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Everything posted by ds_aim

  1. Just use whiresharek or an packet dumper. To see problem. Also you must check HEADERS. [Hidden Content] Use visual studio and pun an breakpont to Headers. And i checked. To check packet.h won't help you. Belive me. You must check headers, not struct. I found 10 packets fucked in my binary and 6 in game. Now all work like a charm. Btw , wireshark + vss2015 and you will slove with an breakpoint see the stack and what functions call when crash.. With wireshark you can see how much bytes send server, and how much receive client. Etc.. You also can check what type of bytes, transfer...
  2. and ? And what do you want ? You have not specified anything in question.
  3. Dude , this is a question ? Or a joke.? The error says very clear. say me please, what you don't understand? nitializeTables: InitializeMobTable FAILED
  4. Dwarf Error: wrong version in compilation unit header (is 4, should be 2) You should compile game with dwarf 2 flags
  5. we can't debug game.core It depend what compiler you use. what flags, what arhitecture , what ld-elf compatibility , what dwarf version you use.
  6. You should remove mirror table from db , or remove mysql strict_tables.This will slove you error.
  7. You need to update GetRealTime function from uitooltip.py to regornize weapon_costume.
  8. Just empty , player , player_index , item... al these tables and will work. It's an asertion problem.
  9. Pleaseeeee , and what about backdoors? If u replace game with yours yes,
  10. Seems to be a problem in item_poto at colum size. I can't tell you for sure , i must to check protos and functions. Did u changed max slots in windows? Seems a problem to grid size.
  11. No, there is no free version. There are only thieves who stole from the author. What intrigues me is that I think this community does not promote thieves. Remember the first time anyone has posted scarves free. Shishi immediately deleted that post / topic. And yet he has downloaded and used them. If you support my opinion is to buy scarves from the author. And show respect for his work. My question is why also allow moderators topics? Why Deleting threads started by scarves and now permit system to support implementation.
  12. Why do not ask help the person who has sold the system?
  13. Thanks for share. But , you should debug client binary and see where it's the problem. I sloved this one month ago. But i don't changed in game nothing.
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