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Everything posted by Ken

  1. int len = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "[%s] %s [Lv. %d CH%d] : %s", EMPIRE_NAME(ch->GetEmpire()), ch->GetName(), ch->GetLevel(), g_bChannel, buf); inline const char* EMPIRE_NAME( BYTE e) { return LC_TEXT(g_nation_name[e]); } Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  2. Good luck via your project. Btw congrulations. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  3. ACMD(do_pvp) { if (ch->GetArena() != NULL || CArenaManager::instance().IsArenaMap(ch->GetMapIndex()) == true) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("´ë·ÃÀå¿¡¼­ »ç¿ëÇÏ½Ç ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.")); return; } } Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  4. There is no backdoor but there are useless many arguments in packet system. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  5. Thanks my brother Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  6. At first i should be say this is a facepalm. You know Shogun is owner of wom2 and shogun is owner of metin2dev and trying to file request from someone. I don't post facepalm images or other things. I am only wanted to say don't do this again. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  7. Is not same name? What ever #SentPM Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  8. mm ok i'll see ... thanks client-game/game-client communication with packets will help me ?? Best Regards FlyGun You can use Server - Client communication with python files. it's first way. second way is via packets. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  9. You are need to create new cpp files for this if you are planning to create new function for pet. I think you can make something via character manager. PythonCharacterModule.cpp Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  10. You have a few error about types. You don't need to use integer for race. BYTE is enough for it and you don't need to create new one. PS: ch->set_skill_group The people can write "I got error" Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  11. Maybe your item_proto is not mach via item_table. if (decode_2bytes(data) != sizeof(TItemTable)) { sys_err("item table size error"); thecore_shutdown(); return; } Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  12. Are you sure libsql has lib file? Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  13. Boot: item table size error You did change something in item_table and input_db.cpp is not read your item_proto now. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  14. At first i still sell these files. cost is still 250€ and i don't sure but all files coming from leaked file. Many people can say "We did" like maxmi or cbaran. But they are know these files coming leaked files from ellie. I don't only say you must give 250€. If you have special thing, i can count that behind 250€. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  15. So, you want to protect yourself binary also protect your game file, if i am understand you correctly? Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  16. I think your player packet is changed or modified. So client packet and server packet are not match. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  17. if you make it look like this it will work SQLMsg * pMsg = DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("select coins from account.account WHERE id = %d",ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id); GetAID() function is already exist in source. Why you want to choice long way? Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  18. Python 2.2 : First Clue Python 2.7 : Second Clue Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  19. You can create a CMD file in your serverside. It's a script from martysama. Script Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  20. Yea you can. It's related via your router. So you should open port on your router. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  21. At first the people can say "what i do if i have loss my phone." You can't loss your phone if you are doing this. What ever Everyone know this system as Google Authenticatior. This is not only for this. Google LastPass Facebook Dropbox & Spideroak Microsoft Yahoo! Mail Amazon Web Services (AWS) A few mmorpg is use this system for theirself games. Step 1 : - Install libqrencode. This lib provide see QR Code in your SSH terminal. cd /usr/ports/graphics/libqrencode make && make install Step 2 : - Install Google Authenticator. cd /usr/ports/security/pam_google_authenticator make && make install Step 3 : - Download Google Authenticator from Google Play and install that. Step 4 : Write this command in your ssh terminal. Write "y" for each question. You will see QR code. Take that QR Code via your android phone. Google Authenticator is show you that program in google play if you don't have Bardcode scanner. google-authenticator Step 5 : Write this command in your ssh terminal. ee /etc/ssh/sshd_config after find this : #ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes Change via this : ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes Step 6 : Write this command in your ssh terminal again. ee /etc/pam.d/sshd file after add this : auth optional /usr/local/lib/pam_google_authenticator.so ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 6.5 : Follow this If you are not sure to loss your phone Write this command in your ssh terminal again. ee /etc/pam.d/sshd file after add this auth requisite /usr/local/lib/pam_google_authenticator.so - What is change? Google authenticator give a few password (Step 2 end). Save them When you are trying to log in again, you should write the code from what google authenticator give for pwd. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 7 : Write this command in your ssh terminal. service sshd reload - How is work this system ? Google authenticator is create new password in 5-10 seconds. They must know this if someone know your password. Screen from my server. €dit 2: If someone want to apply this theirself webpage, here a link for you ASP.Net PHP Kind RegardsZerelth ~ Ellie
  22. int CGuild::GetMaxMemberCount() { // GUILD_IS_FULL_BUG_FIX if ( m_iMemberCountBonus < 0 || m_iMemberCountBonus > 18 ) m_iMemberCountBonus = 0; // END_GUILD_IS_FULL_BUG_FIX if ( LC_IsHongKong() == true ) { quest::PC* pPC = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetPC(GetMasterPID()); if ( pPC != NULL ) { if ( pPC->GetFlag("guild.is_unlimit_member") == 1 ) { return INT_MAX; } } } return 32 + 2 * (m_data.level-1) + m_iMemberCountBonus; } Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
  23. Python using true as "TRUE" and false as "FALSE" If you are using python 2.2. Bad magic number fix : Put python 2.7 lib folder in your client lib folder if client is using python 2.7 Put python 2.2 lib folder in your client lib folder if client is using python 2.2 How can i understand client is using python 2.2 or python 2.7 ? Default is python 2.2 if you are not change anything. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie
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