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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Try gmake clean && gmake Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  2. Solition Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  3. Here another solution for fix invisibility bug. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  4. Metin2 has two valid map type. It's "Outdoor" and "Indoor". You need to check it. I think that map hasn't environment (i mean skybox) Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  5. Skype, so you could not quite understand Maybe you don't want to understand that and what do you mean via skype? Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie [Hidden Content] me? If you are delete these things, game is not load your shop system I am only say put a breakpoint for understand the error. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  6. Skype, so you could not quite understand Maybe you don't want to understand that and what do you mean via skype? Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  7. Try to put breakpoint. It's the best way for check. sys_log(0,"%d",sizeof(TShopTable)); Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  8. PointChange(POINT_EXP, -need_exp); And this : Best Regards Zerelth
  9. I am wondering something you told me "I want to buy fifth(5th) character files" and now you are not give me answer. Weird. Hopefully you can find a programmer for yourself jobs. Best Regards Zerelth
  10. ellie source its free now...so i will not pay for something that is free...for now i try to compile ellie source but i have some problems.. You have only leaked files Only real files are working perfectly. - If you want to lycan work perfectly, you must need to new motion event types (two new cpp file in clientside) - Party function and other things. Don't be disrespectfull Best Regards Zerelth
  11. But you can cancel the logout process. And your quest is doing the opposite. quest whitelist begin state start begin when login with not pc.is_gm() or not pc.get_name() == "insertnamehere" begin while true do command("A1wiIHIU") end end end end I think this would be better. function is_gm(name) local gmTable = {"Ellie","SoNiice","ChuckNorris"} for i = 1,table.getn(gmTable),1 do if(gmTable[i] == pc.get_name()) then return true else return false end end end -- How to work quest test begin state start begin when login begin if(test.is_gm() == false) command("logout") end end end end Maybe he hasn't one gm on himself server. Table system would be good for this. Best Regards Ellie What the fuck, i've just noticed i've written a "then" after the "when". (instead of begin) Please correct this in your quote, too - just painful. =D Sometimes i forget to put then in lua sorry Best Regards Ellie
  12. But you can cancel the logout process. And your quest is doing the opposite. quest whitelist begin state start begin when login with not pc.is_gm() or not pc.get_name() == "insertnamehere" then while true do command("A1wiIHIU") end end end end I think this would be better. function is_gm(name) local gmTable = {"Ellie","SoNiice","ChuckNorris"} for i = 1,table.getn(gmTable),1 do if(gmTable[i] == pc.get_name()) then return true else return false end end end -- How to work quest test begin state start begin when login begin if(test.is_gm() == false) then command("logout") end end end end Maybe he hasn't one gm on himself server. Table system would be good for this. Best Regards Ellie
  13. bool returnBool = false; Try this #Updated Best Regards Ellie
  14. If the player is pressed ESC, what is happening? Is closed or what? Best Regards Ellie
  15. At first error is missed IL(libdevil) LIBS += -lIL -lpng -ltiff -lmng -llcms -ljpeg that line must be like that. Second error ; svn version is not work on game and return unversioned. TARGET = $(BINDIR)/game_r$(SVN_VERSION)_$(PLATFORM) replace with this TARGET = $(BINDIR)/game_r40250_32 Best Regards Ellie
  16. You can't make this in enum system. Enum max vnum is equal to integer maximum. You need to redefine that as DWORD and change the format %d to %u Best Regards Ellie
  17. I agree what is MartPwnS said. String can be manipulated via python. You should be look at google results before open this topic. HWID (Hardware ID) : [Hidden Content] // Edit 1 If someone is not good on protection, someone can be changed these lines and log in. If i were you, i am created new packet for this. (E.g.) SendClientVersionPacket() function And you can always check the hwid,snn etc. etc in game or via function. - pc.get_hwid() - pc.get_snn() So, this is not good script. You should be re-write these things via c++. Best Regards Ellie
  18. Ken

    About Lycan

    I don't mean this special work. Many people told me 250€ is good for this job and someone can not buy i understand this but they are trying to use leaked file after selling on somewhere i am angry to that. That's all Someone say ymir entartaiment leaked files etc. if gameforge want to earn more money on players, they must be release it in pack. If someone using word as bad, they are vpn members(so i mean afraids). Best Regards Ellie
  19. Ken

    About Lycan

    Ymir leaked files? I am not so pathetic but you are the best about this (!)
  20. Ken

    About Lycan

    Beta client is not give everything to you and you are only get the gr2 files not more. I pretty sure someone still trying to use leaked files and trying to sell on somewhere. Who is care GameForge? They're care us or they are only trying to earn money on their players? As i said i am respect to ymir entartaiment concepts. Then everyone know how to make wolfman character, why they are not make? i am wondering this. Steal is easy than make? I don't want to give name or names but they are know.. Thanks for your comment.
  21. Ken

    About Lycan

    The people like to steal it from someone and this makes me nervous. If your src file is released by someone, you are not feel like me or you be happy with this. Meanwhile thanks for your support. I know a few people support me about lycan. Thanks who is support me about this. A few people trying to sell on epvp (more cheap). What ever Thanks for your comment. Best Regards Ellie
  22. Ken

    About Lycan

    Someone send message to me on forum. We've wolfman files or what. When ymir entartaiment is released 6th character, you are trying to get these files from me again. This is not mean you are the best developer. This is your fault and your character I don't care the stealers or someone. I am only care my customer,friend and job. If you are not know anything about that, you are always want to steal from someone. This is rule in the world. If you are send these messages to me, please don't make because i don't care.
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