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Everything posted by tierrilopes

  1. Can you list the required ports please? Myself i dont need them, but i will glady try to make them functional for who needs
  2. ​Good luck making it to work and ty for offering to help us ​Sorry that it didn't work out at all. I've managed to set up a machine and compile it but it's way too big to upload :/ ​Could you teach how you made it work then please? I can upload it for you (if you want to share it ofc)
  3. ​Good luck making it to work and ty for offering to help us
  4. ​I will answer you again. He didnt said he didnt allowed re-uploads. His reason to leave was not getting a developer rank. If that isnt childish i dont know what is. I wont remove my re-upload or what so ever. Password is meant to publish metin2dev. Re-uploads links:
  5. char_item.cpp Comment this: if (LC_IsEurope() || LC_IsSingapore() || LC_IsVietnam()) return false; For example: case 71051 : { // Enabing 6/7 //if (LC_IsEurope() || LC_IsSingapore() || LC_IsVietnam()) //return false; //End of enabling 6/7 case 71052 : { // Enabing 6/7 //if (LC_IsEurope() || LC_IsSingapore() || LC_IsVietnam()) //return false; //End of enabling 6/7
  6. The first one i did by virtualizing them into a single file (patcher containing bin inside of it), but i dont advice you to do it. A better aproach would be integrating a patcher src into the binary src. I want to do this option but havent started on it, maybe someone here already did so/know a better way.
  7. strange then o.o i an help you tomorrow to see if we can solve it, but i need to go sleep now :/ tomorrow i will pm you
  8. Its a error in the libs, use the traceback.pyc from the downloads here: i.tlthings.net/client_source_clean.7z password: metin2dev
  9. Change your locale.py to localeInfo.py (or duplicate it and rename the copy) But the 40k test client should work just fine.
  10. Pick any of them and start making your own serverfiles structure. Then start downloading every files you see, and investigate them to see what you could or not use from them.
  11. Hello. You can change the paths on the .py files, for example: whisperButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") to something like: whisperButton.SetUpVisual("H:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") or even edit the whole path, changing the struture of the client: whisperButton.SetUpVisual("myclientwork/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") In the binary the same thing happens: // Load Sound std::string strPathHeader = "d:/ymir work/"; for something like // Load Sound std::string strPathHeader = "H:/ymir work/"; or // Load Sound std::string strPathHeader = "myclientwork/"; This is by changing the client structure. Or more easily change it in the binary, to dont load from that location. I think it had something do due with this: #define PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK1 "d:/ymir work/" #define PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK2 "d:ymir work" But i dont remember and cant find where i wrote that information, so maybe someone here could help you out.
  12. Show us the error when you build the whole project please.
  13. Each other error iRemain? The warning at C4715: 'CInstanceBase::SHORSE::GetLevel'?
  14. File eterpack.lib not present at eterpackdistribute
  15. Your dll stays where the binary is. Next to the python27.dll and so on.
  16. Weapon values as in their attack and magical values? Its made on the item_proto
  17. Oh sorry, i missunderstood, tought you wanted a binary. You can use the 40k test client, its posted here i think.
  18. You can use one of this client sources: After you compile you can change the executable name for anyone that you want. You can also specify it in the project settings.
  19. Can you compile using only gmake please? So that we can see the full output of it.
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