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Posts posted by displayjokes

  1. On 6/20/2019 at 7:00 PM, iFreakTime~.~ said:

    Try to reinstall freebsd.

    Just happened again, here's a print of the processes: https://metin2.download/picture/5NK1SVncivg7YB1Vt64H563sEjy9kGW8/.png

    The channel works fine when it's on "S" and not on "R"

    Need help to fix this ?


    I had this on syserr now:

    SYSERR: Jun 21 14:15:36.730064 :: Process: SEQUENCE 32f6d400 mismatch 0xaf != 0x64 header 254
    SYSERR: Jun 21 14:15:36.730075 :: Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [UNKNOWN]-------------
        [254 : 0xaf]


    Could this be the reason?


    Edit again:

    This was not the reason, fixed this but still got the bug '-'

  2. Hey, i'm still in test mode so i only have 2 channels, with one core each, channel1 and channel99..

    Here's my problem:

    When i start the server, go in game, after a few minutes/seconds or hours, it depends, even if i do nothing, the game seems like it goes down but i never get kicked out of the client..

    I can't equip/unequip items, mount/unmount execute commands, it seems like i can only walk.. I can't even exit the client.. Have to be with the taskbar..

    And i cannot login again or with other account unless i do a complete reboot.

    Here's a print of my processes: https://metin2.download/picture/Y4OFU6UZ9f3WYJiA0FYbTKBjYqzuDq1t/.png

    The channel1 should be with an "S" and it's with an "R" right? How can i fix this or which files can i check the error?

    Here are some infos..

    Channel1 Syserr:


    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:20:56.819295 :: pid_init:
    Start of pid: 935

    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:21:35.356706 :: ItemLoad: cannot create item by vnum 49000 (name Display id 10000001)
    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:21:35.356717 :: ItemLoad: cannot create item by vnum 49001 (name Display id 10000002)
    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:21:35.356736 :: ItemLoad: cannot create item by vnum 41460 (name Display id 10000030)
    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:21:35.358505 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Data too long for column 'hint' at row 1 (query: INSERT DELAYED INTO log (type, time, who, x, y, what, how, hint, ip) VALUES('CHARACTER', NOW(), 10002, 954319, 261200, 0, 'LOGIN', ' 1997735000 1 41 200000', '') errno: 1406)
    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:21:35.359575 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Incorrect integer value: 'Y' for column 'is_gm' at row 1 (query: INSERT INTO loginlog2(type, is_gm, login_time, channel, account_id, pid, ip, client_version) VALUES('INVALID', 'Y', NOW(), 1, 1, 10002, inet_aton(''), '') errno: 1366)
    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:22:08.796336 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Data too long for column 'hint' at row 1 (query: INSERT DELAYED INTO log (type, time, who, x, y, what, how, hint, ip) VALUES('CHARACTER', NOW(), 10002, 955102, 262059, 0, 'WARP', 'Display MapIdx 41 DestMapIdx0 DestX876500 DestY876500 Empire3', '') errno: 1406)
    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:22:08.918997 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Data too long for column 'hint' at row 1 (query: INSERT DELAYED INTO log (type, time, who, x, y, what, how, hint, ip) VALUES('CHARACTER', NOW(), 10002, 955102, 262059, 0, 'LOGOUT', ' 1997735000 1 41 200000', '') errno: 1406)
    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:22:10.557622 :: ItemLoad: cannot create item by vnum 49001 (name Display id 10000002)
    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:22:10.557631 :: ItemLoad: cannot create item by vnum 49000 (name Display id 10000001)
    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:22:10.557650 :: ItemLoad: cannot create item by vnum 41460 (name Display id 10000030)
    SYSERR: Jun 20 19:22:10.557989 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Data too long for column 'hint' at row 1 (query: INSERT DELAYED INTO log (type, time, who, x, y, what, how, hint, ip) VALUES('CHARACTER', NOW(), 10002, 876500, 876500, 0, 'LOGIN', ' 1997735000 1 273 200000', '') errno: 1406)


    DB Syserr just has some monsters with wrong "Size"

    Client Syserr:


    0620 18:21:11093 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR
    0620 18:22:45773 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR
    0620 18:23:14559 :: CDungeonBlock::Load(filename=d:/ymir work/zone/dungeon/resources picking zon/mushroom01.gr2) - model count is 0

    0620 18:24:56429 :: CDungeonBlock::Load(filename=d:/ymir work/zone/dungeon/resources picking zon/mushroom01.gr2) - model count is 0

    0620 18:24:56429 :: CDungeonBlock::Load(filename=d:/ymir work/zone/dungeon/resources picking zon/mushroom01.gr2) - model count is 0



    This happens a lot of times and i do not know why it does


    I don't really know what to do at this point, so any help is much apreciated!

    Thank you in advance

  3. Hey, i was doing a new login interface, i've made a textbox background white, and i managed to change the color of the words but.. The text cursor stays white..

    I cannot upload images directly, i don't know why. So here's a screenshot: https://metin2.download/picture/7P4D1KE6V6hY5H8PC1pW23dovUSqt11D/.png

    Any idea on how/where to change that text cursor color? Because it gets really hard to see it ?


    Thanks in advance

  4. 9 hours ago, ReFresh said:

    @displayjokes He just want to change the code to make a two fixed numbers (average damage and skill damage) which can't be lower than before defined numbers.

    If you want to make it higher than those values you only need to increase the minimum value, for example for the skill damage, search for -30 and change it for 20, if you want it to be a minimum of 20.

    This is untested, not sure if need to change anything else.

    If you don't want to mess around with that function you can create one of your own and mess around with it

  5. 34 minutes ago, migi said:

    I already put the costume file in pack so no need for pathes 

    the ddownload link 

    This is the hidden content, please


    I only did it for the female assassin, did not implemented the rest.

    Here's what i did:



        Group ShapeData146
            ShapeIndex            41850
            Model                "assassin_stofa.GR2"

    Where did i placed things?


    Did nothing more, if this does not work, do not change a thing. Just add this:

    SpecialPath            "d:/ymir Work/pc/assassin/"

    to the msm file

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  6. 11 minutes ago, migi said:

    If it does work without the special path I believe that I should put the textures somewhere without making a special path ... btw it didn't work the character is not appearing at all :( I'm suffering a lot with this costume lol 

    If you want me to try just send me the costume and i will try and give solution if i can find it xD

    the assassin "normal" path to male is on pc2, for female is pc, the special path was only for testing ?

  7. 4 minutes ago, migi said:

    Unfotunately, it didn't work :( I That's what I did .. 



    place the model inside the folder too, here's an example to try on the msm files:


        Group ShapeData44
            SpecialPath            path...
            ShapeIndex            40044
            Model                "assassin_halloween2.GR2"
            SourceSkin            "assassin_halloween2.dds"
            TargetSkin            "assassin_halloween2.dds"    

            SourceSkin2            "arm.dds"
            TargetSkin2            "arm.dds"    

            SourceSkin3            "head.dds"
            TargetSkin3            "head.dds"    


    Do that for all your textures, i dont remember if you needed one source and targetskin1, so i did it with the "2" next to the "normal" skin

  8. 2 minutes ago, migi said:

    The costume is without .dds .. Now it's appearing white without color but also when I put the costume file on D the same problem happen ?

    Do you have granny viewer? You must open the costume .gr2 and check on textures where you should place it, in which folders on your client

  9. On 5/31/2019 at 8:13 PM, boaspessoal said:

    Yes, but I don't think either of these functions are the issue, I have put a debug message on both of them and it never shows up, leading me to believe they're not being called at all from the binary(which I have no idea why is happening)

    Worked with "normal" system?

  10. 38 minutes ago, Paikei said:

    Thank you for your responses! It would be very useful if I could somehow check if the player has a talisman equipped, but I can't for the love of god find out how to do that...


    I was going to tell you to force the call to that function but it wouldn't work..

    On binary i believe it's only on user interface, do a full search on that folder for: m_dwArmor

    That is the effect that you get from your armor.

    Try to replicate every single line, but instead of m_dwArmor make it something like m_dwTalisman

    And then on instancebase.cpp you'll need to do something similiar to this:     SetArmor(c_rkCreateData.m_dwArmor);

    And create your own function based on that.

    Remember to change the name of the variable and the functions.


    Let us know if you find any difficulties :D


    Edit: I forgot to paste this, i did a full search on my source and came only on userinterface, here's what it found:


    (i can't paste images, don't know why  D:)

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Paikei said:

    Hi! I implemented this simple talisman system: 

    This is the hidden content, please

    The talisman has type 2 (armor) and subtype 7. So when I tried attaching a smoke effect to it, I did it like this (InstanceBase.cpp -> _GetRefinedEffect method): https://pastebin.com/niTDPkjL


    I don't understand why it doesn't work ingame. Can anybody help me? :)

    ! The effects work, I put "EFFECT_TALISMAN_RED" on the level 80 armor and it worked.

    I had this issue too, created a new costume slot (type 28, subtype X), and tried to add smoke effect, the thing is, you will need to create  other functions OR when you equip a talisman  you call that funcion in order to call that piece of code that gives you the smoke effect.


    I'm not sure how it's done, i ended up installing another system for what i wanted and it did better than i expected, but you can check how the other effects are attached, where the functions is called, etc..


    Sorry, can't help you much more ?

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  12. On 6/2/2019 at 4:21 AM, migi said:

    Answer please ,, it's not working

    If you want to do it for the ride command in general, for mounts, etc, you can do it with python when the G/H key is pressed, otherwise, i believe you will have to do it on source, new player variable or something like that, and do the same process.

    With quests i do not think it's possible to achieve it, only when you summon the horse

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