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Posts posted by displayjokes

  1. 3 minutes ago, tierrilopes said:

    I meant using the 'search in all files' (open any file from the solution, ctrl+f, write what you wanna find, adjust the dropdown to search in all files of the project) visual studio function to change the "root" folder.

    root is defined in the client source and needs to be changed there.

    If you want to rename the other packs (where you got the maps and so on) for example:




    Just change the file name and corresponding name in the Index file (or in your UserInterface if you have the loading on source)

    I knew it had to be a simple thing, i've tried to change the file name but never though about changing on index, Thank you! :)

  2. 12 minutes ago, tierrilopes said:

    Client source, search "root"

    i'm searching here:


    is it supost to be there? If so, i search root, or any other file from the pack folder but i cannot find what i want ?


    For example, i have this files on pack:   metin2_patch_snow_dungeon  (with my extenstions, but i believe the extensions doesn't have anything to do with it right?)

    And here is the search:



    Sorry, i'm kinda newbie at this

  3. 2 hours ago, Chyu ^^ said:

    It's casual bug. It depends on your speed or how do you manipulate with your character.

    Only pressing W on two diferent PCs i got different results, on my computer i had that bug, with the same character, same speed, same moves (only W) everything was ok on my girlfriends computer >.<


     I went to sleep, when i woke up and tested it was normal 0-0

  4. Hi community!

    I present you a server that will open 09/11/18 (this friday) around 21h.


    Server Info:

    Server Language: Inglês

    MAx LvL: 105 (Por enquanto);

    Doesn't have 6/7 bonuses;

    Experience table and experience given by monsters were manually changed!

    Items won't have +0/+9 status! It will only be the "+9", this meaning that the item is at its maximum status, but without the "+9". Although the PvM Weapons have a "weaker" version of themselves, they upgrade to the "normal" weapons!

    Bonuses come always at maximum;

    Systems: costume(armor, hair, weapon), mounts(simple), smokes, pet(simple) and sash. There's a belt system too, but not in use YET;


    Before the presentation image, here's some info:



    Currently we are 2, our 3rd member is in "stand-by". We are a dedicated team, who are able to listen to criticisms and suggestions  so we can be ALWAYS improving! We want with the help of our players, keep the server "in update", this means, with big updates every once in a while.. Dungeons, new sets, weapons,armors, accessories, more levels, etc.

    We are already preparing for a new big update, when we got a few players maximum level!


    WebSite: Home Page

    Discord: Invite


    The website can be offline during this period, since we are still on the final run. Between tomorrow and friday, the website will be updated with download available! The registry will be available on the 9th of this month, noon. Once the registry is available, you will only be able to connect at the opening hour! This will all be communicated on our discord server!


    I'll leave you with the server presentation image.

    Thank you for your attention!

    LesticKMT2 Team



  5. Hey, i've got a problem where IS Items are disapearing.. it seems to be only costumes/mounts or pets.

    Items as weapons/sashes/resources stay in the IS shop even when the other items disapear. Here's a GIF of it..



    Any idea of what can be causing this?


    I'm inserting items on item table, in "MALL".


    Tried with item_award table, is the same thing...

    Here's the navicat for item_award:



    Please any help is really appreciated!

    Thanks for your time!

  6. Hey!

    I'm having an issue, everytime i try to open IS warehouse, my DB crashes, client syserr is clean, DB syserr too, i can open the IS warehouse in some account, and others i get a bug..

    What can it be? I believe it has to do either i have items on IS warehouse or not.


    Any help is appreciated,

    thank you!




    this is what cames first when i try to open the warehouse (in some of the /var/db .err files)




    Second edit:

    i cleared all MALL items, i can open the warehouse..

    whenever i add one item, boom, crashes the db, i still can play, but if i teleport i get dced.. And noone can enter the server since the db is down

  7. Go on virtualbox and login as root:

    Do the following:    ee /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    you will open the file sshd_config on editor.

    Using arrow keys to scroll down, search this: #PermitRootLogin no

    And replace with: PermitRootLogin yes


    Your problem must be from root access not enabled, so you can't login. Only in virtual box ofc.

  8. Hey guys, i'm having some issues with patcher, all i could find was atleast from 3 years ago OR MORE, i found one from Metin2 BR Official, but i cannot change anything, it was supost to get the elements on my website directory but even if i delete it still has the same appearence..

    Can anyone tell me a SIMPLE patcher with instructions please, i've never done it :\, or if anyone can tell me how to change things on this patcher... i wanted to delete some things and change some images, here's how it looks: https://metin2.download/picture/r3F9504x09DVmF8K988YXgTtGTP6KMUj/.gif


    i have a "source" folder: https://metin2.download/picture/URv2S8FM52Pb85BGWFo4QQULB5G4IPXu/.png

    inside source folder: https://metin2.download/picture/r3F9504x09DVmF8K988YXgTtGTP6KMUj/.gif

    skin.xml (supost to be the layout, on underlined red i replaced by my ip, as it says): https://metin2.download/picture/r3F9504x09DVmF8K988YXgTtGTP6KMUj/.gif

    and changed my ip on TorrectPatch.locale and TorrentPatch.url too.


    OBS: The patcher is working, it downloads everything from my server as is should, but i cannot change the layout..


    What am i doing wrong?


    A fix or a new "easier" patch is appreciated!

    Thanks for your time!

  9. 1 minute ago, boaspessoal said:

    Hello everyone,

    I am currently having issues with loading skyboxes. They come with terrible quality and don't work as they should in general. My source has it and I have tested the same skyboxes in other servers' clients and they still looking really bad ingame.

    Does anyone know where the issue could come from?


    Have you done the map/test the sky boxes on world editor to see if it fits your needs?

  10. Hi!

    You've been an amazing help with my project, now i'm on the final fases and i'm testing everything out, i've got a problem with sending guild war request.

    Whenever i send a request, it says the guild leader is not online, even thought he is side by side with me..

    Where can i fix or which files can i "mess" around to try and fix this issue?


    Any help is appreciated!

    Thank you!

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