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Everything posted by Pseudabo

  1. Actually no. I found problem. If you noticed, there are 67 spells hardcoded in the code and the game loads these files regardless of whether the spells are enabled or not. The problem is that the client randomly crashes during teleportation because it reads TGA images as DDS. This is an old bug that has been causing problems for some time now. A good example of this is loading images when moving from locale to etc. Therefore, if you have these files in the game but have 67 spells disabled, it will result in crashes and you won't get any errors because there are technically none. I'm adding a fix. I recommend applying it to any client because it's not just a fix for this thread, but an overall fix for the client and a prevention of crashes. EterImageLib/DXTCImage.cpp Search: bool CDXTCImage::LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap) Change: bool CDXTCImage::LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap, int iSize) Search: DWORD dwMagic; Add under: if (iSize < sizeof(DWORD)) return false; Search: dwMagic = *(DWORD *) c_pbMap; c_pbMap += sizeof(DWORD); Add under: iSize -= sizeof(DWORD); Search: DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; Add under: if (iSize < sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2)) return false; Search: memcpy(&ddsd, c_pbMap, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2)); c_pbMap += sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2); Add under: iSize -= sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2); Search: return LoadFromMemory((const BYTE*) pvMap); Change: return LoadFromMemory((const BYTE*) pvMap, mappedFile.Size()); Search: bool CDXTCImage::LoadFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap) Change: bool CDXTCImage::LoadFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap, int iSize) Search: if (!LoadHeaderFromMemory(c_pbMap)) Change: if (!LoadHeaderFromMemory(c_pbMap, iSize)) EterImageLib/DXTCImage.h Search: bool LoadFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap); bool LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap); Change: bool LoadFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap, int iSize); bool LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap, int iSize); EterLib/GrpImageTexture.cpp Search: if (image.LoadHeaderFromMemory((const BYTE *) c_pvBuf)) Change: if (image.LoadHeaderFromMemory((const BYTE *) c_pvBuf, bufSize))
  2. My client randomly crash after teleport (no any error, syserr clean, I dont find any problem in game, all works perfect - effects, icons, skills, dmg, gm flag, horse, etc..) Using cython, anyone has similar problem or can know whats problem? Its only with teleport 1-5 teleports.. Game is clean, without any problem.
  3. def SendWhisper(self): text = self.chatLine.GetText() textLength = len(text) if textLength > 0: if net.IsInsultIn(text): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) return hour = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") # If you wanna time without text #level = str(player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL)) # If you wanna level without text #hour = "{} {}".format(localeInfo.WHISPER_TIME, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) # If you wanna time with text level = "{} {}".format(localeInfo.WHISPER_LEVEL, player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL)) # If you wanna level with text string = "[" + level + "]" + " " + "[" + hour + "]" + " : " + text net.SendWhisperPacket(self.targetName, string) self.chatLine.SetText("") chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_CHAT, self.targetName, player.GetName() + " : " + string)
  4. We need new reaction smile specially for Mali topics, something like *CUMPERMANENTI think you are one of the best m2 designers, lets do it=)
  5. Stop using cancer derivates.. There is basic leaked source + 1000000000000000x22222222222 tutorials.. Learn something, use brain, use google, learn more, learn every time you can, make your source, learn more more more more than you think you know.. 100 Peoples makes 100 diff games, using same fkin bugged systems.. Some IQ help you.
  6. Have too full drops from lua, because dont like old ymir tables and works fine.. Btw. Lua is one of fastest languages and perfect for these things.
  7. I don't see why it shouldn't continue to be so... In part, there are things you've done that I wouldn't consider reference anymore... I think this particular one is trivial and should be standard... At least 90% of users would appreciate it. It's not a game changer, just a text change. Hand on heart, who wants to have Korean in a source that nobody understands? We all program in English, I consider it standard, and this is just one of the few things you could do that would be appreciated. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  8. Any help? I think can be useful for many peoples..
  9. Marty script reading all possible versions.. He has problem with ui.py.. There is no correct code for uiscript.. He can extract it from leaked Marty source or etc.. I got long time ago same problem..
  10. You could use the tool from this forum and translate the source in english... The default locale_string would look like english -> own language.. I did it a long time ago and it solves the encoding problems + better understanding code..
  11. Hi, does anyone have a fix for the blurry floor when using directx9? The problem I always have is when UAC is triggered, or the second client..
  12. Edit: Nothing, sorry for spam, its only my fault, bad backup..
  13. Why? Use only latest build.. Btw. You can simply install bsd on which pc you want. pkg fetch extract pkg fetch update pkg install mysql57-server (using mariadb) config mysql and its all if you use static lib for devil.. in other case only devil requirement.. 20 minutes full install for new case Edit: For live server recommend use mysql_secure_installation + firewall for basic lowest installation
  14. Im using this (Mali build) core maybe 1years+ and dont have any problem.. Tested with many players.. Its a based core from mainline, there is no any change what can give you this problem in base..
  15. Hi, there is any way convert for example all .png in folder to .dds with folder structure? Edit: I found something but how I can convert with subfolders? This only read all subfolders but output is in one folder without sub directories. @for /R "C:\xxx" %%I in (*.png) do @C:\xxx\texconv.exe -f DXT5 -ft dds "%%I"
  16. There is no way.. Its same as you would like hidden yourself in the mirror.. You can use some dns, but finally you no sense do it..
  17. I see lot metin2 api but this is one of the best, really clean code, thank you!
  18. Hi, anyone can help me write batch files? What I need? For example extract from pc folder all .dds files with same structure Input: pc/ymir work/etc (just all folders) Output: pc/ymir work/etc (just all folders) but only .dds content or any .file what I for now want.. Simply I want Only extract some files with same structure of pack.
  19. You yes, but he only after manually refresh (relog, teleport, etc..) not in real time Btw. This problem exist in all games.. Maybe here is problem only with core communication.. IDK I dont study it..
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