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Everything posted by Shang

  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi devs, today I will release the fix I made for the skill cooldown, already fixed on official servers, this is the bug it self: And this is the fix: Regards! Fix skill cooldown ~ Shang.rar ### root/ui.py ### Search: def SetSlotCoolTimeColor(self, slotIndex, r, g, b, a): wndMgr.SetSlotCoolTimeColor(self.hWnd, slotIndex, r, g, b, a) ### Add after: def StoreSlotCoolTime(self, key, slotIndex, coolTime, elapsedTime = 0.0): wndMgr.StoreSlotCoolTime(self.hWnd, key, slotIndex, coolTime, elapsedTime) def RestoreSlotCoolTime(self, key): wndMgr.RestoreSlotCoolTime(self.hWnd, key) Thanks to @Horinna for report that bug. Here's the fix: """ Find this: elif (not self.__CanUseSkillNow()) or (skillGrade != j): skillPage.SetSlotCount(realSlotIndex, 0) skillPage.DisableCoverButton(realSlotIndex) Add this under:""" skillPage.DeactivateSlot(realSlotIndex) # After the else, paste this: if player.IsSkillActive(slotIndex) and (skillGrade == j): # fix001 skillPage.ActivateSlot(realSlotIndex) # The if should look like this: if (skillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT) and j == (skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT-1): skillPage.SetSlotCountNew(realSlotIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) elif (not self.__CanUseSkillNow()) or (skillGrade != j): skillPage.SetSlotCount(realSlotIndex, 0) skillPage.DisableCoverButton(realSlotIndex) skillPage.DeactivateSlot(realSlotIndex) # fix else: skillPage.SetSlotCountNew(realSlotIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) if player.IsSkillActive(slotIndex) and (skillGrade == j): # fix skillPage.ActivateSlot(realSlotIndex)
  2. What Ken published is nothing. This is only a rendering of an image, published by Mijago with FineListBox for his last switchbot. This is what it does: Otherwise thanks for the release.
  3. It doesn't but think it was my fault, because I added the alpha sensitive directly to the board object.
  4. There is a bug with scaled images, look at this gif:
  5. Hello devs, I'm looking for the RenderTarget, what is it? Well, it was implemented on official servers with MonsterCard system and later with the Shop Decoration. Here's a video to show what I mean: I mean the mob model rendering. I pay for it, if someone is able to develop it, send me a private message on the forum.
  6. It is the texture of the weapon, is not compatible with 100% specular.
  7. Did you test what you wrote? If i'm not wrong, if u die and not unmount the horse, the player won't do the die animation, it will die but you will see it ridding the horse.
  8. As sema said, it looks awesome, good job.
  9. Yes man. Try it by yourself and tell me.
  10. It is not necessary to change anything in the PythonBackground.cpp because there is already another level of shadow that makes what you want to do. Changing the shadow level to 5 is enough. The level 5 is the highest level.
  11. Lol there is a bag on player's back.
  12. int pc_get_rank(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); if (!ch) { lua_pushnumber(L, 0); return 1; } char szQuery[512]; snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT rank FROM player.player WHERE name='%s'", ch->GetName()); std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pMsg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery)); if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows > 0) { MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult); int iRank = 0; str_to_number(iRank, row[0]); lua_pushnumber(L, iRank); return 1; } lua_pushnumber(L, 0); return 1; } You are not pushing the query return value, you're pushing 0 all the time. Not tested. Oh, and it is better to declare first the LPCHARACTER to avoid core crashes if it doesn't exists. PS: Where did you get the Dev member? In a bet?
  13. I didn't read it was a lua list, i thought it was a python dictionary, sorry sir.
  14. I thought I was blind, but not, I see a dictionary here not a "theorical list". PS: Try to help not to correct others word.
  15. Make a debug output of int(catId), maybe it isn't 1 and it is 0, oh, and try to do a check if the catId is in the dictionary with this: if self.items.has_key(int(catId)).
  16. It only works on Warrior's with Sword Aura affect.
  17. if (12010 <= itemVnum and itemVnum <= 12019): # 12010 | 12011 | 12012 | 12013 | 12014 | 12015 | 12016 | 12017 | 12018 | 12019 if (1 <= itemVnum and itemVnum <= 20009): # 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 etc etc...max 20009 Hmm... 12010 <= it checks values less than 12010 too. The same with the other conditional.
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