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Ace last won the day on May 15 2021

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  1. Na, da bist du ein paar Jährchen zu spät, mein Lieber Labuum. Metin2 P-Server sollten demnächst aussterben, und es wird nur noch kleine Privatserver geben, da Gameforge alles daransetzt, dies zu realisieren. Mein Kanal wurde mehrmals gesperrt, auch Videos, obwohl es keine P-Server-Promotionen waren. Mein Kanal hatte gerade mal 57 Abonnenten, zumindest der neueste, also was denkst du, was sie mit größeren Kanälen machen? Promo ist sozusagen nicht mehr möglich, und das Betreiben von P-Servern auch nicht, weil die Alten die Szene verlassen und kaum noch neue dazu kommen, zumindest keine, die spielen und nicht selber Hand anlegen und Server erstellen. Die Leute wurden bereits von vielen P-Servern ausgesaugt, die aus irgendeinem Grund gehypt wurden bis zum Gehtnichtmehr. Dennoch bleibe ich optimistisch und sage: Forevermetin2 sowie Willkommen! You're a few years too late, my dear Labuum. Metin2 private servers (P-servers) are likely to become extinct soon, with only small private servers remaining, as Gameforge is doing everything it can to make this happen. My channel has been suspended multiple times, and videos have been removed, even though they weren't promoting P-servers. My channel had only 57 subscribers, at least the latest one, so imagine what they do to larger channels. Promotion is essentially no longer possible, and running P-servers isn't either, because the old ones are leaving the scene, and almost no new ones are coming in—at least not ones who play instead of setting up their own servers. People have already been drained by many P-servers that were hyped for some reason. Despite all this, I remain optimistic and say: ForeverMetin2 and welcome! GER EN
  2. may, username: root, admin, fliege and passwort 123 or 12345 or 123456 admin, 123 is may ingame. if not, just change the mysql passwort
  3. Well, my dear friend, I know. Actually, I don't understand Gameforge anymore. The only thing that could be is that Gameforge has recognized the potential and immediately banned me.
  4. Regrettably, I must discontinue this project or set it aside. The Gameforge, or rather someone internally inclined towards darkness and devoid of even a modicum of compassion within their heart, has reported my videos, specifically my latest video. Consequently, all videos have been removed, and I have received two warnings. Frankly, I am indifferent to the fate of the channel and the videos themselves; however, I find it lamentable that I must slowly bid farewell to Metin2. Anyone interested in the source code may request it, and I will upload it accordingly. Thank you for your presence, my dear friends, but after so many years, I too am throwing in the towel, leaving the Gameforge and its employees, along with their spies, to perish in this triumph.
  5. I really had a lot of laughs. The video incorporates a bit of humor.
  6. Metin2 remains Metin2, of course.
  7. Metin3: Edit: Please only read this text if you have liked the comment below mine.
  8. may here: Link i thought is from evil or m2m
  9. Ace

    New Aeldra

    No matter whether Aeldra comes back online or is already online. The fact is, those who have found meaning in the game will know whether it's a copy or not. Further questions are so pointless when none of Aeldra's members speaks up here. A discussion about a server that will not come back or will no longer be what it was is futile.
  10. Archive updated. I entered the "environment" incorrectly. It should be metin2_gm_map_6 instead of 5 Now you should have the correct skybox.
  11. This is a video on how to use the tool. Is the tool in the video paid? I'm not sure right now, but there is another version of it. It's best to search for KingSora's tool; it's free and will accomplish your task. I'm not sure if it's allowed to post links from other forums here. EDIT M2-Koordinator: It is important that you back up your Atlas and review the structure before making any changes. If you encounter errors, try testing and learning multiple times. While there are tutorials available, they seem to have disappeared somehow.
  12. Oh no! Now the second administrator is leaving, and I still don't have VIP status! I registered just 2 days after DEV was founded. This is so frustrating, oh man. So, I'm really sad that we won't have your order here anymore. You've done a lot and given a lot. I think if you don't have motivation, you can't force it, especially when you have so many other things in real life that may require motivation. Thank you for your "support" in quotes because you didn't give me VIP. As mentioned above, some people here will miss you. ?
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