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Everything posted by WeedHex

  1. The real question is, why do you wear double wind-shoes?
  2. I need the costume transfer bonus system. Does anybody sell it? Contact me in PM.
  3. if(!item->GetName()) { sys_err("SaveSingleItem: item->GetName NULL"); return; } lol
  4. Thanks for reply. The damage is not enough, for this I was asking if someone faced already this problem, and yes bro, I think too that other owners doesn't know about it directly ahahah!
  5. Hello devs! There's a bug on the "quest event trigger". Particularly I wanna talk about the "when dead or die begin" as example. If you kinda have a dungeon where the death can stop the run, kinda the Zodiac temple, you can climb over the trigger of the death just by opening a quest. Yes. If you see ur hp going <= 0, you can fastly open a quest and the "when" in LUA won't be triggered. Ok now you can tell me "Check it from cmd_general.cpp too etc.etc.", yep I already fixed the problem, but it's a workround, it annoys me. Did you find any solution maybe in c++ at the root of the problem? Did you know already about this problem? I was thinking, maybe on ::Dead function, check if there are quest opened and close all because of death. Regards.
  6. Thanks very much for care in reply. Unfortunately it's not the problem. I checked everything! I opened this thread hoping someone had this problem in past. I'll do more debug when have time and if solve will tell here.
  7. (Footsteps effect on stealth is a feature) Do u know Darksouls?
  8. Hello devs! I've a strange problem after a lot of refactors, I figured out it... I can't see the shadow of my character. I can see all the shadows ONLY the one of myself isn't there. Has it ever happened to you? Regards.
  9. Use notepad++ and set colors as you prefer. Btw local race = select("Warrior","Ninja","Sura","Shaman","Exit") You forgot the exit button, otherwise you are forced to click a race, not good. (The code can be made more more smarter, but it's a nice begin) see ya.
  10. You have to use an editor for your codes!
  11. local race = select("Warrior","Ninja,"Sura","Shaman")
  12. dragon_soul.quest (or .lua) It's a LUA drop. Check in /quest folder.
  13. I saw it time ago, and it was due to server stress or bad korean codes I think. Anyway it should be only visual bug, if you reboot the server item will turn back. Maybe it's due to errors in itemshop cache.
  14. Move the list from uiinventory.py to constInfo.py and clear it on the game access ONLY if the username changed.
  15. It was in my todo list, thank you very much for sharing your idea!
  16. ACMD(do_invisibility) { if (!ch) return; if (ch->IsAffectFlag(AFF_INVISIBILITY)) ch->RemoveAffect(AFFECT_INVISIBILITY); else { ch->AddAffect(AFFECT_INVISIBILITY, POINT_NONE, 0, AFF_INVISIBILITY, INFINITE_AFFECT_DURATION, 0, true); ch->ForgetMyAttacker(false); } }
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