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Everything posted by tierrilopes

  1. You've been doing something wrong probably. If you need assistance on that we can discusse this in private. In-topic: Didnt knew that one, have been using this for a time now (since 2013): [Hidden Content] I will test the one you showed to give my opinion on each one is better and has more functions.
  2. Please guys, read previous posts. With avua re-up, now you got 3 links. Always search the topic before posting, thank you. Edit: This wasnt directed to you .Avua, but for the ppl asking for re-up.
  3. Hello. Design you can do it yourself, by adding images, a web browser component to show a website and so on. Administrator, didnt made it yet, but i think you have to add it to a manifest file.
  4. Who are you to repost this , whitout accord of the autor. Why are you so arogant ? Maybe he deleted this whit a scope. Just say. Im a metin2dev member. Where im i being arrogant? Re-uploading is being arrogant? Losing free time so you can have the source is arrogant? Really? I can re-upload without author consent. Why? He didnt't informed that didnt want reuploads He deleted it to redirect people to his own forum. d3s4st3r There was no library builder in the release also. Are you using a 40k client? Or did you change anything on the source? Just compiling it and using for example on the 40k test client, gave me no issues.
  5. [Hidden Content] Password: metin2dev My previous link is offline due to a dns change. Edit: Dns propagation finished: Mirror link(direct one)
  6. Please, read the previous posts. Shisui had already answered that.
  7. There isnt a crack, it got a official key. Let me upload and i will repost here with the link. Edit: Seems that i shared it without any kind of crack but the file was still deleted.
  8. Can i open it with Visual Studio Premium 2013? I guess you will have to test it, didnt tried other then the professional. If you (or anyone else) needs the professional one i can send you. I got it Dreamspark.
  9. Yes they are. After you compile the binary will be on the binary folder. Open the client.sln with visual studio professional 2013 Set mode to distribute And then press ctrl+shift+b and wait.
  10. Non-sense having users to go another forum. For that i dont know what was the effort on posting here in the first place. Mirror link: (recompressed with lzma2 ultra) [Hidden Content] Password:
  11. Please, before posting questions, read the previous posts or this will be filled with spam. Thank you.
  12. Hello. Some advices: Change all users and passwords on your serverfiles. Give only the required permissions to your database users. (for example only read, select, write and delete for website user) Set a strong password for the adminpage (for example mine got 512 chars lenght). Give othr members of your team restricted access to the database and serverfiles. If you going to work on the source, there are some fixes and security methods available on the VIP area, so i would recommend you to adquire a vip package.
  13. This starts to be a bit annoying guys. Please read te previous posts. First: If someone is wrong, then you fucked up compiling the bin, and edited and you shouldnt. If working perfectly without any issues. Second; Those letters, its because of the Debug Mode. Change it to Release and then click on the green arrow or use shift+ctrl+b. If you got any issue, please look in the topic first, or even look in another topics in the forum. The spam gets annoying. Thank you.
  14. A sugestion, add a option to use bing translate instead of google translate. Because bing has a better rate translating whole sentences without losing the meaning of the phrase.
  15. ch1 Remove item 71164 from special_item_group.txt Add those missing tables to your database. ___ Thanks so much. But i have a little problem. When i write the command "fetch ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/9.3-RELEASE/lib32.txz"it says this - No route to host. Where can be the problem? You dont need compat7x. You must have access to the internet in the machine. You can check if you have acess by using the following command: ping www.google.com ____________ Use the adduser command to add metin2 user, wheres some reference: [Hidden Content] Then open putty, and write metin2 (or whatever user you choose) instead of root.
  16. Download link is redirecting to another forum. Could you fix it please Reboot? Thank you.
  17. Solved: "get_input_value" : self.GetInputValue, was in the wrong place.
  18. What ? It's easy, open .sln and click build solution What you say ? I don't understand. What do we do with this file? thank you Open it with Visual Studio 2013, set mode to release, and then: ctrl+shit+b The file will be on the folder binary with the name Metin2Release.exe It's something you edited, i just compiled it too check and its working fine:
  19. Could someone help me notice the mistake please? Syserr: Line 488 is the last line of the spoiler below. uitarget.py
  20. If you could manage to contact vanilla and, there could be a way to track the hacker. I got no reason to complain about vanilla, she did a amazing job. Sadly good things get ruined by retards (that hacker). I wish vanilla the best in life, and i thank for all she has done.
  21. Wonder where a mirror link (because your was offline) is a off-topic. You never stated you did not wanted re-uploads. So explain me, wheres the off-topic?
  22. Problem solved. Issue: wrong symbolic links. Solution: Re-arranged symbolic links to match the corresponding log folder.
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