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  1. Download Updated at 2023.08.05. Alternative download links: Client & Serverfiles + VDI + Extension Pack [40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages] My goal was to make a reference r40250 serverfile as official as possible compared to what GF had back when their files got leaked in early 2014. No new systems added, only bug fixes. While I spent several hours testing, there may still be bugs. Please report bugs to me so I can fix them in the future, I want to make this project as bug free as possible. Available languages: EN/DE/HU/FR/CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR Please read Languages.txt to learn how to change the default EN language. SSH for VM: root/123456789 MySQL: root/123456789 Ingame: admin/123456789 Aliases and it's commands: start cd /usr/metin2/server && sh start.sh close cd /usr/metin2/server && sh close.sh clean cd /usr/metin2/server && sh clean.sh backup cd /usr/metin2/server && sh backup.sh questcompile cd /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/quest && python2.7 make.py dbclean cd /usr/metin2/src/server/db/src && gmake clean dbdep cd /usr/metin2/src/server/db/src && gmake dep dbcompile cd /usr/metin2/src/server/db/src && gmake -j9 gameclean cd /usr/metin2/src/server/game/src && gmake clean gamedep cd /usr/metin2/src/server/game/src && gmake dep gamecompile cd /usr/metin2/src/server/game/src && gmake -j9 Please read Changelog.txt to find more about the changes I made. Special thanks to: @Mali for the clean and updated client & server src files. @Sanchez for the 2014 base client. @Veltor88 for the translate.lua pack. @Fazer for the locale_string pack I made a little video about installing the serverfile (vm) and changing the language: PS: I know it's pretty late in 2021 but better than ever Sincerely, TMP4
    1813 points
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( Latest Version ) This WE is a version compiled directly by me which includes infinite fixes and features. It's certain that you won't longer use the worldeditor_en! To make it simple, I wrote all the details about this feature and the common WE inside the relative config file: (called WorldEditorRemix.ini) ; Info: ; -) 100% translated ; -) granny2.11 ; -) F6 as Insert alternative ; -) many default features not present inside the worldeditor_en (probably, that binary was taken out from an SVN long time ago and resource hacked) such as Ins for all regions and skyboxes ; -) WASD UPLEFTDOWNRIGHT to move around (+asynchronous diagonally movements) ; -) UP-LEFT-DOWN-RIGHT to move around*10 (+asynchronous diagonally movements) ; -) config file for few things ; Output options by default ; few others such as default WASD movement ; whether or not Insert should let you go where you were before the press ; no MAI dump when saving atlas ; whether or not DevIL should compress and remove alpha from minimap.dds ; whether or not loading .mdatr building heights ; default textureset when creating maps ; overlapped tabs ; other stuff ; -) several bugfixes ; default title app name ; attempting to write to an empty textureset name when creating new maps ; ViewRadius doubled every load&save ; shadowmap.dds creation ; assert when saving atlas ; crash when adjusting height ; many buffer under/overflows ; *.mdc collision data saving (for game_test) ; not checking output options when loading maps ; water brush waterid bug (the id was increased until 256 each time the function was called; now it's based on the water height just like it should be) ; init texture map reload map crash and last 2px always blank ; square shape even for up/down height brushes ; add textureset texture button (+multiselection) ; remove textureset texture feature (just selecting a texture from the list and pressing DELETE) ; creation of empty textureset with index -1 (changed to 0) ; change baseposition button ; misspelled stuff ; skybox bottom image (nb: you also need a fixed launcher for this) ; removed boring CTRL requirement (to move the camera) when editing daylight/attr ; fixed refresh texture imagebox onKey pressing the down/up keys (like when onClicking them) ; fixed TextureSet file creation if not existing ; fixed new wolfman motion event handling ; fixed crash when editing animation attack bones and 00010.gr2 was missing ; fixed locale/ymir/mob_proto load (it autodetects the most common structures) and <map>/regen.txt load/save ; fixed ./group.txt load ; fixed load/save/edit <map>/regen.txt (very nice for "m" regens, untested for "g") ; load from PACK is available if pack/property is present! Be sure pack/Index exists! ; fixed multi-object selection crash ; fixed crash when previewing a missing texture ; fixed not clearing of old environment (e.g. skybox) when switching maps ; fixed not creating property folders in root tree (object tab) ; fixed object attachment in Model Tab ; fixed newly particles names in Effect Tab ; fixed crash when saving a .mse script with no mesh model ; fixed crash when inserting a lower gradient ; -) created new TextureSet field when creating new maps ; -) created new Change/Delete Texture buttons when double-clicking a texture ; -) created Background Music playback and Shadow Recalculate buttons ; -) created water height "set 0z", "+1z", "-1z" buttons ; -) server_attr generator ; -) every crash will generate a logs/WorldEditorRemix_{target}_{date}.dmp file useful for debugging ; -) implemented a "water path" mapsettings option (the launcher requires additional code) ; -) implemented a "wind strength" msenv option (the launcher requires additional code) ; -) the "encrypt data" feature does nothing (unimplemented) ; Note: ; 0) there are no regressions in this version! a bug here means it'd also be present in older WE versions too! ; 1) the shadow output option is tricky: when UpdateUI is called, shadows are hidden although the check is pressed (i implemented the shadow recalculate function for that) #fixed since v11 ; 2) the bgm player requires /miles and the fadein/out doesn't work until you load the map ; 3) the adjusting height button works only if mdatr height is detected ; 4) the Debug version is laggy when working on maps such as n_flame_dungeon and n_ice_dungeon (by default, because SphereRadius are intensively checked in SphereLib\spherepack.h) ; 5) if you load a map, the script panels (where you load .msa et similia) will have the camera perspective a little fucked up (0z instead of -32767z or 0x 0y -163,94z) ; 6) few tree objects are not movable and/or highlightable after placed on the ground and their selection is invisible (you can still delete 'em) ; trick: draw a square selecting a normal building and 'em, then move the building and you'll see all of 'em will be moved! ; 7) the server_attr generator will clean all the unused flags! attr[idx]&=~0xFFFFFFF8; ; 8) you can read files from pack/Index 'n stuff but be aware that Property will not be considered! #fixed since v15 ; 9) the MonsterAreaInfo features are laggy and buggy as fuck ; 10) even though you can select many textures at once (using ctrl+click on textureset list; for brushing or initializing a base texture), you can't delete more than one at the same time ; 11) the .mdatr height is tricky; if you move a building, the height will not be refreshed until you put a new building or whatever you want to trigger the update event ; 12) by default, the worldeditor tries to render only the first 8 terrain textures of a 32x32px region (nb: a 1x1 map is a 256x256 px region) ; 13) the minimap rendering cannot catch the buildings/trees inside the first 2x2 regions due a ymir cache fault and you need to set the camera to "see" them ; 14) when the textureset, environment, etc load fails, the old filename still remains loaded ; 15) the attr flag "3" (three) has no implementation, so don't use it! ; 16) load from PACK doesn't load texturesets from files for first (if they are already in pack/), and the object placer's object list will remain empty because it takes the list from property/ (and not from pack/property) ; 17) to save the regen.txt you press CTRL+S ; 18) if you enable the wireframe (f4) when on Attr Tab, you see the terrain all white ; 19) the water brush disappears when the camera renders the waterwheel small/big effect ; 20) the monster area info goes under ground if you're outside the relative sectree ; 21) the full skybox may be displayed only after the top picture has been added (if the other textures have already been inserted) ; 22) the slider in the Attr Tab is something like "16 photoshop layers" in which you can split your attrs; not so helpful and quite confusing sometimes ; 23) the fixed model - object attachment attaches static objects (hairs'skeleton will not mirror the playing animation) ; 24) in environment tab, if you insert lower gradients, you may end up with an out of range crash #fixed since v30 ; 25) brushes working out-of-screen/map-range may affect random terrain places ; TODO: ; A) look at more than 8 textures for region -> DONE ; B) create a shortcut to fix the #5 note -> DONE ; C) disable the radius <= GetRadius()+0.0001f check to fix the #4 note -> REJECTED ; the worldeditor_en calls this assert and, if ignored, the lag ceases to exist (this will not occur in source version) ; at least, if the release version is not a problem for you, use that in those few cases when .mse are abused and try to kill the debug one ; D) translation in more languages other than english -> REJECTED ; english should be enough! ; E) alternative path for d: -> REJECTED ; you can mount d as a subpath of c like this: ; subst d: "c:\mt2stuff" ; F) need to fix note #19 #25 -> TODO [shortcuts] ; ### SHORTCUTS ; # ESC(ape) Clean cursor ; # Canc(el|Delete) Delete stuff such as selected buildings ; # Ctrl+S Save map ; # Ins(ert) or F6 Save shadowmap|minimap.dds ; # F3 BoundGrid Show/Hide ; # F4 Render UI Show/Hide ; # F11 WireFrame Show/Hide ; # R Reload Texture ; # Z and X Decrease/Increase Texture Splat by 0.1 ; # CapsLock Show GaussianCubic effect if shadows are displayed ; # L-Shift+1-6 Show TextureCountThreshold flags (&2-7) as colors on the ground ; # L-Shift+8 Set Max Showable texture to 8 (de-fix note 12) ; # L-Shift+0 Set Max Showable texture to 255 (fix note 12) ; # H Refresh MDATR Heights (useful when you move an object) (fix note 11) ; # Y Set Perspective as default (fix note 5) ; # T Set the Camera to catch all the object on the screen (w/a note 13) then you'll be ready to press Insert/F6 ; # DO NOT HAVE AN OBJECT SELECTED WHEN USING THOSE SHORTCUTS (MW1-7) ; # MouseWheel+1 move cursor x rotation ; # MouseWheel+2 move cursor y rotation ; # MouseWheel+3 move cursor z rotation ; # MouseWheel+4 move cursor height base (1x) ; # MouseWheel+5 move cursor height base (0.5x) ; # MouseWheel+6 move cursor height base (0.05x) ; # MouseWheel+7 move cursor ambience scale (1x) ; # MouseWheel+Q move selected object height base (1x) ; # MouseWheel+9 move selected object x position (1x) (+asyncronous) ; # MouseWheel+0 move selected object y position (1x) (+asyncronous) ; # MW+RSHIFT+9|0 as above but *10x (+asyncronous) ; # MW+RCONTROL+9|0 as above but *100x (+asyncronous) ; # MouseLeft Insert Objects ; # MouseRight Move camera (it could require CTRL too) ; # SPACE Start move/selected animation in Object/Effect/Fly CB ; # ESC Stop animation in Effect/Fly CB [config] ; ### CONFIG OPTIONS VIEW_CHAR_OUTPUT_BY_DEFAULT = 1 VIEW_SHADOW_OUTPUT_BY_DEFAULT = 1 VIEW_WATER_OUTPUT_BY_DEFAULT = 1 ; WINDOW_HEIGHT_SIZE = 1080 ; WINDOW_WIDTH_SIZE = 1920 WINDOW_FOV_SIZE = 45 ; #100 = 1px (minimal px movement when pressing WASD) WASD_MINIMAL_MOVE = 100 ; came back from where you were before pressing Insert/F6 NO_GOTO_AFTER_INSERT = 1 ; disable MAI dumps when saving atlas and/or pressing Insert/F6 NOMAI_ATLAS_DUMP = 1 ; disable minimap.dds alpha saving and enable compression NOMINIMAP_RAWALPHA = 1 ; enable .mdatr height collision loading when moving on buildings or adjusting terrain DETECT_MDATR_HEIGHT = 1 ; disable fog when loading maps NOFOG_ONMAPLOAD = 1 ; refresh all checkbox configurations when loading maps 'n stuff REFRESHALL_ONUPDATEUI = 0 ; set a default mapname prefix when creating new maps ("" to disable) NEW_MAP_MAPNAME_PREFIX = "metin2_map_" ; display a default textureset when creating new maps ("" to disable) ; note: it loads the filepath if exists, otherwise it will create an empty textureset file NEWMAP_TEXTURESETLOADPATH = "textureset\metin2_a1.txt" ; create a default textureset as "textureset/{mapname}.txt" ; note: this option is not considered if NEWMAP_TEXTURESETLOADPATH is not empty. [before v24] ; note: this option is not considered if the TextureSet path input is not empty when creating a new map [since v24] NEWMAP_TEXTURESETSAVEASMAPNAME = 1 ; remove the weird attr flags from the generated server_attr SERVERATTR_REMOVE_WEIRD_FLAGS = 1 ; show diffuse lighting to object VIEW_OBJECT_LIGHTING = 1 ; path of mob_proto used for regen MOB_PROTO_PATH = "locale/ymir/mob_proto" ; select monster area info checkbox at startup VIEW_MONSTER_AREA_INFO = 0 ; brush cursor / object selection color RGB float between 0.0 to 1.0 (default: green -> 0 1 0) RENDER_CURSOR_COLOR_R = 0.0 RENDER_CURSOR_COLOR_G = 1.0 RENDER_CURSOR_COLOR_B = 0.0 Download: [Hidden Content] How To Map: This release will not cover this part. Look at CryPrime`s tutorials to understand how to do it. About the ServerAttr Generator: (since v14) This is a beta function but it should work fine. I tested it on gm_guild_build (1x1), metin2_map_a1 (4x5), metin2_map_trent (2x2), metin2_n_snowm_01 (6x6) and the result was the same as the blackyuko map editor. (I use a different lzo version and I clean deprecated and useless flags, so the size is different from this last one but the "final image" will be the same; using game_test to fix his server_attr will let mine and his perfectly equal byte per byte) I also give you the source code of my server_attr generator function. CLICK A server_attr file is based on all the attr.atr files merged into a one raw RGBA image and each one scaled from 256x256 to 512x512. After that, the image will be splitted into sectors of 128x128 px and each one compressed using lzo compression. The server_attr header is composed by the size of the map*4. (e.g. a 4x4 will have a 16x16 size with 256 sectors inside) (gj ymir CLICK) An uncompressed server_attr sector is just like this: CLICK (the sub 4 byte header is the size returned by the LzoCompress which indicates how much the compressed sector data are large) Each attr.atr is just like this: CLICK (the header is composed of 6 byte in total: 3 WORDs respectively for version, width and height; they are always 2634, 1, 1 so don't bother about it) A single attr.atr scaled from 256x256 to 512x512 will be just like this: CLICK You can use the game_test (from source) to perform few tasks like: Create a server_attr from a .mcd file (I won't suggest it) a <collision data filename> <map directory> Regenerate an old server_attr to server_attr.new using the current lzo compression and cleaning useless flag CLICK c <filename> Other stuff such as b to create a character instance or q to quit About the SkyBox Bottom pic fix: (since v21) Both metin2launch.exe and worldeditor.exe should be edited to see the bottom pic of the skybox. Ymir messed up the code wrongly flipping the bottom image. Open ./Srcs/Client/EterLib/SkyBox.cpp and replace: ////// Face 5: BOTTOM v3QuadPoints[0] = D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[1] = D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[2] = D3DXVECTOR3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[3] = D3DXVECTOR3(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); with: ////// Face 5: BOTTOM v3QuadPoints[0] = D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[1] = D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[2] = D3DXVECTOR3(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[3] = D3DXVECTOR3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); then recompile. Credits:
    697 points
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal 2.9 ) Download Here ( Last Release ) This is an archiver I've created, and it looks quite stable so far. The PackMakerLite (PML) supports type 0-1-2-3-4-5-6. As a summarize, the metin2 types are handled like this: Type 0 - only storage (no encryption/compression; it can be read fully from the .epk) Type 1 - compressed - lzo(file) Type 2 - compressed and encrypted - xtea(lzo(file)) Type 3 - encrypted with Panama - you must save an .iv key server-side in the panama/ folder. (content readable only after auth phase) The official used it only for patch2. Type 4 - encrypted with a mix of ciphers (cshybridcrypt) - you must save a .dat key server-side in the package/ folder. (content readable only after auth phase) Practically all the metin2_patch files. Type 5 - like type 4, but a server-side map/<map_name> is also provided. (content readable only after accessing the <map_name> map as a player) The official used it only for the catacomb data. Type 6 - compressed and encrypted - xtea(snappy(file)) Usage: Its settings (xtea keys, extensions, pack types to use) can be changed inside PackMakerLite.json: You can actually integrate the tool in the menu context (running the .reg files) for packing folders and unpacking .eix files: Remove "--nolog" from the .bat files if you want to see the logs again. Command-line options get overwritten by JSON config options. Last but not least: since the client handles all the filenames in lowercase, this tools automatically converts them as well. Thanks also to: blackdragonx61 / Mali - type4-5 extract code / type 6 compress code metin2team - type6 extract code By martysama0134
    612 points
  4. Download Center Google Drive or Metin2 Download The files are uploaded to Google Drive. Hello! Im here again. I made more changes and im going to share it with you. This V2 have more changes, take a look: Currently, I dont know any problem with the systems/modifications what I added, but if something is missing, please let me know and I'll try to add it/fix it. Datas: Last but not least, have a nice day.
    562 points
  5. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Prepared src packages: *Granny 2.11.8 *libjpeg-9a *Python-2.7 *Crypto++ 8.4.0 *DevIL-1.6.5 *lzo-2.10 Archive password: black
    511 points
  6. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download: workupload.com/file/wZymNkb Password: m2dl-cxlgizeh
    480 points
  7. Reversed From Official Binary A feature created so that each character has a separate config settings [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
    460 points
  8. 23.1.4 Root Meta Alternative download links → Mega 23.2.5 Root Meta Alternative download links → Mega
    454 points
  9. This tutorial is going to teach you how to compile, run and configure a server on Windows. I needed something like this a few days ago and since it doesn't exist, I decided to make it There is no addition or modification in the source or client (except for small bonuses). 0. Beginning At the end of the topic there will be two links where you will need to download: Client + Server + Source MySQL The client is based on the Metin2 Client fur r40250, I just edited it to have the classic format. Regardless the Server and Client source. 1. The files We will need to download the following files: Visual Studio Community 2019 - In order to compile both the server and the binary, we're going to need this MySQL - Connect and create the database 2. Installing The installation is easy enough for me to consider that I don't need to spend much time on this, however I hope this two pictures will facilitate (more) on what you need to do: Visual Studio Community Note: You actually just need the MSVC v142, C++ CMake, C++ ATL, C++ MFC and C++/CLI for this to work MySQL: Warning: In this tutorial we're going to use Mysql Server 5.7.33 X64 but you can (must) upgrade it to 8.0 2.1 Installing Server / Client / Database Here you need to pay attention because there's a limitation: Warning: You must unzip the file "dev" on C:\ If you don't want, follow the Mali61's topic and you need to create manually the symlinks for each core on the server. This is how it should be. Client: There isn't much to say, in pack/ you already have root and locale_de unpacked but since this is going to be localhost only, you don't need to change nothing on the serverinfo.py Bonus: I translated the client to English, just because Database: 1) Windows Key + R and write services.msc 2) Search for MySQL57 (or the version you installed) and click on Stop Since Im portuguese, yeah 3) Go to directory C:\ProgramData\MySQL 4) In the folder MySQL Server 5.7 (or the version you installed) and in the folder Data, paste the files you previously downloaded and unziped from mysql_dev.rar 5) On services.msc, start the MySQL process Back it again with the portuguese Server: These images are referenced in each core's CONFIG and conf.txt, respectively where the location is on directory C:\dev\2. Server. Warning: Don't forget to change the MySQL's user password! You need to put the same password you had when installing the MySQL. 3. Compile Server / Client Source There is nothing introductory since it is something very simple that you will be able to. Server: It's quite simple, to build the server source, we just need to open the file dev_server.sln which is located in C:\dev\1. Svn\Server\build You can build all at once or separately. Bonus: I linked the files to go to the directory C:\dev\2. Server\share\ so you don't need to c&p multiple times. Client: Same as before, open the dev_solution.sln which is located in C:\dev\1. Svn\Client Since I have a good computer, I enabled the multi-processor compilation option. If your computer is very slow while you are compiling, I suggest you deactivate by going to Properties in all the builds. 4. Starting the Server On the main directory of the server (C:\dev\2. Server) you'll have 2 bat files: start.bat* - As the name says, it will start the server clear.bat - It will clear all the server's logs * I forgot the make it dynamic so if you don't want to have on the C:\dev, you'll need to change the directory. Execute start.bat and it will show up first the db.exe, then auth's game.exe and last channel1's game.exe And there you have it, your server is now online! 5. Debug You can debug by going to Debug -> Start New Instance Bonus: I linked everything so you don't have to worry about anything 5. Credits I like to say that I don't know anything about anything and as such, everything here has its credits. @Mali61 - Client/Server compilable with VS2019 (Server & Client) @Karbust - If it wasn't for him, I couldn't have done this ThatGuyPT - The base was from his Windows Serverfiles 6. FAQ Q: Why didn't you use xampp instead of MySQL? A: At the moment I use MySQL a lot even outside of Metin2, so it makes more sense to me that it be this way. However, it is exactly the same, especially on localhost. Q: Can I migrate the source to FreeBSD? A: Yes, you can! As long as you have cmake configured, you can distribute to FreeBSD and use it there. Q: What is the id and password to enter the game? (I put this question because I know there will be someone asking this) A: You can create an account in the database, but you can use id: admin pw: 123 7. Links dev - mysql_dev All In One (Internal) If you have any questions that I can answer, feel free to write a post here.
    431 points
  10. #Solution 1: [Hidden Content] #Solution 2: [Hidden Content]
    419 points
  11. [Hidden Content] There's a readme inside. Tested on 13.1 and 13.2. Probably won't work on 14.x
    382 points
  12. Download Alternative download links → M2DL (Without VDI) The file uploaded to Google Drive. Hello! Today i want to share my modifications what i changed on the @ TMP4 base. (Thanks for your work guys.♥) So whats inside in this modified TMP4 base? Quest message shown faster. GIF Sash system. GIF Infinity Bravery cape + the percentage of the pulled mobs increased to 80% (default was 50%) If you kill a mob, will despawn faster. 3 sec. (default was 10 sec) GIF Emoji in textline. GIF ID, Type, Subtype in tooltip, only for GMs. GIF Mount's rotate speed increased. GIF Offline shop (Great) + offline shop search. GIF Weapon costume.(The costumes are only illustration for better understand.) GIF Mount follow + mount item goes to the costume window. GIF Shining system by Sanii. GIF Inbuilt GR2 animation. GIF Won system. DS slot active effect. GIF Mount - unmount delay fix. GIF Fast exit button(The client will close immediately if you click on 'Exit game' button.) Multilanguage. (Only for item names (client side)) GIF Clickable buttons in inventory for open off shop and itemshop storage. Add 10x statpoints by pressing CTRL+Lclick. GIF 4 inventory, 6th skills. Known bugs/problems: The sash is not attached to the character's back properly when mounting. (This is a common bug/problem. If you know a fix for it, share it with us, please.) The multilanguage is only translating the item names, cuz the mob names arent read from client. Last but not least, i hope i did'nt brake any rules with this "release", cuz i really dont want to. Link for V2: Sincerely: Ulthar
    359 points
  13. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( Github ) Look at this post: [Hidden Content]
    335 points
  14. Patch v23.3.4.0: *Various weapons have been revamped and now have an improved appearance *New Halloween stuff is added Download: MEGA / M2DL
    325 points
  15. GF 23.3.5 Root Meta Alternative download link → M2DL BR v24.0.0. Root Meta Alternative download link → M2DL
    320 points
  16. Patch v23.2.5.0: Patches contain new hoverboard mount New summer costumes . (IDK what else) Download: Full client unpacked / Patches / Locales M2DL: Patch + Locales / Full Client
    315 points
  17. Download Metin2 Download Hi, I did not find a share with the Sources of Metin2... I share the sources with you today ! Kraizy sources with all branches of development. External Link : Mega or Go Sincerly, ASIKOO
    313 points
  18. Download Metin2 Download or Github Time of loading each fragment of the game before and after
    311 points
  19. Dumped Binary v23.2.5 MEGA: [Hidden Content] M2DL: [Hidden Content]
    311 points
  20. I put together an AIO (all in one) package for those who might need. Packs 23.1.4 Protos 23.1.2 Root Metadata & Dumped Binary 23.1.2 I also took the liberty to add the `data` folder for monsters and pc motions for the server. And, if you are interested in finding guild marks, I dumped them in the `mark/` folder. Folder Structure External Link MEGA: [Hidden Content] M2DL: [Hidden Content] Special thanks to those people who helped in making this archive.
    309 points
  21. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Google Drive ) Download Here ( Internal ) I made a collection of official login, loading screens and wallpapers. There are over 100 picture, here is a quick preview: Don't worry, you will find categorized folders at the link, not in bulk. I may extend it in the future since there are more, mostly newer images. Regards, TMP4
    298 points
  22. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Github Backup ) - Download Here ( GitHub ) Download Here ( VM 9.2 ) or Download Here ( VM 12 ) Use this source: [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    294 points
  23. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Heys guys, I just realized that so many of you still using that vdi from 2014 with an old bsd and an old gcc that was not even c++11 compatible. So that I just created a new image with a fresh FreeBSD (12.1) having gcc 9 and without an Extern directory (all externals are installed from pkg repo). I put on some (I think) unmodified sources that can be compiled on it but you can upload your own files there. I hope it will make many of yours life easier! Download: [Hidden Content]
    284 points
  24. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Create app at here:[Hidden Content] Copy CLIENT ID Then change Discord.h/DiscordClientID Add images at here: example my image's name is image1 You can also use smallImageKey and smallImageText
    281 points
  25. Download Alternative download links → M2DL (Without VDI) This is an german files creat from TMP4 edit by SolWayne ! ALL EDITS ONLY IN GERMAN HAVE FUN
    278 points
  26. M2 Download Center Download Here ( 102241 + Source ) (Password: metin2) Download Here ( 10141274 ) (Password: metin2) Hi, I've been working on a more complete Eter management solution, still a work-in-progress. Introduction & description I've always hated the lack of organization when building or editing large quantities of files using the current tools, also they all lack a good UI, as a result I started making my own. It's meant to have a profile-based approach (you create your profile, which corresponds to a client) and all files regarding this and only this profile will be in the same place. This is a community-driven project, so I'll change it according to our needs. Requirements - .NET framework 4.5, previous versions won't work for the simple fact that I'm using some of the latest updates (which lack downward compatibility). FAQs File description Main features list - Profile-based approach to improve organization (image) - Index preview, and item selection (both for unpacking and packing, image) - Quick unpack and repack functions (image1, image2) - Size optimizer, it finds duplicates and not compressed files (image) Planned development - Implement global quick pack & repack, it will enable users to quickly process files outside of the current profile. (implemented) - Improve Size Optimizer, adding the capability to automatically repack all needed files instead of just showing informaton. - Improve "Output log" and "Detailed log" windows. (implemented) - Improve human-error prevention and exception handling (the most importat one, at the moment) - Add support for multi-threaded unpacking & packing actions while also setting a user-defined limit, for example: -- You can add 20 files to the operations list, while only X being processed at a time, to prevent crashes. Known issues and limitations - Limitation: if an item inside the epk file is greater than 600mb (or its encryption/decryption size), the file will be ignored, this is a known limitation of the .NET framework for programs targeting x86 architectures (the real cap is somewhere between 1.2-1.6gb, but to prevent crashes I downsized it) - No support for multi-threaded actions. - Sometimes when clicking enter it won't update the GridView (FIXED) - Packing with quick unpack will output a wrong file Path How to setup your profile IMPORTANT NOTE: In some files, you'll notice a message in the "Output log" window alerting you to some files with different hash than expected, this is due to the fact that most eix files are not 100% accuretly built. You can confirm the integrity of the file by extracting the same file with Tim's unpacker, you'll notice it's the same checksum. PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE USING THE SIZE OPTIMIZER. Download: Mega.co.nz VT~ Change-log Credits & final notes Used oberhumer.com for the LZO algorithm. Thanks to: - Tim, for helping me out understand how Eter files work, general architectural design input and guidance. - Marty, for helping me find out some major bugs, aswell as pointing out various errors in my implementations. - MadTiago, MarcoTuna, Pacificador, Kforce and Alejandro, for being my test slaves .
    276 points
  27. Hello community, I saw many tutorials and they all didn't work for me, many of them involved completely installing llvm9 which doesn't make sense since we will only use clang++90. Downloading a vdi with 50gb or more to compile your source is not something I advise, do a clean install of FreeBSD and follow this guide. I got several ways, I will share the easiest way to understand and use. In this guide I used FreeBSD 12.3 but I believe it will work on any version from 12 to 13. Step by Step [Hidden Content] Done! Now you can compile your source using clang++90
    271 points
  28. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] You can do things like these with it: Reversed from Official Binary. Experimental: Contains the modifications that I added that are not in the official.
    270 points
  29. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal 1001 ) Download Here ( Internal 1000 ) Hey M2DEV Today i will show you my new tool! Open gr2 file, use double click for input or change path, press enter. After changes go to File->Save or Save as.. Update: 1. Detect and show File Granny Tag 2. Now you have the opportunity to choose the output version Granny. [Hidden Content]
    270 points
  30. Download Metin2 Download [Hidden Content] It's working without serverside.
    269 points
  31. Reversed from [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Example: chat.AppendAutoNoticeChat(chat.AUTO_NOTICE_CHAT_TYPE_GUILD_SITE_AUCTION_WAIT, chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "blackdragonx61/Mali", 5, app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + 60) #Add chat.EraseAutoNoticeChat(chat.AUTO_NOTICE_CHAT_TYPE_GUILD_SITE_AUCTION_WAIT) #Remove
    268 points
  32. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello guys.. So much people got problem with this system then i do FULL TuT exclusive for metin2dev All is tested and all works TuT included in all FILES.. New Link: Pass: When you find some bug post it here.. I will try to fix it.. Have Fun //EnZi EDITED: #New Link UPDATE cmd_general.cpp - Added some new code char_battle.cpp - Added some new code ProtoReader.cpp - Added some new code questlua_pc - Repaired code item_proto - Query for navicat Quest added UP LINK UPDATED fixed quest: [Hidden Content]
    260 points
  33. Download (Internal) → Mega Download (External) Hi guys, I'm here today to release on of my maps! [Hidden Content] Enjoy!
    259 points
  34. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Replica] Old Metin2 Website & ItemShop This is a working replica of the old Metin2 website and ItemShop. The project originally made in 2013 for a possible server but we never opened it. For now I just refactored it to be compatible with PHP7/8, tidied the code a little but honestly, expect real old shit procedural style code! While you can use "as is", I highly recommend to check it for old vulnerabilities before you take it live because of it's deprecated nature. The language is hungarian, you can use web.archive.org to speed up your translation. Website: ItemShop: Download: [Hidden Content] Regards, TMP4
    258 points
  35. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi, here I publish my edit of the public Render Target System. I hate it, when people earn money with public systems. Preview: [Hidden Content] DL: [Hidden Content] Original Thread [Hidden Content]
    256 points
  36. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) This is the Level System and Point's for Yohara 1. The maps are empty, in essence it's the system, (without mobs). 2. If you want to add the monsters on the maps you can contact me and, I add the monsters and put your credits, the truth was I was lazy :'(. 3. I can upload updates if you need it. 4. In essence if you are level 1 or higher, you become "Conqueror", otherwise you are a normal player, your job is simply to add that after Hydra, though, I'll add it later. 5. At the moment it calls the normal experience table, since I have not reviewed the officer's experience tables, but if you indicate the tables, I can modify the code and add that part. Images: In GitHub REAMDE. Link: [Hidden Content] You will need a some visual parts, you can with: [Hidden Content] I will continue making updates with information by Official Servers . The system is working properly.
    254 points
  37. The full v22.5.7.0 client unpacked(On the request of a Snorlax): MEGA or M2DL The latest brazilian client unpacked: MEGA or M2DL
    254 points
  38. Version *Upcoming chrismas stuff(weapon costume,costumes,pet,mount,monster,ui element). *More icons. *World cup stuff(ui element,pet). Download: M2DL AIO or MEGA or ItemProto I'll include the full client unpacked later(with the dungeons visual stuff fixed).
    253 points
  39. Hello community, Recently mariadb updated and with its changes the method of installation and configuration was changed. In this topic I will explain step by step how to install and configure. [Hidden Content]
    252 points
  40. BRAZIL- Contains files like the latest atlas update that are not in GF From now on mob_drop_item.txt will be in client too! npc_location_01.dds Read More: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] BRAZIL- [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] pw:blackdragonx61
    249 points
  41. Download Metin2 Download Hey, I will keep this short and simple. I had been playing around in the last days with exporting GR2 to a format that you can use in other software. Everything I found did not include skeleton / animation export. You can do stuff like this with it: [Hidden Content] Usage: Just drag and drop all gr2 files you want to export as an fbx file. Keep follwing in mind: Animations need a skeleton, always include one, if you are after the animation just put the lvl 1 armor of the class or the base model of the monster into it If you are selecting multiple files to drag on it select them with CTRL and select the file with the skeleton last This was basically created as POC, no fancy quality of life here Trees and collision files are not supported If you put the Textures to the correct D:\ymir work path they will be converted to PNG and put into the working folder too Credit for the base library that does most of the heavy lifting goes to: [Hidden Content] Download [Hidden Content]
    248 points
  42. Download Alternative download links → Mega Hello Metin2 Dev. I'm here to present a Premium System. How does it work? Once use item, player gets Permanent Premium. Since this is V1, it only allows the player to expand the bravery cape. Premium shows it's activated on above left corner. Players can only activate Premium on certain maps (I chose City 1 of each kingdom, but you can choose other). In case of any problem, report here and i'll fix it.
    245 points
  43. Introduction I think everyone know about this famous bug. I profiled the game and checked granny documentation why it happens because we also faced this on MAP1s since we have a lot of offline shops. Actually the game not even freezes, it runs well and the updates happen. What eventually happens there is just that update time takes too long so it will skip rendering. What makes update times longer? The answer is granny controls. When you minimize your game, the completed controls never get freed. It's because the game frees them in CGrannyModelInstance::UpdateWorldPose which is called from CPythonApplication::RenderGame in a long way. There are just more and more of them that are never freed and that makes GrannySetModelClock take more and more time so when you open up your client from the minimized state it will never finish the update fast enough to call RenderGame in which they would be freed again. [Hidden Content] Thats all, you won't face the "black screen bug" again! Good luck guys!
    244 points
  44. Hi there, Your favourite mad-lad is back! As I hinted over a year ago, I had a port of the Kraizy serverfiles in the works, with the goal of having the Metin2 Server run on Linux. Progress was slow, as 10 years passed since the Kraizy days, and now we all have education and jobs to deal with, and any free time I had was promptly allocated to sleep with the same passionate love Google Chrome eats any free RAM on a 1km radius. Jokes aside, I still had this project on the back of my mind and still managed to bring it to a state where I feel I can release to you, guys. So I raise you The Old Metin2 Project, a more sensible attempt at continuing the work of others before us and having modern-ish serverfiles which run on modern technology, while still preserving the 2014 (or earlier) gameplay. What needs to be said right away: This project is freely available for everyone to use, modify, and pretty much everything you'd like. You are invited to contribute any ideas, changes and improvements to the project on the git server. I don't have too much time but I'm willing to work on it as much as I can. The project is currently VERY experimental and should not be used in order to host private servers for now. Not many known bugfixes were applied to the project, and it is vulnerable to a lot of known attacks, another reason for it being unfit for production. Improvements The binaries run on 64-bit x86-64/arm64 Linux with the network stack being partially rewritten in Libevent. CMake build system mainly based on vcpkg. Docker-friendly architectural approach. HackShield and other proprietary binaries were successfully yeeted, the project only has open-source dependencies. Included gamefiles from TMP4's server files. Modern logging system. Other updates and small refactorings. The project's home The project is currently hosted on a private Gitea instance. More instructions are available in their respective README.md files. Server: [Hidden Content] Client: [Hidden Content] Deployment files: [Hidden Content] AIO: (Last update by ASIKOO: 2024-03-03 19:29:00) [Hidden Content] I might require people to sign up in order to access the source in order to avoid trouble with Gameforge and other IP holders. Future plans A Laravel website + item-shop + patch server based on my older work is also in the cards, yet I need to translate everything to English so that y'all don't jump on me. Refactoring the configuration code so that we could easily configure the gamecores from Docker-friendly environment variables (and .env files!). General refactoring of the old C++ code: memory safety, string formatting, UTF-8 Adding all the known bugfixes Maybe releasing an alternate version with some quality-of-life systems Ending notes I am looking for any help in organizing, contributing and growing the project! I'll try to help you guys as much as I can, but time is tight, so my dream is for this to become a community effort. This project wouldn't have been possible without the help and work of these amazing people: My good friend @ Sonitex, who morally helped me and also provided me with some special sauce. @ TMP4's serverfiles - it's a great resource and he deserves all the kürtőskalács we can get him: @ arves100's great guide on using vcpkg for Metin2 library management: @ Vanilla, who I'd argue was a pioneer in improving the gamecore and inspired me to start this. A lot of other members of this community whose posts provided me with a lot of crucial information. Yours, Exynox
    242 points
  45. Download Alternative download links → MEGA or Github Renewal of the quest page, now with categories for each quest. Here are some previous below, Before implementing, please continue reading the topic. In order to make the quest page renewal work properly you will need to implement the following features below released by @ Mali. Required Dependencies You can skip the feature below as I have already included it in the tutorial. .
    241 points
  46. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello, Here is the translation of translate.lua file (about 95%) Language available (and tested): Missing language: Translate AIO + Quest GF
    240 points
  47. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Anyway now you can sell shop items with sockets and attrs at shopex. New price types. New sorting options Every Item can have different price type. price_type: 1:Gold 2:Second Coin 3:Item 4:EXP sort: Asc,Desc,Vnum,Price,Name,Type
    239 points
  48. M2 Download Center Internal Hi Everyone! Hello Community, I make this little tutorial, for all the people who wants to try modelling or modifying a Metin2 models This video only intoduce gr2 -> fbx with Noesis, after that import fbx files to 3ds max , and exporting model to gr2. I make 2 video about the process easy way, but keep eye on parameters, switchers in every program. For helping I upload to my mega folders some files 3ds Max 2018 granny export plugin whole noesis 4.44 with export/import plugin 2 video file about the process export settings to granny export in 3ds MAX I. Converting gr2 files to FBX exporting option with animation Exporting option without animation In the video you will see it I paired a model with animation, because sometime the model doesnt have it all the bones. I think its important. II. Importing FBX files With animation importing @.plechito' makes a really usefull tutorial in here Only few thing In my video I show you howto set 3ds MAX 2018 eg. UNITS setup Set all things into centimeter In exporting set all the things what i'm make if you DONT have animation in a fbx files, if you have it In animation import you haveto choose Noesis frames After all that click on OK , and your model finally imported to 3ds MAX 2018 III. Exporting from 3ds Max After you make your pretty modification in the model you have to exporting In my way. I select all things what i wanna export, In the export menu tick out animation if you didnt want to ( It usefull if you wanna make model with animation) Thick out Move Origins in Animation and Model submenu In Meshes submenu, deselect all the bones At the texture submenu thick out include, because it build it the texture into .gr2 I think thats all. If you have question send me a letter or find in discord, or leave a message somewhere Have a nice day. UPDATE I added some exporting setting to mega folder, you can use it exporting setup exporting model exporting animation exporting move animation exporting dead animation exporting static model Cheers. Update 25.03.2022 - added 64 bit support for Granny2 plugin, you should place granny2_x64.dll in noesis root folder. -following @.plechito' logic i've added path for looking for textures eg. If warrior_m.gr2 textures is missing is looking for d:\ymir work\pc\warrior . Update 24.03.2022 I'm updating Noesis Granny plugin now adding texture to the fbx material, so in your 3d application (Noesis, Blender, 3dsmax) you can see texture correctly. if you wanna download just a plugin you can find it here [Hidden Content] you have to copying the file to Noesis/plugin/python folder
    234 points
  49. This will automatically add lamp effect(fire_ob-b1-013-lamp02.mse) to lamp objects(ob-b1-013-lamp02.gr2) [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] If you use official packs, use these CRCS and skip register part
    233 points
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