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Posts posted by Night

  1. Hi


    * i am looking for 40k game source code, where can i download ?


    *  İ am using freebsd 9.2 x64. when i install mysql5.5 i have this error


      "sys/timeb.h which is deprecated" 


    How can i fix it ?


    for src


    there is a txz archive or  tgz i dont remember upload it it the only one on src folder

    and that is not an error just a warning

  2. i cant open src in 2008 why?

    error: the selected file is a solution file but was created by a newer version

    there are hidden 2 files .old change there delete the .old and open the solution from them


    i have a problem to install visual studio sp1


    make sure that you installed vs2008



    I got this error:

    Error	1	fatal error LNK1000: Internal error during IncrBuildImage	Metin2PW	Metin2PW

    look in the first and 2 page from this topic

    • Love 1
  3. /usr/src/mainline/Srcs/Server/common/length.h








    And you may need to edit the exp table in this file (3x)




    Under this:

    const DWORD exp_table_euckr[PLAYER_EXP_TABLE_MAX + 1] =

    And this:

    const DWORD exp_table_common[PLAYER_EXP_TABLE_MAX + 1] =

    And this:

    const DWORD exp_table_newcibn[PLAYER_EXP_TABLE_MAX + 1 ] =


    But i think need to edit the navicat/player/player

    level tinyint-->int (for 255+level)

    (In Design table)


    based on this http://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/ms187745.aspx

    i think that smallint will do what he want

    • Metin2 Dev 3
    • Love 1
  4. Open quest.h

    find the line


    Add after 


    Open questmanager.cpp

    find the line

    m_mapEventName.insert(TEventNameMap::value_type("item_informer", QUEST_ITEM_INFORMER_EVENT));

    Add after 

    m_mapEventName.insert(TEventNameMap::value_type("dead", QUEST_DEAD_EVENT));

    add function 

    void CQuestManager::Dead(unsigned int pc)
            PC * pPC;
            if ((pPC = GetPC(pc)))
                if (!CheckQuestLoaded(pPC))
                sys_err("QUEST no such pc id : %d", pc);

    open questmanager.h

    find the line 

    void        Kill(unsigned int pc, unsigned int npc);

    add after

    void        Dead(unsigned int pc);

    open questnpc.quest

    add function

        bool NPC::OnDead(PC& pc)
            return HandleReceiveAllEvent(pc, QUEST_DEAD_EVENT);


    find the line 

    bool    OnKill(PC& pc);

    add after 

    bool    OnDead(PC& pc);

    open char_battle.cpp


    fine the line

    void CHARACTER::Dead(LPCHARACTER pkKiller, bool bImmediateDead)

    added at the beginning


    Sorry my bad English and bad decor


    use the code next time

    and i think your english is usefull for topic like this ^^

    thanks anyway

  5. DBManager.cpp / DBManager.h from mainline/Srcs/Server/db/src and DBManager.o from mainline/Srcs/Server/db/src/.obj tu your directory and you can compile if doesn't work bring from "mainline_released" i don't remeber it.And who have this problem -> https://metin2.download/picture/91n4TNoapsyYH4468UU73Ij9IvrWlzr1/.png


    its from mainline_released

    • Love 1
  6. Epsilon tuto is way better but this might help you too

    server side :

    upload on the map directory


    upload the map server side (if exist) or make them by your self (with right 777)

    open the index file

    add in the end of the file (last line)

    a number (from your head) as long as it does not exist (i recomend adding a biger number)

    go to the channel directory

    the config file of one of your cores (if you have more than one core)

    add the map to 

    allow map : 1 21 41 .......... your nmber here

    same for other channels and dont forget ch99

    and done

    now to client if its ready just add the path to atlas.txt on locale and the map to the locale

    and that would be it (in some client atlas.txt might be on root)

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