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Everything posted by blanco

  1. That is exactly what I'm unsure about. It's not called anywhere in the client, instead it gets executed by the binary after calling the RequestServerState function as far as I'm aware. NotifyChannelState does get called, and it does change the values. It's just that the text itself doesn't update.
  2. Am I not doing this already by calling self.RequestServerState() in the _init_?
  3. Hi! I have a small question about the whole ServerStateChecker method. Everything works fine with the system, except for the channel state update. When I login for the first time, it looks like this: (CH1, CH2, and CH3 are online, but don't update) Only after I change the CH it updates to the correct values. uisystem.py MoveChannelWindow class: [Hidden Content] The values in serverinfo.py are changed by the NotifyChannelState function, I just don't know how to make them "reload" when the window is opened.
  4. void CInstanceBase::SetAcce(DWORD dwAcce) { if (!IsPC()) return; if (IsPoly()) return; dwAcce += 85000; ClearAcceEffect(); float fSpecular = 65.0f; fSpecular /= 100.0f; m_awPart[CRaceData::PART_ACCE] = dwAcce; CItemData * pItemData; if (!CItemManager::Instance().GetItemDataPointer(dwAcce, &pItemData)) return; m_GraphicThingInstance.AttachAcce(pItemData, fSpecular); #ifdef ENABLE_OBJ_SCALLING DWORD dwRace = GetRace(), dwPos = RaceToJob(dwRace), dwSex = RaceToSex(dwRace); dwPos += 1; if (dwSex == 0) dwPos += 5; float fScaleX, fScaleY, fScaleZ, fPositionX, fPositionY, fPositionZ; if (pItemData->GetItemScale(dwPos, fScaleX, fScaleY, fScaleZ, fPositionX, fPositionY, fPositionZ)) { m_GraphicThingInstance.SetScale(fScaleX, fScaleY, fScaleZ, true); if (m_kHorse.IsMounting()) fPositionZ += 10.0f; m_GraphicThingInstance.SetScalePosition(fPositionX, fPositionY, fPositionZ); } #endif }
  5. I implemented LeNnt's sash system and everything works fine, except for one thing. When I unequip the sash, the character model doesn't update: the syserr is clean Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
  6. in dungeon.cpp if you search for deadEvent = event_create(dungeon_dead_event, info, PASSES_PER_SEC(10)); you could replace 10 with 300 (for 5 minutes until the dungeon session is destroyed) but I think you have to modify your dungeon's quest too
  7. in game.py inside "def __DropItem", search for itemDropQuestionDialog.Open(....) replace with itemDropQuestionDialog.Open(dropItemIndex, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemCount)
  8. When I mouse over the item, the tooltip doesn't show, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? uicommon.py - [Hidden Content] uiscript - [Hidden Content]
  9. Hello! How could I make a line to be of different colors? AppendTextLine colors the whole line..
  10. Yeah, I would appreciate if you could help me.
  11. What serverfiles can I use with this client? Every single serverfiles I tried to use kicked me out of the game because I get this message in chat: Your client version is not correct. Please install the normal patch. Any idea of a serverfile that works / how to solve this problem?
  12. Hello, When I log in with my client the server kicks me out and I get this in chat How can I remove this feature / stop it from happening? I don't have any CheckClientVersion: 1 like in any of my CH config files.
  13. I can't get the serverfiles to work. I have compiled the game and db from the source, put them in the server, gave them 777 permisions, changed the ports in my client correctly, but it still doesn't work. It's blocked in "You will be connected...". What more do I have to do? There is no syserr.
  14. I updated the game and db to 40k. My question is: does the server use the .txt or the .sql protos?
  15. Does anyone have the world of metin2 beta client (base & extra) posted by shogun? The links on his post are invalid.
  16. Does anyone have the world of metin2 beta client (base & extra) posted by shogun? The links on his post are invalid.
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