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Posts posted by Night

  1. No special purpose. :) I changed it back. Which server files would you recommend me? I'm looking for something that is not modified and use just items and mobs like official server (my girlfriend and i will play it from time to time, private :)) Right now this server files have many modifications.


    well i cant recommend somthing special but you might find something like that one pve server


    vanilla core


    vanilla core is just game core like any others so its basicly useless if you dont have skills to use it

    EDIT: how ever this game core is the best released up till now

    and its a 40k game 

    he wants a 34k game

    • Love 2
  2. Set isShowDebugInfo to false in game.py


    its already false i just deleted:

    		if self.isShowDebugInfo:

    and :

    	def UpdateDebugInfo(self):
    		# 캐릭터 좌표 및 FPS 출력
    		(x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition()
    		nUpdateTime = app.GetUpdateTime()
    		nUpdateFPS = app.GetUpdateFPS()
    		nRenderFPS = app.GetRenderFPS()
    		nFaceCount = app.GetFaceCount()
    		fFaceSpeed = app.GetFaceSpeed()
    		(fAveRT, nCurRT) =  app.GetRenderTime()
    		(iNum, fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFarCilp) = background.GetDistanceSetInfo()
    		(iPatch, iSplat, fSplatRatio, sTextureNum) = background.GetRenderedSplatNum()
    		if iPatch == 0:
    			iPatch = 1
    		#(dwRenderedThing, dwRenderedCRC) = background.GetRenderedGraphicThingInstanceNum()
    		self.PrintCoord.SetText("Coordinate: %.2f %.2f %.2f ATM: %d" % (x, y, z, app.GetAvailableTextureMemory()/(1024*1024)))
    		xMouse, yMouse = wndMgr.GetMousePosition()
    		self.PrintMousePos.SetText("MousePosition: %d %d" % (xMouse, yMouse))			
    		self.FrameRate.SetText("UFPS: %3d UT: %3d FS %.2f" % (nUpdateFPS, nUpdateTime, fFaceSpeed))
    		if fAveRT>1.0:
    			self.Pitch.SetText("RFPS: %3d RT:%.2f(%3d) FC: %d(%.2f) " % (nRenderFPS, fAveRT, nCurRT, nFaceCount, nFaceCount/fAveRT))
    		self.Splat.SetText("PATCH: %d SPLAT: %d BAD(%.2f)" % (iPatch, iSplat, fSplatRatio))
    		#self.Pitch.SetText("Pitch: %.2f" % (app.GetCameraPitch())
    		#self.TextureNum.SetText("TN : %s" % (sTextureNum))
    		#self.ObjectNum.SetText("GTI : %d, CRC : %d" % (dwRenderedThing, dwRenderedCRC))
    		self.ViewDistance.SetText("Num : %d, FS : %f, FE : %f, FC : %f" % (iNum, fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFarCilp))

    and it looks fine to me

  3. On server side when i change folder name "/home/game/share/locale/hongkong" to "/home/game/share/locale/english" and change in database mkey "locale" to english i receive error on metin2 server startup. It says that locale/english/quest/locale_,lua cannot be read, no such file or directory. Do you maybe know how to fix this? Thank you in advance.


    its just that this file is missing ^^ thats all

    and yet why do you want to change from locale honkong to english i dont even think that english i avalable name to be used for metin2

  4. whats the out-put of the db? //try this on ssh and copy past

    cd to your db path then :
    ./db or ./yourdb

    + whats the out put of starting mysql server

    service mysql-server start

    this can be help full

    and yes. do you get connection : connection refused (from auth)

    cz most likly you have some problmes with your item proto

    • Love 1

    The beta has been started today and actually it's not that bad. It feels i'm playing with an improved Metin2.

    The game is nice, but i don't realy like the crowd control abilites. You have to kill 1 monster at a time, because it's too much of a hassle to make a huge crowd. ( mobs aren't close to each other).

    Also the game dosen't has "open mob tagging" but "closed mob tagging", meaning you can't join/ks a players mob and expect to get any drop. The first person that hits the mob gets the drop, which is not that good, in my opinion and others too.

    I think they drifted to far away from the korean version with some changes, but anyway, it's a good game :D



    you are a metin2 player you will never be able to get used to other games

    in my case i played metin2 for like 7 years no other games included so i just love metin2 and cant take it off my life

    and killing many monster at a time is not somthing you will find in many online games so dont expect it from many games

    • Love 2

    well i think that would be normal

    there was a guy how fixed this but i didnt belive him cz it was basicly illogical he gave me the solution but i lost it ><


    no it's not normal

    I'm not sure that you understand what I mean.

    the expand button is not show up. I have to click at the inventory window (or at inventory window name to be exactly) to show it up.


    ye , but did you use the ui's of official client?


    If you mean the ui folder from in the locale, no I just take some files that I think is related to my problem (as inventorywindow.py)



    dont remmeber well but it was from the root

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