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Posts posted by displayjokes

  1. Hey,

    I've been testing some stuff on my server to release it, and i got one "bug", let's call it bug, because that's not what i intend that to be.

    So when i call my pet, if i walk to far, instead of teleporting to me, the pet just unsummons it self. I lose the bonus and pet goes away.


    My Question: Where can i edit this, and how to make the pet teleport to me instead of unsommon?


    Thanks for helping! :D

  2. 5 hours ago, WeedHex said:

    Dude depends where you want to active it...


    You can realize a comand to do it from a button.

    The code that i show you is from char use. If you want to work in other files you must use ch-> pointer....

    If you may, do you know exactly in which file is "writen" "Use costum instead of armor"? :\ i could use some variable from player to control that, or even a vnum for a costum invisible, would be easier that way i guess?

  3. On 10/23/2018 at 6:53 PM, WeedHex said:

    I understood that you can't see costumes. (they're invisible)

    Reading again i understand that you want to let costume disapper. 

    In this case i suggest to do:


                        CItem* itemBody = GetWear(WEAR_BODY);

                        SetPart(PART_MAIN, itemBody->GetVnum());  //COSTUM

                        SetPart(PART_MAIN, GetOriginalPart(PART_MAIN)); //NO COSTUM

    Can't find where to change that D:

  4. 32 minutes ago, WeedHex said:

    I understood that you can't see costumes. (they're invisible)

    Reading again i understand that you want to let costume disapper. 

    In this case i suggest to do:


                        CItem* itemBody = GetWear(WEAR_BODY); 

                        SetPart(PART_MAIN, itemBody->GetVnum());  //COSTUM

                        SetPart(PART_MAIN, GetOriginalPart(PART_MAIN)); //NO COSTUM

    In which file can i do that change/add to the code?

    I'm searching, if i find i'll edit this comment hehe

  5. 1 hour ago, WeedHex said:

    It depends from VNUM that you chose.

    I suggest to use progressive vnums or keep them from official packs.



    In the binary c++ there are checks about npc.txt vnum reading.

    I did not understand, how can the vnum affect the costume visibility?



    if possible, do you know where in the source is a function that says "show this costume instead of the armor" ?

  6. Hi!

    I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but i'm looking for a very specific set of weapons, i've been looking for hours and i can't find it..

    Here are some prints i could find on google/youtube:

    Daggers: https://metin2.download/picture/45Sf81ucmhw9p7UshrcgUMA25SnNFJQY/.png

    Sword: https://metin2.download/picture/ZImow9MqbZz6V217DUZtV8CPZjbdBtBJ/.png


    If anyone knows where can i get it or who made and how can i contact or even the name of the weapons/pack, that'd be awesome!


    Any help is appreciated!

    Thank you!

  7. Hi!

    I'm in a phase of trying to implement new things, i can implement new items, as resources or only items with "icons", not appearence, didn't try armors yet but still, can't implement new weapons..

    I did a query to mysql, added the item correctly there, added on item proto/item names, added icon successfuly but when it comes to show the weapon, here's the result:





    It should be something like this.. image.png.0e95f5c415207ea24855c9f7760ff2a1.png


    But it's like i have no weapon..

    i placed the GR2 files on item/ymir work/item/weapon as it is to do (right?)


    Here's my item_list:



    Any help is appreciated!

    Thank you!



    Edit: I've tried a lot of weapons (something like 10 weapons i believe, all the same result..) this was the last one..

  8. Hey!

    So i've created a new map and when i'm going to the phase of adding new monster they all came on double. That means, with one line on regen.txt, that mob comes 2 times on the map. The same for boss.txt.

    This is my regen.txt: https://metin2.download/picture/VqinV3Gse0aGyO3kplDzFy5NnD5s6w7O/.png

    this is my boss.txt: https://metin2.download/picture/70wT885se0E1X55CbUGweB4BX473f68V/.png


    Any hhelp is appreciated!

    Thank you!

  9. Hi!

    So i've created a map on world editor and on implement, everything is fine, no errors, i can teleport to the map without any problem, but, the problem is when i teleport to the map i've added this is ALWAYS the position that i go: 0, 0

    and this is the problem: https://metin2.download/picture/CgF95RFdrsrd9v3IHGW3eAA5rmU6E0Z9/.png

    it was suppost to go here: https://metin2.download/picture/c9Mx1WG1fYtw8ixJd3k51NPEN0Mc9BW3/.png

    instead of behind this "mountain":https://metin2.download/picture/4uRTGA5uNZcR6eVT8QcGOVV35RKDnj4M/.png

    here's my atlasinfo: https://metin2.download/picture/L5l0h5AHM66sbqqwNsjLThXE5QD28TQ2/.png

    my setting.txt on serverside: https://metin2.download/picture/T1claf48N2apBceaSK66J97VR8NmU68e/.png

    my town.txt: https://metin2.download/picture/fyzO5YRjG61cAMOGVNEPnMRZ8KNa1HCe/.png


    my server side folder contents: https://metin2.download/picture/r3F9504x09DVmF8K988YXgTtGTP6KMUj/.gif

    my client side folder contents: https://metin2.download/picture/nbN5bJ1O84tukQL17V0mWjkPKYqjQHW5/.png


    Would really love some help!


    Thank you!

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  10. Spoiler
    1 hour ago, Raylee said:

    Guide - to run the WorldEditor:


     - 1: Download the WorldEditor ReMIX:

      Hide contents


    - 2: Create on your D:\ Drive a folder named "ymir work" and place the Downloadfiles in there.

      Hide contents


    - 3: Copy this following files from your client in the "ymir work" folder:

      Hide contents


    - 3.1: It should look like that:

      Hide contents


    - 4: Unpack following files from your client and put it in your "ymir work" folder:

      Hide contents

    environment (You can find this folder in "etc").
    special (You can find this folder in "etc").
    terrainmaps (You can find this folder in "terrain").

    - 4.1: If you unpack the files, be sure that you take the right folder!

              pack\effect\ymir work\effect

    - 4.2: It should look like that:

      Hide contents


    - 5: Create in your "tree"-folder a new folder named "shye" and in there a new folder named "officials".
           After you are done, copy all your .spt files from "tree" in your new "shye"->"officials" folder.

    - 5.1: It should look like that:

      Hide contents


    - 6: If you want to see your character in the WorldEditor add following things.

      Hide contents

    -Create this folders: ymir work\pc\sura

    - Add in the sura folder following things from your client: 

    - Create in the sura folder following folder: onehand_sword
    And copy from your client the "wait.gr2" what you can find in the onehand_sword folder.

    - 6.1: It should look like that:

      Hide contents


    Now you have everything together what you need for mapping and you can run the "WorldEditor_MfcRelease_VC90_v23.exe"!





    You my friend, are the real MVP! I'll thank you for life!

    Thank you!

    • Love 1
  11. Hi! I was going to try to edit an existent map, i installed world editor on Ymir Work on D Drive, copied and pasted map folder and tried to open the map on world editor, this is the error:

    Print of the error

    And when i press ok, this is how it comes:


    Here's my pack folder if it is needed to get some components from there:

    pack print


    Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

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  12. On 9/23/2018 at 7:52 PM, WeedHex said:

    There is a python error about the invite issue, stop think only on srv side...

    About syserr is just lenght too small on a column sql. Syserr tells you what column.

    I solved it by decreasing to version 1.5, all bugs that had problems are fixed there, i'm keeping my changes, as it doesn't affect the rest of the server!

    Thank you for your help! really!

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