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Everything posted by Cataclismo

  1. This is actually bugged. If you are in a duel and you kill monsters or other players the function will still return true. Test it like that: make a quest where you get 1 item for killing a player in duel. Start a duel, but don't kill that player. Instead kill some monsters. Or just kill another player. I am sure that you will get that item even if you did not killed the player which you're dueling with. The correct code is like that (please don't copy and say it's yours. just request thread close) - you still have to include "pvp.h" : int is_pvp(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); LPCHARACTER npc = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentNPCCharacterPtr(); if (npc == NULL) { lua_pushboolean(L, 0); return 1; } if (!npc->IsPC()) { lua_pushboolean(L, 0); return 1; } CPVP kPVP(ch->GetPlayerID(), npc->GetPlayerID()); CPVP * pkPVP = CPVPManager::instance().Find(kPVP.GetCRC()); if (!pkPVP || !pkPVP->IsFight()) { lua_pushboolean(L, 0); return 1; } lua_pushboolean(L, 1); return 1; } EDIT: Fixed m_dwCRC;
  2. Go in char.cpp and in this function: void CHARACTER::CreatePlayerProto(TPlayerTable & tab) search for: SetRealPoint(POINT_PLAYTIME, GetRealPoint(POINT_PLAYTIME) + dwPlayedTime / 60000); ResetPlayTime(dwPlayedTime % 60000); If you don't have it, or you have something like that then modify it.
  3. I found this already there: sys_log(0, "sizeof(TShopTable) = %d", sizeof(TShopTable)); @Tkmt2x11, did you build your dbcache (database / db) with your current settings? If not, give it a try.
  4. I am sorry. It seems that the bug was made by me, but in guild.cpp, in function RequestAddMember I had a check for admins (I wanted to make a restriction) so the guild could be created by a admin, but they couldn't be assigned. I found this very late so I forgot to post. So it's solved. @Zonni, ty anyway. I appreciate.
  5. Hi, As the title says the guilds don't load. I am working with mainline branch. When I create the guild it's saying "Guild <Name> has been created." and it's in database too. If I try to create another one with the same name I get the error saying that another guild with the same name exists. Syserr and syslog from channel is empty and on the syslog from db I found these: GuildCreate 8 GuildWar: Name ladder 0 win 0 draw 0 loss 0 GuildSkillUpdate 0 I guess nothing is wrong with creation. So my guess is that the problem is at loading. But why guilds are not loading? Any ideas?
  6. Ride a horse and make sure you have maximum attack speed that can be made on a server. Test it now. Please, let me (us) know if it's still working ok.
  7. So, as the title says, I built the source under FreeBSD 9.2 x64 using G++ 4.8 and C++11. My problem is that when I am trying to log in it blocks at "You will be connected to server" (FIRST message). I've checked syserr and is clean. I've checked syslog too and after the message "SYSTEM:: new connection from..." there's nothing more... as it should. I've tried to trace it, but I didn't succeed because I have a low VPS and I can't build source 6 times in an hour -.- I used vanilla's core and I can login, so it's not about VPS, firewall or something else. It could be that I build source under x64 OS? I can't believe that this is a problem. Maybe there's some tweaks on source to made it work properly under x64 OS? I can't believe that either. I'm waiting for your responses/suggestions. Thank you.
  8. Hi, I've compiled my own source a few days ago on Windows and on FreeBSD too. I tested it on Windows and it works perfectly. I opened the server on FreeBSD and when I open the client the status is "..." (on Windows is "NORM") and when I try to connect to server I am stuck at "Connection in progress..." (before "You have been connected to server."). This is my syslog when I hit "Connect" button: Dec 15 18:15:58 :: SYSTEM: new connection from [] fd: 15 handshake 4256001721 output input_len 0, ptr 0x806748400 Dec 15 18:15:58 :: SYSTEM: closing socket. DESC #15 Nothing more and nothing less. Syserr is empty. Any ideas? Can be a problem to sockets? I've build the source using the default gcc compiler (old one). I've uploaded vanilla core too, I started the server and I can connect.
  9. Use WebBrowser from the ToolBox. Search a tutorial or something if you can't do it.
  10. #EDIT: Move to 32-bit. From my point it's impossible to compile source on 64-bit. Tried.
  11. @revengertmt, You deleted xTrap from your server I guess, but not all pieces of code from your source. Delete or just comment these calls: From char.cpp, in "CHARACTER::Disconnect" delete "CXTrapManager::DestroyClientSession" From input_main.cpp in "CInputLogin::Analyze" delete "CXTrapManager::Verify_CSStep3" Salutari din Romania, revengertmt.
  12. @Reboot: Already solved. Read what you've been quoting. I am trying to compile my source on a 64-bit system, but some libraries are for 32-bit, like "libanticpxsvr.a". When I try to compile my source I get this error: /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libanticpxsvr.a when searching for -lanticpxsvr /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lanticpxsvr Now... How do I obtain a 64bit library or how I can make (if it's possible) this to run for me? Thanks.
  13. linking ../game_r1_64.... linking ../test /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient gmake: *** [../test] Error 1 gmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... gmake: *** [../game_r1_64] Error 1 From that I understand that mysqlclient is missing, but how do I obtain it? I am sure that I've copied everything I need. I have mysql installed on my VDS. Thank you. SOLVED: cd /usr/local/lib && ln -s /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a ... or something like that xD
  14. Hi there, I would like to know if you know a diff for 34k to allow writing with colors without glass, but to ask for glass if somebody wants to show items. Or to work only collors with or without glass. Thank you.
  15. My libdevil folder is empty. Why? Shouldn't there be "IL" lib?
  16. In proto exists two types of immune flags: first flag is on "immuneFlag" row and the second is on the applytype/value. You checked only the "immuneFlag" row. If I equip armor and shield, both with stun immune flag and I unequip only one will be the immune flag still there? PS: I've told you that I am on my phone... so I can't check entire game source. Sorry. And about my work: i fixed performance issues from my code on my game.
  17. Yeah. I was wrong about the third thing. My bad. But still...
  18. No. Is not good at all. Why? First of all you did not checked the protos!!!! You must check them aswell. Second: if i have two items with immune ( like armor and shield with stun immune) and i remove one my imunne will be gone... i guess. Third thing: if i have two immunes ( slow and stun) your code will apply only the first one. Tell me if i am wrong. I am on the phone. Yeah. My code may involve performance issues because will check everytime player will get hitted by a stun-hit if they don't have imunne at all. But i did some work on my computer: a variable which is true when the flags are updated for the current equipment and changes to false when the player changes his equipment.
  19. Before --syschat("totallkill") check if its in a party and if it is just decrease flag with 1. If it's decreasing with 2 too then add two points at solo kill and decrease with one without check. If its still not working then use 40k and compile it yourself. Don't trust any core If you're not smart enough to do it then close your server. Easy. Greetings from Romania.
  20. Server wrong configured? You should check database configuration in CONFIGs.
  21. You can't do that because: you can't call command "reload a" from an account which is not GM and you just added it in DB. You must call that command from another account which already have GM. If you work on source make a new quest function which adds a new GM or you can do that from CHARACTHER::UseItemEx
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