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Everything posted by ds_aim

  1. Some of your functions have local variables named data and size, resulting in conflicts with global variables of the same names.
  2. auto . nullptr google style In those files i used just two c++14 features. But in my source it's more.
  3. Sorry , here is. Directly from my source. :P AsyncSQL.cpp - C++14- Google Format coding AsyncSQL.h - C++14 - Google Format coding
  4. Still looking for someone who has a server with many players. :) I also updated SpeedTree 1.6.0
  5. Send me a pm with you contact. I need to explain me more clear I will fix this from binary.
  6. Don't matter. If u have bin it's fine. How to check version ? Just put the crusor on metin2client.bin or exe [Hidden Content] something like that.
  7. I'am searching for Metin2_r10626 official launcher. If someone have , please upload. I need this version to unpack offical patches. I will release the method, just someone upload if u have.
  8. Just use whiresharek or an packet dumper. To see problem. Also you must check HEADERS. [Hidden Content] Use visual studio and pun an breakpont to Headers. And i checked. To check packet.h won't help you. Belive me. You must check struct and headers. I found SOME packets fucked in game. Now all work like a charm. Btw , wireshark + vss2015 and you will slove with an breakpoint. With wireshark you can see how much bytes send server, and how much receive client. Etc.. You also can check what type of bytes, transfer... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HINT : I also found a problem with time_t time_t it's always 64bit and it has different bytes. To prevent this in stdafx.h it's defined #define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T Make sure you have this macto in stdafx.h sometimes the compiler ignore this macro. I DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHY. I teste soo many times. When the compiler ignore this macro time_t will be 64bit , and in you freebsd server time_t it's 32bit.
  9. Don't worry. This don't affect nothing. It's just a bug in cryptopp 5.1 ^^
  10. Or? Use cryptopp 5.6.3 fixed CVE-2015-2141 cleared most Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBsan) findings cleared all Address Sanitizer (Asan) findings cleared all Valgrind findings cleared all Coverity findings cleared all Enterprise Analysis (/analyze) findings cleared most GCC warnings with -Wall cleared most Clang warnings with -Wall cleared most MSVC warnings with /W4 added -fPIC for 64-bit builds (off for 32-bit builds) added HKDF class from RFC 5869 switched to member_ptr due to C++ 11 warnings for auto_ptr initialization of C++ static objects, off by default GCC and init_priotirty/constructor attributes MSVC and init_seg(lib) CRYPTOPP_INIT_PRIORITY disabled by default, but available improved OS X support improved GNUmakefile support for Testing and QA added self tests for additional Testing and QA added cryptest.sh for systematic Testing and QA added GNU Gold linker support added Visual Studio 2010 solution and project files in vs2010.zip added Clang integrated assembler support unconditionally define CRYPTOPP_NO_UNALIGNED_DATA_ACCESS for Makefile target 'ubsan' and at -O3 workaround ARMEL/GCC 5.2 bug and failed self test fixed crash in MQV due to GCC 4.9+ and inlining fixed hang in SHA due to GCC 4.9+ and inlining fixed missing rdtables::Te under VS with ALIGNED_DATA_ACCESS fixed S/390 and big endian feature detection fixed S/390 and int128_t/uint128_t detection fixed X32 (ILP32) feature detection removed _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE for Microsoft platforms utilized bound checking interfaces from ISO/IEC TR 24772 when available improved ARM, ARM64, MIPS, MIPS64, S/390 and X32 (ILP32) support introduced CRYPTOPP_MAINTAIN_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_562 added additional Doxygen-based documentation ported to MSVC 2015, Xcode 7.2, GCC 5.2, Clang 3.7, Intel C++ 16.00 5.6.3 already fixed that error/ Or just delete CheckSize variable
  11. Also you should check IME.cpp Check this case 1268: switch (outCodePage) { case 1268: dataCodePage = CP_UTF8; break; default: dataCodePage = outCodePage; } You should check also IME.cpp UINT CIME::GetCodePageFromLang(LANGID langid) fuction.
  12. if (GetDefaultCodePage() == 1256) { char * p = strchr(buf, ':'); if (p && p[1] == ' ') p[1] = 0x08; } You changed encoding in user Interface too ? #pragma code_page(xxxx)
  13. From what I see the problem comes from char_skill: boost::unordered_map<VID, size_t>::iterator iterTargetMap = rSkillUseInfo.TargetVIDMap.find(TargetVID); Inseated of iterators you should use auto. By looking at the error, it looks like you have to define a hash function for the type VID to be able to use it as a key in a map. Standard hash functions are already defined in the STL for basic types, but you have to define for yourself a specific one for your domain types. Usually, it's enough to do something like this: namespace std { template<> struct hash<VID> { using argument_type = VID; using result_type = std::size_t; result_type operator()(argument_type const& vid) const { // what to put here depends on the type of VID // and how you want to create the hash } }; } The difficulties are usually in understanding how to create the hash. In my experience, for user defined classes, I've ever used the standard specialization with some data members, the most significant ones. In your case, as an example, you could cast the DWORDs to a couple of unsigned ints and use them to get the hash by using std::hash<unsigned int> (I'm assuming that that's the DWORD from the FreeBSD API, that is a 32 bit unsigned integer as far as I remember). [Hidden Content]
  14. game99 universal channel. INDEX 113 universal. Put 113 in map_allow game99. Not in ch1 , not in ch2. just game.99.
  15. You can use chardet to detect the encoding of a string, so one way to convert a list of them to unicode I will check py35 includes.
  16. If I now answer the question, and you solve your problem. How should I know if I was helpful, since you do not respond to topics after you solve problems. BTW, you should check mysql.sock tmp/mysql.sock and check if it's present .
  17. Here is #ifdef COSTUME_WEAPON else if (GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_SWORD || GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_DAGGER || GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_BOW || GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_TWO_HANDED || GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_BELL || GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_FAN) return WEAR_COSTUME_WEAPON; #endif replace this #ifdef line 508 This at line 781 #ifdef COSTUME_WEAPON else if (GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_SWORD || GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_DAGGER || GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_BOW || GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_TWO_HANDED || GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_BELL || GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON_FAN) { toSetPart = PART_WEAPON; if (false == bAdd) { // 코1oAo 갑?EA?1???때 ?o? 갑?EA?A蹈?A?駭U면 그 갑?EA막?look 11AA, A讀?3E3O?면 default look const CItem* pWeapon = m_pOwner->GetWear(WEAR_WEAPON); toSetValue = (NULL != pWeapon) ? pWeapon->GetVnum() : m_pOwner->GetOriginalPart(PART_WEAPON); } } #endif
  18. This is not a bug dude. In advance command it's npt set to update skill point
  19. Add LPCHARACTER ch; declaration. [Hidden Content] Like this.
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