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Everything posted by Shang

  1. It works perfectly. [Hidden Content]
  2. If you have Dx9 this link could be usefull: [Hidden Content]
  3. It seems it is rendering but the model is too big. You can try to adapt the "responsive" camera that penger released from illustrated in the same post.
  4. That happened to me and is not a render target problem is just a map problem (maybe when rendering). And after so much debug I found a "solution", you can solve it just giving the (0, 0, 0) position to the model instance when you create it. EterLib/CRenderTarget.cpp -> [Hidden Content]
  5. The 1.jpg image must be in d:/ymir work/ui. When using .sub the default path is d:/ymir work/ui. You can change this on binary src.
  6. Guys we have a very recent root scripts and if you open the game.py you'll see they use a cmdchat every login on the game.
  7. Thank dude, really appreciated! P.S: The CMoveImageBox is used with the catch the king event as well.
  8. I can't see the video in my country dude.
  9. Why you put your own link?
  10. Or maybe you have to read. The gauge is the hp bar.
  11. Are u actually opening the names file every time that you press the random button? awesome...
  12. If you bought his services contact him, if not, you will get anything requested in this forum.
  13. That's because the login input or the password input from the login interface is still focused. You need to kill their focus before going to the char select.
  14. Delete the uiTaskbar.py part from the guide. Find this in def __OnUpdate(self): if True == self.expGaugeBoard.IsIn(): self.tooltipEXP.Show() else: self.tooltipEXP.Hide() Add this under: startNumber = 0 for slot in self.quickslot: for i in xrange(4): slotNumber = i+startNumber (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotNumber) if player.IsSkillCoolTime(Position): (coolTime, elapsedTime) = player.GetSkillCoolTime(Position) slot.SetSlotCoolTime(slotNumber, coolTime, elapsedTime) cooldownDelay = 0 cooldown = int(coolTime-elapsedTime+cooldownDelay) self.cooldownText[slotNumber].SetOutline() self.cooldownText[slotNumber].SetText("%d" % cooldown) cooldown = str(cooldown) self.cooldownText[slotNumber].SetPosition((7, 2, -1)[len(cooldown) - 1],0) self.cooldownText[slotNumber].Show() else: self.cooldownText[slotNumber].Hide() startNumber += 4
  15. Headers are BYTE data types which means the max value of it is 255.
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