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Everything posted by Filachilla

  1. Im not sure, but I think or as I remember.. Anywhere exist function for make buff items via lua.. So this is not that hard to change it from item to npc ? Use google, this is exist really long time ago before first buffi systems ?
  2. What to delete mounts? ? Just joking lmao ? Btw. Is that problem when you ride on horse or mount and try to attack with space without weapon as I think? (maybe in ride??) As I remember this make bug in some situations with run animations ? I dont know if thats correct, but what to just block attack from horse/mount, without weapon? Because you just simply cant, (doesnt exist animation for fist hit from horse) so its I think right fix to make correct way for that ? Ps: Sorry but some gif or video will be fine to understand more ?
  3. I dont know about videos, because its deleted, but what was problem with gayforge? I dont see any thing from metin in first post ? so? ?
  4. Cool, thanks ? I like these small things
  5. Try to up GNUMakeFile in cryptopp link: CXX = g++9 CC = gcc9 + be carefully where is your new lib linked.. You can make something like this: libcryptopp.a: $(LIBOBJS) $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(LIBOBJS) ifeq ($(IS_SUN),0) $(RANLIB) $@ endif mv $@ ../lib/ for move new compiled lib into lib folder in extern.. Into db & game too change CXX a CC like in GNUMakeFile
  6. Yesterday, I got motivated to do at least some small things with the keys. It seems like a good idea to share it in one thread, in case someone wants to explore more options without having to search for them. It's not much, but it will surely catch the attention of a few people too.
  7. I cant see code before reply, but so when I can bypass patcher? Edit: Ah sry, that was browser lag :DD
  8. I just using notepad++ many years for sort without any problem.. Maybe this is a reason why no one make it before?
  9. Oh god.. "Remember, the Symbol affects you see on this gif aren't mine so i won't share them, they are made from @ Ridack.."
  10. I do not have time to read full topic, but I using, and as I see, you using too last (from package) mariadb 10.11 already My easy friendlyuse tut its: (only clean freebsd install, because when you uninstall mysql, so its fine or !!!necessary to delete that folder become install new mysql sever - how some guys said before me, etc.. Now idk I rlly just only scroll, so maybe is here solution) 1. pkg install mariadb-server (you can use pkg search mariadb, but when you use pkg (last freebsd) its actual for that version, so you dont must define version, its just simple to install last..) 2. (go to rc.cong -> add mysql_enable="YES") 3. run first time mariadb via command like "service mysql-server start" then that coma create new mysql folder and create basic settings from new install.. 4. First of all is better or required to stop mysql (service mysql-server stop) go to -> /usr/local/etc/mysql/conf.d and open server.cnf this is a very simple so you do this steps: 1. bind-address = comment this line like #[space] so should looks like: # bind-address = for some tables whats just wrong and I think you dont repair it before, you can or "must" add this line: sql_mode = NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION under all that just in mysqld table ? so its for me after this line..: # innodb_flush_method = O_DSYNC 5. Now you can run your mariadb simple via service mysql-server start.. 6. Run command: mysql_secure_installation (its speficied by your settings, but I think there is no much ways to set it different) 7. create new user something like: CREATE USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; for login in navicat, so here you just change password by your password.. CREATE USER 'game'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'game'@'' WITH GRANT OPTION; and this is for your internal communication, simple this is that one thing what you have in config ? too dont forgot change password ? 8. Now you just flush tables like flush privileges; and thats all you can quit like (quit;) and working ? btw: Sorry for my english and when you have some question you can ask me.. src: For source you must in log.cpp delete DELAYED, because its not as I know supported like that in mariadb.. Second change is change libmysqlclient.a to libmariadbclient.a in makefile ? I think thats all, so maybe you can got problem with AsyncSQL.cpp (its in libsql) but you can solve that very simple: You can replace connect function with that one: bool CAsyncSQL::Connect() { if (0 == mysql_init(&m_hDB)) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_init failed\n"); return false; } //mysql_options(&m_hDB, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, m_stLocale.c_str()); if (!m_stLocale.empty()) { //mysql_options(&m_hDB, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR , " /usr/local/share/mysql/charsets/"); //mysql_options(&m_hDB, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR , "/usr/local/share/mysql/charsets"); //mysql_options(&m_hDB, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR , "/usr/local/share/mysql"); if (mysql_options(&m_hDB, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, m_stLocale.c_str()) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_option failed : MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME %s ", mysql_error(&m_hDB)); } } if (!mysql_real_connect(&m_hDB, m_stHost.c_str(), m_stUser.c_str(), m_stPassword.c_str(), m_stDB.c_str(), m_iPort, NULL, CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS)) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_real_connect: %s\n", mysql_error(&m_hDB)); return false; } // my_bool -> bool bool reconnect = true; if (0 != mysql_options(&m_hDB, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect)) fprintf(stderr, "mysql_option: %s\n", mysql_error(&m_hDB)); // removed reconnect // fprintf(stdout, "AsyncSQL: connected to %s (reconnect %d)\n", m_stHost.c_str(), m_hDB.reconnect); fprintf(stdout, "AsyncSQL: connected to %s\n", m_stHost.c_str()); m_ulThreadID = mysql_thread_id(&m_hDB); m_bConnected = true; return true; } Just to remove reconnect and nothing more ?
  11. Maybe because its experimental ? so far who wanna share perfect code?.. Im glad when anyone share some fragment ideas
  12. *These things are possible to fix, but for what? No sense do it.. As I said, very easily is use wrapper and build some custom dll, so far still exist much open source sdk.. Second way is just port to dx9 and world is open ? dx9 support msaa, ssaa, txaa and more things than pretty old dx8..
  13. Base path for mariadb is here: /usr/local/etc/mysql/conf.d/server.cnf when you have some questions or need help, send me pm Edit: Latest mariadb for 14.0 freebsd is 10.11 (no sense to use old version)
  14. Only MSAA as I know, but this look very horrible in game.. (font problems, etc..) Primary is better just implement dx9.. Edit: Btw. these things are possible to fix, but for what? No sense do it..
  15. DX8 doesnt support anti-aliasing
  16. You can use wrapper dx8 -> dx9 and use some custom software for that.. https://github.com/crosire/d3d8to9
  17. Can you login in navicat? this bind-address = to # bind-address = add in [mysqld] sql_mode = NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION for some incorrect tables
  18. Solved case SAFEBOX_MONEY_STATE_WITHDRAW: if (pSafebox->GetSafeboxMoney() < p->lMoney) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You don't have enough gold."); return; } if (ch->GetGold() + static_cast<int64_t>(p->lMoney) >= GOLD_MAX) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You cannot withdraw anymore gold."); return; } pSafebox->SetSafeboxMoney(pSafebox->GetSafeboxMoney() - p->lMoney); ch->PointChange(POINT_GOLD, static_cast<int>(p->lMoney)); break; } OR case SAFEBOX_MONEY_STATE_WITHDRAW: if (pSafebox->GetSafeboxMoney() < p->lMoney) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You don't have enough gold."); return; } const int64_t nTotalMoney = static_cast<int64_t>(ch->GetGold()) + static_cast<int64_t>(p->lMoney); if (GOLD_MAX <= nTotalMoney) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You cannot withdraw anymore gold."); return; } pSafebox->SetSafeboxMoney(pSafebox->GetSafeboxMoney() - p->lMoney); ch->PointChange(POINT_GOLD, static_cast<int>(p->lMoney)); break;
  19. @ Mali How to increase yang limit for withdraw? When I increase limit to 9 (dlgPickMoney.SetMax(9)) and trying withdraw for example -> my inventory 1.999.999.999 Yang -> my Safebox Yang -> My withdraw from safebox -> 10.000 Yang so its works and I got message "You cannot withdraw anymore gold." but when I try to withdraw for example 888.888.888 Yang my inventory stay still same (because 2kkk limit) but from safebox are gold destroyed without this check: if (ch->GetGold() + static_cast<int>(p->lMoney) >= GOLD_MAX) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You cannot withdraw anymore gold."); return; } EDIT: Can be problem int type for lMoney when my inventory is too int and trying check value more than 2147483647? Because 1.999.999.999 + 888.888.888 withdraw?
  20. For what for 2 lines? U can test it in 30 seconds by yourself.. Btw. Im not sure about last 2018 root when they cythonized, but all other roots has same problem..
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