ("have_zone_"..o[i][1].."").."") end d.clear_regen() d.kill_all() --d.purge() --Stürzt Core ab -,- d.regen_file("data/dungeon/flame_dungeon/main_npc.txt") flame_dungeon.create_doors() end function give_names_notice() local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() local group_pid_name = LIB_SQL_get_player_name_by_id(d.getf("party_leader_pid")) notice_all("Die Gruppe von "..group_pid_name.." haben "..mob_name(set.boss_vnum).." besiegt.") end function create_doors() local fr_a = flame_dungeon.get_settings() --local lib_name = "zone_"..d.get_map_index().."_" local x = "Area_zones"..d.get_map_index() local t = {} for i = 65, 70, 1 do local v = d.getf("random_zone_"..i.."") if v >= 1 then table.insert(t,table.getn(t) +1, string.char(v)) end end --local t = LIB_table_get(x) if table.getn(t) == 0 then return end for i = 1, table.getn(t), 1 do --chat("Door "..t[i].."") local o = fr_a.doors_zone_new local ioo = fr_a.idoors_zone_new for x = 1, table.getn(o), 1 do --chat("get zone -> "..t[i].." "..LIB_variable_get(lib_name..t[i].."_enabled").."") --if tonumber(LIB_variable_get(lib_name..t[i].."_enabled")) == tonumber(0) then --chat("have_zone_ -> "..t[i].." == "..o[x][1].."") if t[i] == o[x][1] then --d.notice("have_zone_ -> "..o[x][1].." == "..d.getf("have_zone_"..o[x][1].."").."") if d.getf("have_zone_"..o[x][1].."") == 0 then --say("outdoor: "..o[x][1].." "..o[x][2].." "..o[x][3].." "..o[x][4].."") d.set_unique("zone_"..o[x][1].."", d.spawn_mob_dir(fr_a.doors_vnum, o[x][2],o[x][3],o[x][4])) d.setf("have_zone_"..o[x][1].."",1) end end if t[i] == ioo[x][1] then --d.notice("have_zonei_ -> "..ioo[x][1].." == "..d.getf("have_zonei_"..ioo[x][1].."").."") if d.getf("have_zonei_"..ioo[x][1].."") == 0 then --say("indor: "..ioo[x][1].." "..ioo[x][2].." "..ioo[x][3].." "..ioo[x][4].."") d.set_unique("zonei_"..ioo[x][1].."", d.spawn_mob_dir(fr_a.indoors_vnum, ioo[x][2],ioo[x][3],ioo[x][4])) d.setf("have_zonei_"..ioo[x][1].."",1) end end --end end end end function get_random_zone_mission_rov() local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() --local lib_name = "zone_"..d.get_map_index().."_" --local x = "Area_zones"..d.get_map_index() --local t = LIB_table_get(x) local t = {} for i = 65, 70, 1 do local v = d.getf("random_zone_"..i.."") if v >= 1 then table.insert(t,table.getn(t) +1, string.char(v)) end end if table.getn(t) == 0 then return end d.setf("missi_finish",1) local w = t[number(1,table.getn(t))] local rechar = string.byte(w) --LIB_table_remove(x,w) --d.notice("Rechar: "..rechar.."") d.setf("random_zone_"..rechar.."",0) if w == "A" then d.setf("status",d.getf("status") +1) d.setf("level",2) --d.notice("#debug# Aufgabe A: -> "..w.."") d.regen_file("data/dungeon/flame_dungeon/zone_a.txt") d.purge_unique("zonei_"..w.."") d.purge_unique("zone_"..w.."") --d.setf("zone_"..w.."_enabled",1) --LIB_variable_add(lib_name..w.."_enabled",1) d.notice("Aufgabe: Tötet alle Monster.") --kill all the monsters elseif w == "B" then d.setf("status",d.getf("status") +1) d.setf("level",3) --d.notice("#debug# Aufgabe B: -> "..w.."") d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/flame_dungeon/zone_b.txt") d.purge_unique("zonei_"..w.."") d.purge_unique("zone_"..w.."") d.setf("stone_count", 0) d.setf("kill_count",0) --d.setf("zone_"..w.."_enabled",1) --LIB_variable_add(lib_name..w.."_enabled",1) d.spawn_mob_dir(set.level2_vnum, set.level2_kords[1],set.level2_kords[2],set.level2_kords[3]) d.notice("Aufgabe: Finde das Goldene "..item_name(set.zone_b_vnum_drop).." und verwendet es,") d.notice("um den verborgenen Mechanismus in der "..mob_name(20386).." auszulösen.") --Find the Golden Cog Wheel and use it to trigger the hidden mechanism in the isfet stele elseif w == "C" then d.setf("status",d.getf("status") +1) d.setf("level",4) --d.notice("#dbug# Aufgabe C: -> "..w.."") d.regen_file("data/dungeon/flame_dungeon/zone_c.txt") d.purge_unique("zonei_"..w.."") d.purge_unique("zone_"..w.."") --d.setf("zone_"..w.."_enabled",1) --LIB_variable_add(lib_name..w.."_enabled",1) d.notice("Aufgabe: Dringt tief ein und vernichtet alle Monster.") elseif w == "D" then d.setf("status",d.getf("status") +1) d.setf("level",5) --d.notice("#debug# Aufgabe D: -> "..w.."") d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/flame_dungeon/zone_d.txt") d.purge_unique("zonei_"..w.."") d.purge_unique("zone_"..w.."") --d.setf("zone_"..w.."_enabled",1) --LIB_variable_add(lib_name..w.."_enabled",1) d.setf("spawn_right_mob",0) d.notice("Aufgabe: besiegt "..mob_name(6009)..", den Hüter des Feuers.") --defeat the Ignitor, Guardin of the Fire elseif w == "E" then d.setf("status",d.getf("status") +1) d.setf("level",6) --d.notice("#debug# Aufgabe E: -> "..w.."") d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/flame_dungeon/zone_e.txt") d.purge_unique("zonei_"..w.."") d.purge_unique("zone_"..w.."") local t = set.kords d.setf("kill_count",0) d.setf("key_count",0) --d.setf("zone_"..w.."_enabled",1) --LIB_variable_add(lib_name..w.."_enabled",1) d.setf("stone_count", table.getn(t)) for i = 1, table.getn(t), 1 do --say(""..t[i][1].." "..t[i][2].."") d.spawn_mob_dir(set.level6_vnum, t[i][1],t[i][2],1) end d.notice("Sucht den "..item_name(set.zone_e_vnum_drop).." und legt sie auf den die "..table.getn(t).." "..mob_name(20386).." in der richtigen ordnung,") d.notice("wer den "..item_name(set.zone_e_vnum_drop).." in den falschen "..mob_name(20386).." legt, wird dieser zerbrechen.") --Search of the Maat Stone and place them on the seven isfet stelen in the corect order. if you use the Mat stone on the incorrect stele, it will break elseif w == "F" then d.setf("status",d.getf("status") +1) d.setf("level",7) --d.notice("#debug# Aufgabe F: -> "..w.."") d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/flame_dungeon/zone_f.txt") d.purge_unique("zonei_"..w.."") d.purge_unique("zone_"..w.."") --d.setf("zone_"..w.."_enabled",1) --LIB_variable_add(lib_name..w.."_enabled",1) d.notice("Aufgabe: Nur diejenigen die im Stande sind das Fegefeuer des Metins zu vereiteln, werden hier bestehen.") --Only those who shy not from the singing heat will be able to defeat the purgatory Fire Metin d.spawn_mob_dir(set.metinstone_vnum, set.metinstone_pos[1],set.metinstone_pos[2],1) end end function get_finish_mission_check() local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() local l = d.getf("level") local missi = d.getf("missi_finish") --say("level -> "..l.."") --say("missi -> "..missi.."") if l == 2 then -- Zone A --say_reward("zone a") --say("count_monster -> "..d.count_monster().."") if missi == 1 and d.count_monster() == 0 then flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() -- d.notice("Es wurden alle Monster zerstört.") -- d.notice("Ein neues Siegel wird gebrochen.") flame_dungeon.get_random_zone_mission_rov() end elseif l == 3 then -- Zone B --say_reward("Zone b") if missi == 2 then flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() -- d.notice("Diese Aufgabe habt ihr auch erfolgreich gemeistert") -- d.notice("Ein weitere Siegel wird gebrochen.") flame_dungeon.get_random_zone_mission_rov() end elseif l == 4 then -- Zone C --say_reward("Zone c") --say("count_monster -> "..d.count_monster().."") if missi == 1 and d.count_monster() == 0 then flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() -- d.notice("Es wurden alle Monster zerstört.") -- d.notice("Ein neues Siegel wird gebrochen.") flame_dungeon.get_random_zone_mission_rov() end elseif l == 5 then -- Zone D --say_reward("Zone d") if missi == 3 then flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() -- d.notice("Sehr gut. Ihr habt den richtige Boss getötet?") flame_dungeon.get_random_zone_mission_rov() end elseif l == 6 then -- Zone E --say_reward("Zone e") if missi == 4 then flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() -- d.notice("Ihr habt alle Siegel zerstört.") flame_dungeon.get_random_zone_mission_rov() end elseif l == 7 then -- Zone F --say_reward("Zone f") if missi == 5 then flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() -- d.notice("Ihr habt den Metinstein zerstört.") flame_dungeon.get_random_zone_mission_rov() end set_skin(NOWINDOW) end end when 20385.click begin if flame_dungeon.is_flame_dungeon() == true then --say("#debug# status -> "..d.getf("status").."") --local x = "Area_zones"..d.get_map_index() --local t = LIB_table_get(x) local t = {} for i = 65, 70, 1 do local v = d.getf("random_zone_"..i.."") if v >= 1 then table.insert(t,table.getn(t) +1, string.char(v)) end end if table.getn(t) == 0 and d.getf("status") >= 6 then d.setf("level",8) say_npc() say("") say("Ihr habt alle aufgaben beendet") say("Seit ihr bereit für den Bossraum?") say("") if select("Ja, sind wir","Nein") == 1 then if d.getf("level") == 8 then --Bugusing check! d.setf("level",9) d.setf("status",0) local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() local w = set.bossroom_entry_pos local b = set.boss_pos d.jump_all(w[1],w[2]) flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() d.spawn_mob_dir(set.boss_vnum, b[1] + number(1,2) ,b[2],1 - number(1,2)) d.regen_file("data/dungeon/flame_dungeon/zone_boss.txt") return end else return end end if d.getf("missi_finish") == 0 then flame_dungeon.get_random_zone_mission_rov() else flame_dungeon.get_finish_mission_check() end end end when kill begin if flame_dungeon.is_flame_dungeon() == true then local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() if d.getf("level") == 3 then --Zone B local pct = number(1,100) if npc.get_race() == 6003 then local c = d.getf("kill_count") +1 d.setf("kill_count",c) if c >= 25 then pct = 1 d.setf("kill_count",0) end end if pct == 1 then game.drop_item(set.zone_b_vnum_drop,1) end elseif d.getf("level") == 5 then --Zone D local pct = number(1,25) local race = npc.get_race() local c = d.getf("kill_count") +1 d.setf("kill_count",c) if race == set.zone_d_lvl5_vnumf then if c >= 10 then pct = 1 end if pct == 1 and d.getf("spawn_right_mob") == 0 then --d.notice("Spawn right mob") d.setf("spawn_right_mob",1) local p = set.zone_d_lvl6_vnumr_pos chat("") d.spawn_mob_dir(set.zone_d_lvl6_vnumr, p[1],p[2],1) end elseif race == set.zone_d_lvl6_vnumr then flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() d.setf("missi_finish",3) end elseif d.getf("level") == 6 then --Zone E local pct = number(1,100) if pct <= 5 then game.drop_item(set.zone_e_vnum_drop,1) end if npc.get_race() == 6002 then local c = d.getf("kill_count") +1 d.setf("kill_count",c) if c >= 15 then game.drop_item(set.zone_e_vnum_drop,1) d.setf("kill_count",0) end end elseif d.getf("level") == 7 then --Zone F if npc.get_race() == set.metinstone_vnum then flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() d.setf("missi_finish",5) end elseif d.getf("level") == 9 then --Boss Zone if npc.get_race() == set.boss_vnum then flame_dungeon.give_names_notice() d.notice("Alle werden in 1 Minute hinausteleportiert.") d.setf("party_leader_pid",0) party.setf("flame_dungeon_map_index",0) flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() server_timer("time_exit_all",60,d.get_map_index()) end end end end when 20386.take begin local vnum = item.get_vnum() local set = flame_dungeon.get_settings() if vnum == set.zone_b_vnum_drop and d.getf("level") == 3 then --Zone B local pct = number(1,20) local c = d.getf("stone_count") +1 d.setf("stone_count",c) if c >= 8 then pct = 1 end if pct == 1 then item.remove() flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() d.setf("missi_finish",2) npc.purge() else syschat("Das ist das falsche "..item_name(set.zone_b_vnum_drop)..".") item.remove() end elseif vnum == set.zone_e_vnum_drop and d.getf("level") == 6 then --Zone E local k = d.getf("key_count") +1 d.setf("key_count",k) local r_flame_dungeon = number(1,5) if k >= 7 then r_flame_dungeon = 1 end if r_flame_dungeon == 1 then npc.purge() local c = d.getf("stone_count") -1 d.setf("stone_count",c) if c <= 0 then flame_dungeon.respawn_main_npc() --d.notice("Das war der letzte") item.remove() d.setf("missi_finish",4) else --syschat("Das war der richtige. Ihr müsst noch weitere ".. c .." zerstören") item.remove() d.setf("key_count",0) end else syschat("Der "..item_name(set.zone_e_vnum_drop).." ist zerbrochen.") item.remove() end end end end end ./qc flame_dungeon.lua and i get : QUEST : flame_dungeon STATE : start FUNCTION get_settings() FUNCTION is_flame_dungeon() FUNCTION clear_alls() WHEN : 20394.chat ("GM: Flame_Dungeon duration") with pc . is_gm ( ) WHEN : 9010.chat ("GM: Flame_Dungeon -> Exit all now") with pc . is_gm ( ) WHEN : 20394.chat ("Deiner Gruppe wieder beitreten") with ( party . is_party ( ) and party . getf ( "flame_dungeon_map_index" ) >= 1 ) WHEN : 20394.chat ("Flamen Dungeon betreten") WHEN : logout WHEN : login FUNCTION make_dungeon() WHEN : time_.server_timer WHEN : time_1.server_timer WHEN : time_2.server_timer WHEN : time_3.server_timer WHEN : time_3.server_timer WHEN : time_5.server_timer WHEN : time_exit_all.server_timer FUNCTION respawn_main_npc() FUNCTION give_names_notice() FUNCTION create_doors() FUNCTION get_random_zone_mission_rov() FUNCTION get_finish_mission_check() WHEN : 20385.click WHEN : kill WHEN : 20386.take Calls undeclared function! : LIB_SQL_get_player_name_by_id LIB_duration say_npc set_skin string.byte string.char Abort (core dumped) I know i need some new functions or something. Can some one give them to me? Big thanks
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