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Everything posted by tierrilopes

  1. Config of the core, add TEST_SERVER:1 When you kill a mob, will appear on chat the damage formula with values and also exp you gained from it
  2. About drops, i can send you this when i finish it (gather drops info drop wiki, creates drops from it): v0.1 v0.2:
  3. Hi. To remove gold from a player, use the function like this: else if pc.get_gold() >= 10000000 then --check if player got required gold pc.change_gold(-10000000) --remove gold from player pc.polymorph(101, 3600) --your code else syschat("You need at least 10.000.000 gold") --message in red warning about gold requirement return
  4. when you say " is very very slow ", its only in-game or theres any cpu spike of the client process? try something like fraps (or make a panel in-game showing fps/ use the debug binary) so see if you get fps drop Also, binary on debug mode, its shows nothing when it freezes?
  5. I already sent you working function, just copy any button, rename it and done.
  6. That ain't true at all. I even compiled with that cancerous vc9 and all works fine, using also that w10 version.
  7. I don't see any bug with windows10, all works fine since first day of w10. Check if it isnt w10 windows defender messing around, add folder to exclusions and retry.
  8. Here's a free alternative to that: [Hidden Content]
  9. You probably forgot to include the new .cpp and .h files in your UserInterface project. Put the new .cpp and .h files regarding the pet system inside your UserInterface folder Right-click UserInterface, select Add-->Add existing item, select those files Rebuild solution
  10. Wrong size = size different from what was setup on binary source. Search your bin solution for "abc.py" to find where the size check is being defined.
  11. ? quest_lua.cpp ALUA(pc_go_city) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); ch->GoCity(); return 1; } void RegisterPCFunctionTable() { luaL_reg pc_functions[] = { { "go_city", pc_go_city }, char.h public : void GoCity(); char.cpp void CHARACTER::GoCity() { WarpSet(EMPIRE_START_X(GetEmpire()), EMPIRE_START_Y(GetEmpire())); } quest_list pc.go_city quest asd begin state start begin when 101.kill begin pc.go_city() end end end Could reduce your code a bit i guess.
  12. Maybe normal client using granny2.4 and your compiled one using granny2.9 but you forgot to replace that dll?
  13. Google for "fix internal ip", setup vmware with bridged network adapter the other steps are the normal ones
  14. Files are not downloaded/bought, they're made. All files work with no-ip, theres fixs about it public for a long time. But, if you cant afford a 15€ server to test with your friends, maybe you shouldn't open one at all.
  15. Use 40k source, disable what you dont want, simple.
  16. You can use navicat Import Wizard for that, works flawless.
  17. What the full error you got there? If you changed client language, check your metin2.cfg file and also your pythons may have some wrong paths (point to the wrong language). Or maybe your new pythons have some texts that doesnt exist on locale_game.txt anymore. Post here the syserr
  18. Always use the latest stable FreeBSD version. The steps remaing the same on other FreeBSD versions.
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