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Everything posted by adi97ida

  1. ​unsigned means that the value can't be negative .
  2. just rename test.lua to test.so ...
  3. Does anyone knows how cand I extract the newest mob_proto and item_proto? The unpackers that I have lack the newest flags (WOLFMAN and BLEEDING)
  4. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows a way to unpack the mob_proto file from the latest Gameforge Metin2 Client ... I tried with the latest unpacker from Tim and I get this error: mob_proto's entry size is invalid
  5. Syserr ? Solved ... it was a root file problem ...
  6. Hello, does anyone knows why the hell i can't put any item in the trade-box after doing this changes ??
  7. Please post your conf.txt from the DB and CONFIG from the core
  8. extern void BroadcastNotice(const char * c_pszBuf, bool IsBig = true); Why aren't you setting IsBig to true ??
  9. I remember that it has something to do with the speedhack function ...
  10. Here's a little quest: quest drop_bonusuri begin state start begin when kill with not npc.is_pc() and pc.get_level() <= npc.get_level() begin local numar = number(1,3) local sansa = number(3,21) if sansa == 11 then game.drop_item_with_ownership(71084,numar) if numar == 1 then syschat("Ai primit "..numar.." Schimbator de Bonusuri!") else syschat("Ai primit "..numar.." Schimbatoare de Bonusuri!") end else end end end end
  11. Please delete the mysql log file (var/db/mysq/) while mysql service is off, then start mysql again and run the server, when mysql crashes, please post de content of the log file (var/db/mysql)
  12. Hello, I compiled the source on windows, when I run the DB everything is ok, but when I start the game-server i get this error: Game-Server syserr "CInputDB::Boot: ITEM ID RANGE size error" Screenshots: Does someone have any idea ?? P.S.: conf.txt : ITEM_ID_RANGE = 2000000000 2100000000 Thank you in advance .
  13. Open your uiinventory.py and search for this : def RefreshBonus(self): Go to this part: except: import exception exception.Abort("InventoryWindow.RefreshBonus.BindObject") and do like this: except: import exception #exception.Abort("InventoryWindow.RefreshBonus.BindObject")
  14. Hello, i'm using a self-compiled binary, it works flawless, but i have a big problem, it seems that there is no shining on the armors , or on the weapons. I'm using the new type of item_proto, the client base is from metin2de, i checked playersettingmodule for the lines containing the effects, the effects are in the right folder , but, still, there's no shinings .... Does someone have a clue about what can possibly be the problem? Thal you guys in advance.
  15. Hello, I recently tried to compile WorldEditor from the source, and I encountered 1 error: Error 2 error C2664: 'CTextFileLoader::GetTokenString' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'CFilename *' to 'std::string *' ObjectDataFile.cpp 50 WorldEditor Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you .
  16. it exists, i already specified that the evaluation is done with succes, but not always.....
  17. Hello, Today, i made a quest that drops some items if you break a metin stone. You get these items from the stone only if the differencte between player's level and metin's is no more than 15. Here's the code : quest drop_metine begin state start begin when kill begin if npc.get_race() >= 8001 and npc.get_race() <= 8055 then local mob = npc.get_level() + 15 local nivel = pc.get_level() local sex = pc.get_sex() local sansa2 = math.random(1,3) local sansa3 = math.random(1,2) chat("Nivelul metinului "..mob.."") if nivel >= mob then notice("Nivelul tau este prea mare pentru a primii rasplata...") else if sansa2 == 2 then if sex == 0 then game.drop_item_with_ownership("71159",1) else game.drop_item_with_ownership("71160",1) end game.drop_item_with_ownership("50130",1) -- cufar pietre game.drop_item_with_ownership("50130",1) -- cufar pietre game.drop_item_with_ownership("50130",1) -- cufar pietre game.drop_item_with_ownership("50513", sansa3) -- Drop SS-uri local aux = pc.getqf("metine_sparte") + 1 pc.setqf("metine_sparte", aux) chat("Metine Sparte "..aux.."") notice("Ai fost rasplatit!") end end end end end end The problem is that the "if nivel >= mob then" condition is not always happening... For example: My character is level 95, the level of the metin i kill is 90, after i break the stone, the "chat("Nivelul metinului "..mob.."")" message appears, but the condition is not evaluated anymore. This also happens if the difference is bigger than 15 levels...... Sometimes the condition is evaluated, sometimes is not. Can someone tell me what's wrong? Thank you in advance.
  18. Hello, i saw that a lot of persons use tim's vrunner..... Can somebody explain to me please what is this vrunner?
  19. Really nice, thank you Shogun for your time and effort!
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