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  1. [Hidden Content] map allow does not socked_tcp_bind does not does not come
  2. I have already connected with TV and fixed it but I'm sure that he changed it lol i say i need public ip no local computer.... no need any fix to 192.168.xxxx omg want to connect to the server from another computer? You open the PC server? To use the computer as a host? DB Aciliyor .. Test Server Log OffAsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1) Success PLAYER AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1) Success ACCOUNT AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1) Success COMMON AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1) Success HOTBACKUP Auth Aciliyor (AUTH) .. CH1 Aciliyor .. GAME99 Aciliyor .. CH1 Online .. map allow does not does not come
  3. if i have blocked game 28k dont run too BIND_IP: (public ip) but game 28k work fine i say up post First check you in start.sh not put another IP, ip The conflict that enter the home at the BIND_IP Secondly, once post a picture from FreeBSD network configuration. I've tried does not work
  4. please help I've tried all the solutions like VirtualBox using the network of friends I still apply in the way they say I say I can not enter the gametes config.cpp' the channels are not only opened dB map does not allow anything blah channels opening single db smoothly.
  5. please help I've tried all the solutions like VirtualBox using the network of friends I still apply in the way they say I say I can not enter the gametes config.cpp' the channels are not only opened dB map does not allow anything blah channels opening single db smoothly.
  6. can not be tried Add this line in config each ch: BIND_IP: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx= Ip used virtualbox or host. If using virtualbox, chicken ip you use to connect to WinSCP Channel1,game99,auth ?
  7. bool GetIPInfo() { #ifndef __WIN32__ struct ifaddrs* ifaddrp = NULL; if (0 != getifaddrs(&ifaddrp)) return false; for( struct ifaddrs* ifap=ifaddrp ; NULL != ifap ; ifap = ifap->ifa_next ) { struct sockaddr_in * sai = (struct sockaddr_in *) ifap->ifa_addr; if (!ifap->ifa_netmask || // ignore if no netmask sai->sin_addr.s_addr == 0 || // ignore if address is sai->sin_addr.s_addr == 16777343) // ignore if address is continue; #else WSADATA wsa_data; char host_name[100]; HOSTENT* host_ent; int n = 0; if (WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsa_data)) { return false; } gethostname(host_name, sizeof(host_name)); host_ent = gethostbyname(host_name); if (host_ent == NULL) { return false; } for ( ; host_ent->h_addr_list[n] != NULL; ++n) { struct sockaddr_in addr; struct sockaddr_in* sai = &addr; memcpy(&sai->sin_addr.s_addr, host_ent->h_addr_list[n], host_ent->h_length); #endif char * netip = inet_ntoa(sai->sin_addr); if (!strncmp(netip, "192.168", 7)) // ignore if address is starting with 192 { strlcpy(g_szInternalIP, netip, sizeof(g_szInternalIP)); #ifndef __WIN32__ fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %s interface %sn", netip, ifap->ifa_name); #else fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %sn", netip); #endif } else if (!strncmp(netip, "10.", 3)) { strlcpy(g_szInternalIP, netip, sizeof(g_szInternalIP)); #ifndef __WIN32__ fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %s interface %sn", netip, ifap->ifa_name); #else fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %sn", netip); #endif } else if (g_szPublicIP[0] == '0') { strlcpy(g_szPublicIP, netip, sizeof(g_szPublicIP)); #ifndef __WIN32__ fprintf(stderr, "PUBLIC_IP: %s interface %sn", netip, ifap->ifa_name); #else fprintf(stderr, "PUBLIC_IP: %sn", netip); #endif } } #ifndef __WIN32__ freeifaddrs( ifaddrp ); #else WSACleanup(); #endif if (g_szPublicIP[0] != '0') return true; else return false; } INTERNAL_IP HOW THE FİX? HELP.
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