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Everything posted by tierrilopes

  1. Jesus christ, already made and sent you that weeks ago. You only need to paste your source there and hit compile.
  2. Consider the legal expenses and time spent to pursue every single private server.
  3. It already exists in your config.cpp Go to your CONFIG of all channels, edit/add this line: test_server: 1 Restart server. __ Confirm that you have something like this at questmanager.cpp: and at questlua.cpp: questlua.h:
  4. Whats your source? Some sources published got test mode removed, mainly because they suck at coding.
  5. Do you want to change the "hit" only or also skills? Changes at the stated functions for hits and arrows (example on arrow): battle.cpp int CalcArrowDamage int battle_hit for skills: char_skill FuncSplashDamage Do you want critical and so on to also work or to always 1 damage, independently of critical, penetrate, etc? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you want ONLY 1 damage to mobs (hits, skills, criticals, etc), ignore the previous steps and Go to char_battle.cpp, in the damage function, edit like on image:
  6. Ask for a refund. M2bob doesnt use dll injection.
  7. FoxFs.lib not included probably. add a pragma to include it in eterpack project.
  8. For hit damage: Look for: if (iDam <= 0) { return (BATTLE_DAMAGE); } Paste this ABOVE: //begin hit block damage with sword +5 (vnum 15) if (pkAttacker->FindSpecifyItem(15) && pkVictim->IsNPC()) { iDam = 0; } //end hit block damage with sword + 5(vnum 15) Like in the print: Go ingame and test it. If you damage a mob with a hit while having a sword +5 (vnum) in inventory, damage will be 0. That will work for weapon hits. You also need to edit this function for arrows damage: int CalcArrowDamage And if you also want to block skills damage, you will need to edit it at char_skill.cpp, here: FuncSplashDamage
  9. pkg install -y mysql55-client devil (mysql version depends on the one you used)
  10. pkg update pkg install python Second line is an example.
  11. Dont use ports, use pkg. You have no need to install compat, all the libs you need are already available at the machine where you compile your server sources.
  12. Writting stuff in English (or not)on a programming language, that will then be converted and will lead to the CPU to do some stuff that will ultimately block m2bob, until it does not
  13. No need to use IsEnemy to have it work for mobs and metins. Just wanted to know why, ty
  14. Its only a security risk if you dont change keys, otherwise client wont load files with different keys even if its on the index. Its on another place on "honor zone", i will move it to public one, when i do i warn you.
  15. « Players are not able to select NPCs, Metin Stones and players as target! » Why not metins? Non-sense.
  16. I got max dm/dh setup on source on two variables, its reads both variables, compares with the bonus on item. If higher then max, changes bonus Tuesday or so when im out of work i can send you a link containing it.
  17. Check all bonus from all items. If any bonus is higher then item_attr, that item bonuses get changed
  18. I got a check everytime the player logins.
  20. Was gonna send a pm until i saw this « like lz4 or something ». Good luck.
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