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Everything posted by Cataclismo

  1. In char_battle.cpp find this: void CHARACTER::Dead(LPCHARACTER pkKiller, bool bImmediateDead) and after ClearAffect(true); add this code: if (IsPC() && GetMapIndex() == YOUR_MAPINDEX && pkKiller->IsPC()) { PIXEL_POSITION pos; pos.x = GetX(); pos.y = GetY(); for (WORD i = 0; i < INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; ++i) { LPITEM item = GetInventoryItem(i); if (item) { switch (item->GetVnum()) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, 255); item->RemoveFromCharacter(); item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos, true); item->StartDestroyEvent(); } break; } } } } Replace YOUR_MAPINDEX with the mapindex where you want items to drop. In switch replace the numbers with your items code. Also, the items will be dropped only if the killer is another player.
  2. Consider using [ code ] tag next time. Care to Python tabulation. Nice tutorial, anyway.
  3. There's no such function. You can't do it. You can only teleport players. I guess you want something like MOBA's auto-pathing system?
  4. That does my function. Allows any belt to be moved anywhere because I though that this is what you want. Revert to the original code if you want them blocked.
  5. Ok now it works but how i block the spaces he cant use I make a picture too see. My function allow the belts to be moved anywhere. The player can put any belt anywhere and at any level. There's no limit. You wanted to make with limits? Explain exactly what you want.
  6. You did it wrong. Replace whole function with mine. Replace static bool IsAvailableCell(WORD cell, int beltGrade /*int beltLevel*/) { //const TGradeUnit beltGrade = GetBeltGradeByRefineLevel(beltLevel); const TGradeUnit* ruleTable = GetAvailableRuleTableByGrade(); return ruleTable[cell] <= beltGrade; } with static bool IsAvailableCell(WORD cell, int beltGrade /*int beltLevel*/) { return true; }
  7. edit; In belt_inventory_helper.h find static bool IsAvailableCell(WORD cell, int beltGrade /*int beltLevel*/) and edit the function like this: static bool IsAvailableCell(WORD cell, int beltGrade /*int beltLevel*/) { return true; } I think this will solve your problem.
  8. You could better read a book. There's two types of return: int add(int a, int { return a + b; } The above return an int value, as specified in the declaration. You CAN'T return other types. void test(int a, int { int c = a + b; return; int d = c + a; } The above return will not return anything and will stop the execution of function. That means that int d = c + a; will not be executed. It will stop at return; Note: Returning a value also stops the function execution. Returning true or false is the same thing, but the declaration of your function is of type bool: bool function(int val) { if (val == 2) return false; else return true; } or simplier bool function(int val) { return (val == 2); }
  9. Right click TorrentPatch project, go to Properties and here click on Build Events and delete everything that you find in Command Line. Thanks worked i have a last error i think screen: [Hidden Content] On TorrentPatch project, in Patch folder you will find TorrentPatch.cpp. Go to line 234 and make a print screen with the code around that line.
  10. Right click TorrentPatch project, go to Properties and here click on Build Events and delete everything that you find in Command Line.
  11. some error im sure about this introLogin.py(line:566) look at what you have there you should at least know what is the reason if the bug (btw the smallest error might cz the client to crush so be carefull) introLogin.py def __LoadScript(self, fileName): import dbg try: pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) except: import exception exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject") ui.py def LoadScriptFile(self, window, FileName): Body = self.ScriptDictionary["window"] self.CheckKeyList("window", Body, self.BODY_KEY_LIST) window.ClearDictionary() self.InsertFunction = window.InsertChild
  12. 0413 00:21:02685 :: introLogin.py(line:566) introLogin.LoginWindow.__LoadScript (introLogin.c:11073) ui.py(line:2792) ui.PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile (ui.c:67759) LoginWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject - <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>:'window' 0413 00:21:02685 :: ============================================================================================================ 0413 00:21:02685 :: Abort!!!!
  13. You need to read the core as i386 (x86). You can use: set gnutarget i386-marcel-freebsd file game core game.core [...] I've tried under the same machine where I compiled the core and I got same messages.
  14. I am building my game file using -g flag, but when I am trying to run the game using gdb I get the message: no debugging symbols found. Also, if I am trying to use game.core it says that this file does not exists. I am building the game under 32-bit machine and running it on a 64-bit machine. I don't have -s flag.
  15. Istny, atm this is my "my.cnf" what you think about? Could we improve it for a better performance with Metin2 and MariaDB 10? PS: I use the large instead of the small PS2: I will can apply this file only tomorrow after run the SMART test. [Hidden Content] Hm... one of my friends have this issue too with mysql and the cause is the website. It has about 10kkk items on the database (or more) and about half million characters and when the ranking is loading (the web page) mysql server start using a lot of CPU and RAM. Or maybe you're DDoS'ed. I don't know for sure. Change your MySQL port and see what happens. Also, change your website for a while with a simple one or another site which you know is good.
  16. Oh, wow. I tought maybe my quests are the problems, but I think that's the reason for my server crash... Thank you, Think. std::out_of_range?
  17. Because if you do that then all notices will be sent as big, even the notices sent with /n. We need the default value to be false, and only when we send notices with /b to tell the function that we want a big one.
  18. Your HDD maybe. It happened to me. Check the space, available space and usage. Also, MySQL server can cause lag. I am not sure.
  19. The function from the CHorseRider class tells you how it gets the horse level o.O
  20. I don't understand the thing with "overflow". Also, what's your nationality, Timasu?
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