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Posts posted by Night

  1. well i personaly cant talk sence i have my own problems

    how ever normaly

    if one core is down cz of a problem the others are down cz of the same problem

    i would suggest that you look at those

    SYSERR: Jul 13 09:28:55 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(0) Map(4110000) 

    this is one of the prblem that might cz it and you are able to fix it

    well there is a groupe of mob that does not exit VNUM (0) --it should not exist

    so delet it from the map

    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:33:44 :: regen_load_in_file: SYSTEM: regen_do: locale/_master/map/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss/regen.txt: file not found
    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:34:21 :: UseMobSkill: No skill hit data for mob Generalul Yonghan index 0

    reupload regen.txt if you have it

    i do beleave that it does not exist

    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:04:10 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀÌ ³ª¿Ã È®·ü";
    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:04:10 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "ÀüÁ¦±¹";
    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:04:10 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "%sÀÇ %sÀÌ %d%% Áõ°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù!";
    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:04:10 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "µ·ÀÌ ³ª¿Ã È®·ü";
    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:04:10 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "ÀüÁ¦±¹";
    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:04:10 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "%sÀÇ %sÀÌ %d%% Áõ°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù!";
    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:04:10 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "°æÇèÄ¡ ¹èÀ²";
    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:04:10 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "ÀüÁ¦±¹";
    SYSERR: Jul 13 07:04:10 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "%sÀÇ %sÀÌ %d%% Áõ°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù!";


    well more or less may be you ve edited the first line

    sence changing the secound one wouldnt harm even if your locale string does not support some lang like arabic -- chainise ..etc // UTF-8 charcter

    SYSERR: Jul 13 09:03:00 :: Process: UNKNOWN HEADER: 134, LAST HEADER: 254(2), REMAIN BYTES: 8, fd: 32

    truth be told i have seen it from the client side only

    if i remember it was a packet error


    other than that good luck may be other people my know

    and last thing try it with other game file

  2. Have you ever tried to x decrease/increase? 


    Best Regards



    if he open the belt inventory it will be like in the pic (first post of the topic)

    if he close the full inventory (while the belt inventory is still open) and re-open it will get to the right place 

    thats exactly why i dont realy care about this problem



    You need to original locale_ae and uiscript. Because AE system is different than english (included positions)


    Best Regards


    yes you are right

    but not that big of a diffirence

    i do belive that his using catv2 root (japnise root or so) with ae locale if he use a normal locale and just change what must be changed the belt will be normale



    Already him using locale_ae, this problem shouldn't be. But i wonder maybe him uiInventory.py or beltInventory.py is wrong..


    Best Regards



    i dont think so the ae client use the same binary as any other how ever there are a couple of small changes even the (f1,f2,f3,f4,1,2,3,4) shortcut that are used for skill are not the in the same place compard to other client


  4. You need to original locale_ae and uiscript. Because AE system is different than english (included positions)


    Best Regards


    yes you are right

    but not that big of a diffirence

    i do belive that his using catv2 root (japnise root or so) with ae locale if he use a normal locale and just change what must be changed the belt will be normale



    You need to original locale_ae and uiscript. Because AE system is different than english (included positions)


    Best Regards



    oh Elllie so u like The Last Of Us xD


    I use original clinet AE this system is sucks if u use

    locale_ae it will destroy this system


    so what I want is if it cant be fix it can be remove


    I can remove it for ever but I don't know what is he's name


    why remove it while you can fix it just work harder



    this wont work he is using the ae locale to begin with so its meanenless


    yes ... btw if his server is privet this system is useless :/


    he can just do the cube thing >.<


    the cube thing?????????????????????????

  5. so you got on your server :

    connect: Connection refused

    try this

    go to your server (VM/Putty)

    cd to the auth path it should be

    cd /home/game/auth


    cd /usr/home/game/auth

    more or less this is the  usual used path

    and try to start directly the auth


    if the output of the auth is

    connect: Connection refused

    then you have a server item proto bug

    fix it

    how ?

    just use a backup of your db or .txt proto

    and good luck

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