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Everything posted by WeedHex

  1. You can add a new one there and after you have to make a .sub file who has the correct coordinate to render. left ? top ? right ? bottom ? You can keep coord. by paint.net
  2. Take a look in PythonApplication.cpp bool CPythonApplication::Create(.... About IsNoSoundCard() things. You can add also a log: //Sound device if (!m_pySystem.IsNoSoundCard()) { if (!m_SoundManager.Create()) LogBox("Detected problem in the audio device.", "Debug"); //etc... }
  3. Check if maybe they have "Segurazo" application. It's a virus-antivirus xD I had problems with it. Anyway if the launcher goes in task manager it's not a c++ issue.
  4. When you launch the game, take a look on the task manager, SORT the processes by CPU usage so you can see if they have shits conflicting.
  5. Or you can copy from ItemData.cpp like Endy suggests. I like to solve problems I was following your idea xD
  6. [Hidden Content] GetRace to string, and go for a string comparation.
  7. Ohhh I understood python ahahah Should be a thing like that: char str[buffSize]; FILE* fpr = fopen("test.txt", "r"); if (fpr) { while (fgets(str, buffSize, fpr)) { printf("%s", str); } } fclose(fpr); I don't have time to run the code now sorry, I'm using other formats for these things with new c++. Let me know the output ò_ò if (GetRace() == "%s", str) It's wrong.
  8. Idk, I would do it in c++ only. If there aren't lot of mobs I would skip also the txt reading making a const list/map.
  9. You want to load mob names from txt file? For doing what? Show it instead of mob_proto data or what, explain please xD
  10. [Hidden Content] Just search. There are lot of ways, Python is beautiful for these things.
  11. You can buy the real system from who made it for first.
  12. Better you don't, because you should remake all the taskbar positions for client in res. 800x600.
  13. #ifdef NDEBUG #define assert(expression) ((void)0) #else ... #endif It's just an assertion in debug launcher. It's telling you what's wrong. If you don't need the information, comment it. Btw this function can be improved to avoid wrong m_strPhase.
  14. #include "questmanager.h" (It's weird you don't have by default)
  15. Yes, you are totally right! For this reason I opened this thread to hear someone else opinion. My final idea so is to remove all the console releated codes (maybe put it on _DEBUG define), removing also all the modules on binary.
  16. game.py def __Console_Enable(self): dbg.TraceError("Attempt to enable console #####") """ constInfo.CONSOLE_ENABLE = True self.consoleEnable = True app.EnableSpecialCameraMode() ui.EnablePaste(True) """ I believe is better to disable these codes in release version. It's just an example to let you know what I'm talking. Let me know if you know something bad about.
  17. Char.h Replace this: void ForgetMyAttacker(bool revive = true); Char_battle.cpp Replace this: void CHARACTER::ForgetMyAttacker(bool revive) { const LPSECTREE pSec = GetSectree(); if (pSec) { FuncForgetMyAttacker f(this); pSec->ForEachAround(f); } if (revive) ReviveInvisible(5); } Char_skill.cpp Search the function: CHARACTER::ComputeSkill( and ADD below // ADD_GRANDMASTER_SKILL ..... // END_OF_ADD_GRANDMASTER_SKILL This //Ninja Stealth improve if (IsPC() && pkSk->dwVnum == SKILL_EUNHYUNG) ForgetMyAttacker(false); Hope you like it
  18. game.py find for: net.SendEmoticon(int(num)-1) You can play there to reproduce sounds with: snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/*.wav") I think you'll need extra work to prevent things like "spam of key" etc. (Nice idea btw)
  19. I think its because of C++. Using the questlua_pc.cpp function GiveExp() you won't trigger this: quest::CQuestManager::instance().LevelUp(GetPlayerID()); So when login or levelup Only login will works.
  20. when login or levelup with >= 2 begin It doesn't make sense. You should explain better.
  21. #include "StdAfx.h" Be sure you didn't broke something in the #includes + in the Template declaration.
  22. Please don't start to make lot of useless variables. The error is just because of reference in function parameter. void Set(int header, TPacketType && rPacketType); void CNetworkPacketHeaderMap::Set(int header, TPacketType && rPacketType)
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