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Posts posted by Night

  1. then do make sure tht you add the quest in proper and perfect way :

    1- upload your quest to the quest folder usualy on this path :


    change your locale with your locale name //ex. germany

    and give permession 777 using filezilla/winSCP

    then on putty/Vbox //ssh

    cd to your quest folder then comply the quest and here is a sample :

    cd /home/game/share/locale/germany/quest
    ./qc fullquestname.quest

    replace fullquestname.quest with your quest name

    you can use a python tool like make

    or .sh file like make.sh to comply all of the quest //i recommend using python tool

    all what you need is too add it to locale list or quest list //just read your make file its easy ^^

    then with a GM character with all permission use

    /reload q

    log-out and log-in again
    and the quest should work how ever some time the same quest does not work with the same character 2 time so test it with another

    good luck

    • Love 1

    As i've wrote: if you are root than i don't know what is the problem.


    Anyway if you run the game from /home/game, then you should run it as user "game".  And then: chown -R game:game /home/game


    The quest directory is at:



    I open the server by a shortcut "sh iniciar" that i wrote for "cd usr/home/game && sh start.sh"



    So i write the "chown -R game:game /home/game" in the machine?



    Sorry, i'm kinda of a noob :D


    chown -R youruser:youruser /home/game 

     or via filezilla just give permission 777 to all files (some need 775 but it wont be a problem and give

    more or less some quest does not work after qc some needs reboot and some needs only (via gm /reload q) then login again and evrything should be okey



    well its the same as GF way if you use coins (donet know there name in english) you get the other coins

    its the same for those server (at least some of them)

    what do they gain

    a place in a vote web site (some french...etc website have over 5000 vote per day (cz some fresh server get up to 900 player online --no lag included)

    and at the end its just as 

    Ayaka said you can make it via php or buy it for your web script when ever you have mony




    Dragon Marks, or "mileage" as YMIR calls them, has nothing to do with vote4coins.


    Dragon Marks encourage players to spend, Vote4Coins brings you new players.



    yes but on privite server you can use Dragon Marks as what you get for the vote

    and keep the coins alone for other item shop

    • Love 1
  4. well its the same as GF way if you use coins (donet know there name in english) you get the other coins

    its the same for those server (at least some of them)

    what do they gain

    a place in a vote web site (some french...etc website have over 5000 vote per day (cz some fresh server get up to 900 player online --no lag included)

    and at the end its just as 

    Ayaka said you can make it via php or buy it for your web script when ever you have mony

    • Love 1
  5. it will be easy for people to read the quest if you use the (code)

    quest tickets begin
    state start begin
    when letter begin
    send_letter ( " شراء قسائم " ) --Quest Name
    when button or info begin
    say_yellow (" هل تريد شراء قسائم نقود ؟؟ ") --title
    say (" ")
    say (" ")
    say (" ")
    say_red (" من هنا يمكنك شراء قسائم نقود ")
    say_red (" اختر نوع القسيمه التي تريد شرائها ")
    local a = select (" قسيمه ام ال500 "," قسيمه ام ال 250 "," قسيمه ام ال 100 " , " اغلاق ")
    if 4==a then return
    elseif 1==a then
    say_red (" كم قسيمه تريد ان تاخذ ؟؟ ")
    local a1 = select (" واحدة500× ", " اثنتان500× ", " ثلاثه500× ", " اربعه500× ", " رجوع ")
    if 1==a1 then
    if pc.get_money () <= (499999999) then --check if player got the money ---
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999500,1)
    pc.change_gold (-500000000)
    elseif 2==a1 then
    if pc.get_money () <= (999999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999500,2)
    pc.change_gold (-1000000000)
    elseif 3==a1 then
    if pc.get_money () <= (1499999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999500,3)
    pc.change_gold (-1500000000)
    elseif 4==a1 then
    if pc.get_money () <= (1999999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999500,4)
    pc.change_gold (-2000000000)
    elseif 2==a then
    say_red (" كم قسيمه تريد ان تاخذ ؟؟ ")
    local a2 = select (" واحدة250× ", " اثنتان250× ", " ثلاثه250× ", " اربعه250× ", " رجوع ")
    if 1==a2 then
    if pc.get_money () <= (249999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999250,1)
    pc.change_gold (-250000000)
    elseif 2==a2 then
    if pc.get_money () <= (499999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999250,2)
    pc.change_gold (-500000000)
    elseif 3==a2 then
    if pc.get_money() <= (749999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999250,3)
    pc.change_gold (-750000000)
    elseif 4==a2 then
    if pc.get_money() <= (999999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999250,4)
    pc.change_gold (-1000000000)
    elseif 3==a then
    say_red (" كم قسيمه تريد ان تاخذ ؟؟ ")
    local a3 = select (" واحدة100× ", " اثنتان100× ", " ثلاثه100× ", " اربعه100× ", " رجوع ")
    if 1==a3 then
    if pc.get_money() <= (99999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999100,1)
    pc.change_gold (-100000000)
    elseif 2 == a3 then
    if pc.get_money () <= (199999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999100,2)
    pc.change_gold (-200000000)
    elseif 3 == a3 then
    if pc.get_money () <= (299999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999100,3)
    pc.change_gold (-300000000)
    elseif 4 == a3 then
    if pc.get_money() <= (399999999) then
    chat (" انك لا تملك هذا المبلغ ")
    pc.give_item2 (999100,4)
    pc.change_gold (-400000000)

    but realy


    قسيمه ام ال 250

    at least use a littile better words  cz i had to lol




    there are a lot of people who never looks into syslog, so disabling it is a good idea for them. but... NEVER disable syserr.



    004904F0: 55 C3

    @xDeStRuCtx: I use game_vanilla_r55170_2_inv, so it won't work for me. Thanks anyway.

    @Shogun: I know it's a bad idea, but i have a small vds and i can't afford to check it everyday.


    As for my syserr i only get something with header and something with pet, cannot find motion, or something... I'll fix the pet thing some other time.


    Up, still unsolved. If anyone needs the download link for r55170 pm me.



    Send me this game.




    ask vanilla to give it to you she will do withing 24-48 hours you need to wait

  7. i do bleave that

    Ellie™released the DB starting with both txt and sql

    i use txt just cz the tools dont make .sql mob proto and im not into making tools /* i might make one after my pc get better (needs a doctor)

    well this core need to be updated

    to get update you need some people to test and to see servers r40k bugs


    1. - Removed auth_brazil
    2. - Removed over9refine
    3. - Removed xtrap
    4. - Removed openid
    5. - Removed pcbang



     i must say those were shits that have almost nothing to do with gf and privite server

    and sence you are working on both bin and game:

    there is a prblem in i dont know bin (used in test client fur r40k) but i cant explain it to you with out pics so good luck i will test it later when i get my pc fixed


  8. 1. Open your client

    2. Find your locale.cfg

    3. Open locale.cfg and replace the numbers to this numbers 0 1253

    the client locale-- i mean items and mobs are in greek and the locale string is in greek

    however the item/mob proto.txt does not accept it (while they were in sql db there were no problem)

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