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Everything posted by MrLibya

  1. this will not work becous u have to tell the system what is going to be used ?
  2. will if it was all monster then u have to make a pet item for every monster ingame that's mean ( new item + new mini model from the monster ) and if u want it for some monster u can do it by quest when xx.kill begin pc.give_item2(xx)
  3. i didnt test it , i just take it from the internet
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hallo All This My Power Mount Traning system it's very simple but the lang is arabic so i u need to make the eng speak quest dwapsystem begin state start begin when 20349.chat."I Want Tran a Mount" begin say_title("Text") say("") say("Text") say("Text") say("") wait() say_title("Text") say("Text") say("Text") say("Text") say("Text") wait() say_title("Text") say("Chose Your Mount Type") local data01 = { -- Name vnum give_vnum {"Lion Certificate", 52701, 52030}, {"Tiger Certificate", 52702, 52045}, {"Wild Boar Certificate", 52703, 52000}, {"Wolf Certificate", 52704, 52015}, {"Reindeer Certificate (m)", 52705, 52080}, {"Reindeer Certificate (f)", 52706, 52060}, {"Dragor Certificate", 52707, 52090}, {"Moa Certificate", 52708, 52105}, {"Close", 0, 0} } local menu01 = {} for num1,str1 in ipairs(data01) do table.insert(menu01, str1[1]) end local seltab01 = select_table(menu01, "Close") local count_check = pc.count_item(data01[seltab01][2]) if seltab01 == table.getn(menu01) then return end say(" Are u Sure u want trade ".. data01[seltab01][1] .." ") if select("Yes, sure","No , Thx") == 2 then return end if count_check < 1 then syschat("U Dont Have the Item") return end say_title("Plz Select The Addone type") local bonus01 = { -- Name vnum {"Vs Monster", 1}, {"plus exp", 2}, {"plus life pont", 3}, {"plus defnce power", 4}, {"plus attck power", 5}, {"Close", 0} } local menu02 = {} for num2,str2 in ipairs(bonus01) do table.insert(menu02, str2[1]) end local seltab02 = select_table(menu02, "Close") if seltab02 == table.getn(menu02) then return end local final01 = data01[seltab01][3]+bonus01[seltab02][2] say_reward(" U Get : "..item_name(data01[seltab01][3]+1).." ") pc.removeitem(data01[seltab01][2], 1) pc.give_item2(final01, 1) end -- when end -- state end -- quest have fun
  5. It is a bugg in iOS in the preview box i don't know why but it works try it i dont have iphone but my brother have if i try it on his iphone and his iphone stop working he going to kill me so no thx i dont want :D
  6. will yes the first line arabic characters but it's dont make any sense
  7. i think all know that it's very easy btw thx
  8. Really Ugly try this quest lua_drop begin state start begin function test() dropList = { [8008] = { typ = "limit", -- type min_level = 35, -- mindestlevel max_level = 45, -- maxlevel dropps = { {50513, 1, 15}, -- dropeintrag (vnum, count, chance) {27992, 1, 1}, {27993, 1, 1}, {27994, 1, 1}, {50034, 1, 100}, {70005, 1, 5}, {70024, 1, 5}, {70102, 1, 5}, {71084, 1, 35}, {71085, 1, 35}, } }, -- Vrchní ork [691] = { typ = "limit", -- type min_level = 10, -- mindestlevel max_level = 55, -- maxlevel dropps = { {50006, 1, 100}, -- dropeintrag (vnum, count, chance) {50008, 1, 100}, {50007, 1, 100}, {50009, 1, 100}, {50070, 1, 100}, } }, -- Král démonů [1091] = { typ = "limit", -- type min_level = 10, -- mindestlevel max_level = 55, -- maxlevel dropps = { {50006, 1, 100}, -- dropeintrag (vnum, count, chance) {50008, 1, 100}, {50007, 1, 100}, {50009, 1, 100}, {50081, 1, 100}, } }, -- Královna pavouků [2091] = { typ = "drop", -- type dropps = { {50006, 1, 100}, -- dropeintrag (vnum, count, chance) {50008, 1, 100}, {50007, 1, 100}, {50009, 1, 100}, {50073, 1, 100}, } }, -- Želva [2191] = { typ = "drop", -- type dropps = { {50006, 1, 100}, -- dropeintrag (vnum, count, chance) {50008, 1, 100}, {50007, 1, 100}, {50009, 1, 100}, {50076, 1, 100}, } }, -- Devítiocas [1901] = { typ = "drop", -- type dropps = { {50006, 1, 100}, -- dropeintrag (vnum, count, chance) {50008, 1, 100}, {50007, 1, 100}, {50009, 1, 100}, {50077, 1, 100}, } }, -- Žlutý tygr [1304] = { typ = "drop", -- type dropps = { {50006, 1, 100}, -- dropeintrag (vnum, count, chance) {50008, 1, 100}, {50007, 1, 100}, {50009, 1, 100}, {50078, 1, 100}, } }, -- Král plamenů [2206] = { typ = "drop", -- type dropps = { {50006, 1, 100}, -- dropeintrag (vnum, count, chance) {50008, 1, 100}, {50007, 1, 100}, {50009, 1, 100}, {50079, 1, 100}, } }, -- Tmavý vůdce duchů [792] = { typ = "drop", -- type dropps = { {50006, 1, 100}, -- dropeintrag (vnum, count, chance) {50008, 1, 100}, {50007, 1, 100}, {50009, 1, 100}, {50072, 1, 100}, } }, } end function drop(self) local dropList = lua_drop.test().dropList if dropList[self].typ == "drop" then local chance,count table.foreach(dropList[self].dropps, function(i) if dropList[self].dropps[i][3] ~= nil then chance = dropList[self].dropps[i][3] else chance = 100 end if dropList[self].dropps[i][2] ~= nil then count = dropList[self].dropps[i][2] else count = 1 end if math.random(1, 100) < chance then game.drop_item_with_ownership(dropList[self].dropps[i][1], count) end end) elseif dropList[self].typ == "limit" then if dropList[self].min_level == nil or dropList[self].max_level == nil then return end if dropList[self].min_level > pc.level or dropList[self].max_level < pc.level then return end local chance,count table.foreach(dropList[self].dropps, function(i) if dropList[self].dropps[i][3] ~= nil then chance = dropList[self].dropps[i][3] else chance = 100 end if dropList[self].dropps[i][2] ~= nil then count = dropList[self].dropps[i][2] else count = 1 end if math.random(1, 100) < chance then game.drop_item_with_ownership(dropList[self].dropps[i][1], count) end end) else return end end when kill with not npc.is_pc() begin lua_drop.drop(npc.get_race()) end end end
  9. at least u could ask me on skype u know + i dont know what u want with the time so i think this will work quest test begin state start begin function get_table() if test.table_info == nil then test.table_info={ {100, 22, 8001}, {101, 22, 8002}, {102, 22, 8003}, {103, 22, 8011}, {104, 22, 8013}, {105, 22, 8024}, {106, 22, 8026}, {107, 22, 8027}, {108, 22, 8027}, {109, 22, 8027}, } end return test.table_info end when login or levelup with pc.get_map_index() == 74 begin set_state(kill) end end state kill begin when letter begin send_letter(" تجربة ") end when button or info begin local table = test.get_table() if pc.getqf("time_retry") <= get_time() then for i,v in ipairs(table) do if pc.level > v[1] then mob.spawn(v[3], pc.get_local_x()+5, pc.get_local_y()+5, 1) pc.setqf("limit_time", get_time()+60*5) pc.setqf("mob_vnum", v[3]) end end end end when kill with npc.get_race() == pc.getqf("mob_vnum") begin local count = pc.getqf("state") + 1 local table = test.get_table() for i,v in ipairs(table) do if count <= 1 then pc.setqf("state", count) q.set_counter(" يجب قتل ", 1 ) elseif count >= 1 and pc.getqf("limit_time") >= get_time() then say(" fail ") say(" اعد المحاولة بعد ساعة ") pc.setqf("time_retry", get_time()+60*60*1) elseif count == 1 and get_time() < pc.getqf("limit_time") then say(" mbrok exp ") pc.give_exp(v[2]) clear_letter() set_state(__COMPLETE__) end end end end state __COMPLETE__ begin end end
  10. pc.mount(vnum, time_in_sec) pc.mount_bonus(type, present(10or 20 or what u want), time_in_sec)
  11. try quest grandmaster_stone begin state start begin when 50512.use begin local search_skill_group = BuildSkillList(pc.get_job(), pc.get_skill_group()) local name_list,vnum_list = search_skill_group[2],search_skill_group[1] local skill_available_vnum,skill_available_name = {},{} for a = 1, table.getn(name_list) do if pc.get_skill_level(vnum_list[a]) >= 30 and pc.get_skill_level(vnum_list[a]) <= 39 then table.insert(skill_available_name, name_list[a]) table.insert(skill_available_vnum, vnum_list[a]) end end table.insert(skill_available_name, "Abbrechen") if table.getn(skill_available_vnum) < 1 then say_title("Regenbogenstein") say("[ENTER]Du besitzt keine Fähigkeiten die du verbessern kannst.[ENTER]") return end say_title("Regenbogenstein") say("[ENTER]Wähle eine Fähigkeit die du verbessern möchtest:[ENTER]") local select_skill = select2(skill_available_name) if skill_available_name[select_skill] == "Abbrechen" then return end say_title("Regenbogenstein:") say("[ENTER]Möchtest du die Fähigkeit verbessern?[ENTER]") if select("Verbessern","Abbrechen") == 2 then return end chat(""..skill_available_name[select_skill].." wurde erfolgreich verbessert!") pc.set_skill_level(skill_available_vnum[select_skill], (pc.get_skill_level(skill_available_vnum[select_skill])+1)) pc.set_skill_level(16, 59) item.remove() end end end
  12. maybe u dont have the mobs ? or check u add on the group or group_group
  13. Fixed Thx To Marty The Error that i include the local inside if
  14. it's not need for this i only give the function load and this is the import
  15. thos function and even function ..etc just take number not string
  16. same btw to know the error is the table got nil , i said that cant find it i wrong about it sry [Hidden Content]
  17. iam useing it for quest , the problem is ingame it's not show the table and says error : can't find table data_table01
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