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Everything posted by MrLibya

  1. hallo all i was asking about this : for e.g [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] the problem is ingame it's says can't find the table ! so where i did mistake ?
  2. try quest spider_cave_boss begin state start begin function ready_for_cave() begin if pc.count_item(80041) > 0 then local spider = { ["spiderworking"] = game.get_event_flag("spiderworking"), ["spiderpassword"] = game.get_event_flag("spiderpassword"), ["spiderowner"] = game.get_event_flag("spiderowner"), ["spiderboss"] = pc.getqf("spiderboss") } if spider["spiderworking"] == 0 and spider["spiderpassword"] == 0 and spider["spiderowner"] == 0 then if spider["spiderboss"] == 0 then return true else return "Incerci deja sa invingi regele." end else return "Cineva viteaz deja incearca sa invinga regele." end else return "Ai nevoie de "..item_name(80041).." pentru a intra." end end when 20371.chat."Temnita Paianjenilor 3" with pc.getqf("spiderboss") == 0 and game.get_event_flag("spiderworking") == 0 begin say_title(mob_name(20371)) say("") say("Salut, am auzit ca doresti sa intri in ") say("a treia temnita a paianjenilor impreuna cu un grup, ") say("pentru a omori Regina Paianjen... ") say(" ") say("E adevarat? ") say(" ") if select (locale.yes, locale.no) == 2 then return else say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Atunci trebuie sa stiti ca aveti nevoie, ") say("Trecerea Imparatului pentru ati da voie sa intri acolo. ") say("Daca nu ai acea trecere nu te voi lasa sa intri... ") say(" ") wait() say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Fii atent razboinicule, ") say("Regina Paianjen este foarte puternica si, ") say("nu a mai luat o masa de secole... ") say(" ") wait() say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Doriti sa intrati in Camera Regelui? ") say(" ") if select (locale.yes, locale.no) then return else local ready = spider_cave_boss.ready_for_cave() if ready == true then say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Oo.. ai un bilet! ") say(" ") say("Esti sigur ca doresti sa intri acolo? ") if select (locale.yes, locale.no) == 1 then say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Am nevoie de o parola cu ajutorul careia ") say("sa-i tin la deparare pe intrusi! ") local password = tonumber(input("")) game.set_event_flag("spiderpassword", password) game.set_event_flag("spiderworking", 1) game.set_event_flag("spiderowner", pc.get_name()) pc.setqf ("spiderboss", 1) pc.removeitem (80041) say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Dupa ce ai intrat nu mai pot sa te readuc pana nu omori regina. ") say("Succes! ") wait() pc.warp(88000, 614500) else say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Eu nu ma opun, ") say("dar ai nevoie de curaj pentru ai face fata regelui.. ") say(" ") say("Intoarcete inapoi cand, ") say("vei avea curaj sa infrunti regina! ") say(" ") end else say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Nu puteti intra! ") say(" ") end end end end when 20371.chat."Ii sunt prieten cavalerului" with pc.getqf("spiderboss") == 0 and game.get_event_flag("spiderworking") == 1 begin say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") local name = game.get_event_flag("spiderowner") say("Deci esti unul dintre prietenii lui "..name.."? ") say("Haha! Am nevoie de dovezi ca sa te cred! ") say("Mi-a lasat o parola inainte sa-l trimit acolo! ") say("Daca chiar ii esti prieten, spune-mi parola! ") local password = tonumber(input("")) if password == game.get_event_flag("spiderpassword") then say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Oh! Chiar ii esti prieten! ") say("Sa vedem daca esti apt pentru a intra in temnita! ") local ready = spider_cave_boss.ready_for_cave() if ready == true then pc.setqf ("spiderboss", 1) pc.removeitem (80041) say_reward ("Foarte bine! Sa mergem! ") wait() pc.warp(88000, 614500) else say_reward("not ready") return end end end when login with pc.in_dungeon() begin if d.getf("spiderboss ") == 1 then notice_in_map("Temnita Paianjenilor 3: ") notice_in_map("Aveti 20 de minute la dispozitie ") notice_in_map("pentru a omora Metinele Paianjen! ") timer("time_spiderboss", 1200) local metinspiderboss = number(1, 5) local pos = { [1] = {367, 587}, [2] = {356, 575}, [3] = {383, 576}, [4] = {378, 598}, [5] = {358, 596} } local metingood = 8072 local metinbad = 8071 d.spawn_mob(metingood, pos[6-metinspiderboss][1], pos[6-metinspiderboss][2]) for i in ipairs(pos) do if i ~= 6 - metinspiderboss then d.spawn_mob(metinbad, pos[i][1], pos[i][2]) end end end end when 8071.kill with pc.in_dungeon() begin notice_in_map("Ati distrus metin-ul gresit.. ") end when 8072.kill with pc.in_dungeon() begin notice_in_map("Ati distrus metin-ul corect! ") d.kill_all() notice_in_map("Regina paianjen vine cu trupele sale dupa tine.. ") d.spawn_mob(2092, 367, 587) end when time_spiderboss0.timer begin notice_in_map("Ai la dispozitie 20 de minute pentru a omori Regina Paianjen! ") timer("time_spiderboss0", 1200) end when time_spiderboss5.timer begin notice_in_map("Au mai ramas 15 minute! ") timer("time_spiderboss5", 1200) end when time_spiderboss10.timer begin notice_in_map("Au mai ramas 10 minute! ") timer("time_spiderboss10", 1200) end when time_spiderboss15.timer begin notice_in_map("Au mai ramas 5 minute! ") timer("time_spiderboss15", 1200) end when time_spiderboss20.timer begin notice_in_map("Timpul a expirat, vei fi teleportat inapoi in oras. ") timer("time_spiderboss20", 1200) d.jump_all(178, 464) end when 2092.kill with pc.in_dungeon() begin notice_in_map("Spiritul raului te vrea plecat de aici. ") notice_in_map("Vei fi teleportat in aproximativ un minut! ") notice_in_map("Omoara mai repede, pana nu va fi prea tarziu. ") d.kill_all() nation = { "Shinsoo" , "Chunjo" , "Jinno" } notice_all("Echipa lui "..game.get_event_flag("spiderowner").." din regatul " .. nation [ pc.getempire() ] .. " au omorat Regina Paianjen! ") timer("spiderboss_time_out", 60) end when spiderboss_time_out.timer with pc.get_map_index() == 191 begin pc.setqf("spiderboss", 0) game.set_event_flag("spiderworking", 0) game.set_event_flag("spiderpassword", 0) game.set_event_flag("spiderowner", 0) d.jump_all(178, 464) end when 20371.chat."Misterul Temnitei" with pc.getqf("spiderboss ") == 1 begin say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Aceasta temnita cu mult timp in urma, ") say("era un parc de distractie pentru copii, ") say("dar intr-o zi un razboinic a omorat un paianjen si, ") say("blestemul a coborat asupra lui si intregii temnite.. ") say("De atunci nimeni nu a mai avut curajul sa intre acolo! ") say(" ") end end end
  3. i just did this 4d ago xD delete thos char.cpp SetRealPoint(POINT_SKILL, GetLevel()-1); SetPoint(POINT_SKILL, GetRealPoint(POINT_SKILL)); PointChange(POINT_SKILL, 0); ---- case POINT_SKILL: case POINT_SUB_SKILL: --- if (GetSkillGroup()) { if (GetLevel() >= 5) PointChange(POINT_SKILL, 1); if (GetLevel() >= 9) PointChange(POINT_SUB_SKILL, 1); }
  4. this is not very import but it's part of it anyway the BLACKSMITH + BLACKSMITH2 RefineSet char_item: case BLACKSMITH_MOB: if (item->GetRefinedVnum() && item->GetRefineSet() < 500) { return true; } else { return false; } case BLACKSMITH2_MOB: if (item->GetRefineSet() >= 500) { return true; } else { return false; }
  5. u need to make it by u salf ( c++ part ) or buy it from someone finish it ( i dont think that anyone finish it )
  6. try to make the item proto is clean and if u use source use function set attr ! to set the bonus for the item !
  7. just look at the files and u will understand
  8. different bonus set from the call item ( item proto ) ( the item that call the pet ) for e.g 53003 ؛ù؟°؛ز»çء¶¼زب¯ئذ ITEM_QUEST 0 1 ANTI_DROP|ANTI_SELL|ANTI_STACK|ANTI_MYSHOP LOG NONE NONE 0 0 0 0 0 REAL_TIME 10368000 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER 20 APPLY_MAX_HP 2000 APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT 10 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bonus are : APPLY_MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER APPLY_MAX_HP APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT you can change it for what u want
  9. this is very old system from 2012 i dont recommend to use it look at this :
  10. when 20358.chat."Recompensa Event OX" with pc.is_gm() begin say("Castigatorul va fi premiat.Introdu ID itemului.") say("") local item_vnum = input() say("Introdu cantitatea.") say("") local item_count = input() oxevent.give_item(item_vnum, item_count) say(" Name of the winer ") local winer = input() say("Recompensezi cu "..oxevent.get_attender().." jucatorul.") say("") notice_all( "Jucatorul " ..winer.. " a castigat un premiu la OX!" )
  11. i really didnt get what u want but in world editor press f6 then it will make shado + mini map
  12. try to use function to send the pc.getqf monster number !
  13. the problem now in this line : when pc.getqf(mob_to_kill).kill begin i dont have server now to test which way it can work but try ; when pc.getqf("mob_to_kill").kill begin pc.setqf("qta_to_kill",(pc.getqf("qta_to_kill"))-1) if pc.getqf("qta_to_kill") == 0 then pc.setqf("done", 1) send_letter("") end end end -- closed RUNNING
  14. ah right right try this : quest daily begin state start begin when login or levelup with pc.get_level() > 74 begin if get_global_time() > pc.getqf(tempo) then set_state(info) end end end state info begin -- info about the mission when letter begin send_letter("") end -- letter sent when button or info begin say_title("") say("") say("") say("") say("") say("") local risp = select("","") if risp == 2 then return end -- Cancel pc.setqf("dif", 0) -- difficulty FLAG (0=pedra sangue) set_state(running) end -- when closed end -- INFO closed state running begin when login or enter begin pc.setqf("done", 0) -- quest completed FLAG (0=not completed, 1=completed) if pc.getqf("dif") == 0 then pc.setqf("mob_to_kill",math.random(691, 1901, 791, 1304, 2206, 1093, 2091)) -- how many kills local qta = { 3, 4, 5, 6 } pc.setqf("qta_to_kill",qta[math.random(1, 4)]) -- recompensa pedra sangue pc.setqf("reward", 30190) end end when letter begin if pc.getqf("dif") == 0 then send_letter("") end end when button or info begin -- info about the quest if pc.getqf("done") == 0 then -- if he didn't complete the quest if pc.getqf("dif") == 0 then say_title("") say("") say("") say("") say("") say_reward("" .. qta_to_kill .. mob_name(pc.getqf(mob_to_kill))) say_reward("" .. pc.getqf(reward) .. "") end else say_title("") say("" ..pc.get_name() .. "") say("") wait() if pc.getqf("dif") == 0 then say_reward("" .. pc.getqf(reward) .. "") pc.give_item2(30190, 1) end -- timer FLAG, this quest is repeatable once per day (24h) pc.setqf("tempo", get_global_time()+86400) -- 60*60*24 -- deleting FLAGS pc.delqf("mob_to_kill") pc.delqf("reward") pc.delqf("qta_to_kill") pc.delqf("dif") pc.delqf("done") set_state(__COMPLETE__) end end when pc.getqf(mob_to_kill).kill begin pc.setqf("qta_to_kill",(pc.getqf(qta_to_kill))-1) if pc.getqf(qta_to_kill) == 0 then pc.setqf("done", 1) send_letter("") end end end -- closed RUNNING state __COMPLETE__ begin when enter begin q.done() end end -- closed __COMPLETE__ end -- closed QUEST
  15. Try : quest daily begin state start begin when login or levelup with pc.get_level() > 74 begin if get_global_time() > pc.getqf(tempo) then set_state(info) end end end state info begin -- info about the mission when letter begin send_letter("") end -- letter sent when button or info begin say_title("") say("") say("") say("") say("") say("") local risp = select("","") if risp == 2 then return end -- Cancel pc.setqf("dif", 0) -- difficulty FLAG (0=pedra sangue) set_state(running) end -- when closed end -- INFO closed state running begin pc.setqf("done", 0) -- quest completed FLAG (0=not completed, 1=completed) if pc.getqf("dif") == 0 then pc.setqf("mob_to_kill",math.random(691, 1901, 791, 1304, 2206, 1093, 2091)) -- how many kills local qta = { 3, 4, 5, 6 } pc.setqf("qta_to_kill",qta[math.random(1, 4)]) -- recompensa pedra sangue pc.setqf("reward", 30190) end when letter begin if pc.getqf("dif") == 0 then send_letter("") end end when button or info begin -- info about the quest if pc.getqf("done") == 0 then -- if he didn't complete the quest if pc.getqf("dif") == 0 then say_title("") say("") say("") say("") say("") say_reward("" .. qta_to_kill .. mob_name(pc.getqf(mob_to_kill))) say_reward("" .. pc.getqf(reward) .. "") end else say_title("") say("" ..pc.get_name() .. "") say("") wait() if pc.getqf("dif") == 0 then say_reward("" .. pc.getqf(reward) .. "") pc.give_item2(30190, 1) end -- timer FLAG, this quest is repeatable once per day (24h) pc.setqf("tempo", get_global_time()+86400) -- 60*60*24 -- deleting FLAGS pc.delqf("mob_to_kill") pc.delqf("reward") pc.delqf("qta_to_kill") pc.delqf("dif") pc.delqf("done") set_state(__COMPLETE__) end end when pc.getqf(mob_to_kill).kill begin pc.setqf("qta_to_kill",(pc.getqf(qta_to_kill))-1) if pc.getqf(qta_to_kill) == 0 then pc.setqf("done", 1) send_letter("") end end end -- closed RUNNING state __COMPLETE__ begin when enter begin q.done() end end -- closed __COMPLETE__ end -- closed QUEST
  16. Hallo All I am trying to make a select table and when the player select anything he regive him the same table but without the chosen tab for e.g i do it like that : local menu01 = {} for num1,str1 in ipairs(data01) do table.insert(menu01, str1[1]) end local seltab01 = select_table(menu01, "close") if seltab01 == table.getn(menu01) then return end wait() --- second chose local menu02 = {} for num2,str2 in ipairs(data01) do table.insert(menu02, str2[1]) end table.remove(menu02, seltab01) local seltab02 = select_table(menu02) wait()
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