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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/19 in Posts

  1. locale (all countries without mother russia ) Patch v19.3.6 Files: (Mega) (Metin2 Download)
    5 points
  2. This release contain a new function which reading the locale_string.txt on channel booting. The default ymir's reading function is one of the best example of bad practice (open a .txt file as binary to reading text?). There the difference between my func and the ymir's func (in the image) TO USE FIX MUST HAVE C++11 DOWNLOAD
    3 points
  3. Like but.... My opinion: Your function is shit (sry dude) bacause GF Function read locale_string.txt and locale_quest.txt on CLIENT SIDE not SERVER SIDE We implemented it a couple of months ago in our project.
    2 points
  4. If it's so easy, why don't you mind sharing it with the community instead of telling everyone how good you are? As I said, on my client it's fixed, but I don't remember every change I've made on it, so that's why I asked for the functions and will review them now. If you have a fix and wanna share it, post it, if not, please do not spam this topic with showing yourself off.
    2 points
  5. Patch v19.3.9 Contains: New costumes with hairstyles New weapon set New armor set New shining for the weapons and armors at level +15 Locales(de,en,hu), with new login and loading backgrounds Map copys via 'ParentMapName' A new pet Redesigned monsters "Awakened" Download locale_ae locale_tr Metin2 Download PS.: I am not able to unpack the proto files, sorry.
    2 points
  6. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello, This little thing is marks your pet seal into your inventory like the autopotion. This arrives with the v17.5 patch. Open PetSystem.cpp and replace or make it fit for you: void CPetActor::SetSummonItem(LPITEM pItem) { if (NULL == pItem) { LPITEM pSummonItem = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(m_dwSummonItemVID); if (NULL != pSummonItem) pSummonItem->SetSocket(1, FALSE); m_dwSummonItemVID = 0; m_dwSummonItemVnum = 0; return; } pItem->SetSocket(1, TRUE); m_dwSummonItemVID = pItem->GetVID(); m_dwSummonItemVnum = pItem->GetVnum(); } After that open the uiInventory.py and paste this code below the autopotion if-statement in the RefreshBagSlotWindow function. elif itemVnum >= 53001 and itemVnum <= 53256: metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(globalSlotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)]# <!> globalSlotNumber may be different <!> isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[1] if isActivated: self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i) else: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i)
    1 point
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) This guide will walk you through each step of installing the necessary daemons for a Metin2 server on FreeBSD. Asking for help setting up Metin2 on the official FreeBSD forums is not permitted, I suggest if you have issues to ask in this forum only. You may not need to install cURL, it depends on whether or not you'll host your website on the same server and use things that require cURL (such as automatic paypal transactions). It's recommended to host your website on a separate web server and not share the IP with anyone then run it through CloudFlare. A guide will be posted soon in these forums on how to run your website through CloudFlare while preventing CloudFlare IP resolvers from functioning. However, if you do run your website on another server I would recommend hosting it in the same datacenter because you'll need to use Remote MYSQL to access your database. - For sake of simplicity I'll be using "ee editor" for this guide. Most new people don't like vi anyway. If you're already familiar with vi, feel free to use that to edit text inside files instead. - To transfer files to and from your server, use WinSCP. - To enter commands into your server, use PuTTy. Please note that when the system asks you for a password in PuTTy you won't see it as you type it on the screen, be precise! - Pressing the TAB key in PuTTy will auto-complete as much as possible in the directory you're in. Downloads Libs: [Hidden Content] 1. Updating Ports portsnap fetch extract portsnap update 2. Installing Python 2.7 cd /usr/ports/lang/python27 make -DBATCH install clean pro tip: Use the "-DBATCH" flag for a default installation of the port. Skip all those annoying prompts during installation. 3. Standard C++ Libraries fetch ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/amd64/9.1-RELEASE/lib32.txz tar Jxpvf lib32.txz -C / rm lib32.txz Unrar "Libs.rar" and put the files in the "/usr/lib32" directory. 4. Compat7x Because Metin2 was originally meant to be run on FreeBSD 7, we need this so that it's compatible with FreeBSD 9. cd /usr/ports/misc/compat7x && make -DBATCH install clean pkg_add -r compat7x-amd64 5. Install & Configure MySQL 5.6 server cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql56-server make BUILD_OPTIMIZED=yes BUILD_STATIC=yes make WITH_XCHARSET=all install clean Now we make it start on each startup of the system. ee /etc/rc.conf Add a new line: mysql_enable="YES" Press ESC then save and close the file. service mysql-server start /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin -uroot password 'enterpassword' pro tip: "enterpassword" should be the password you choose, don't use "enterpassword" as your password. A long string of lower case and capital letters and numbers is the safest bet. Don't use words that can be found in a dictionary. Don't use passwords which are the same as other passwords of yours. You may not need to do this, but when I got an OVH server it messed up the installation of mysql (on 9.2). If you get an error about the mysql user account with the step above, just do this: pwd_mkdb -p /etc/master.passwd chown -R mysql /var/db/mysql && chgrp -R mysql /var/db/mysql Then repeat the step. 6. Adding your server files and Metin2 Database Extract your game.tar.gz containing all the Metin2 server files somewhere in your server. This is all you have to do to extract a .tar.gz file: tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz You should have your metin2 database inside of a tarball (.tar.gz file). For structure, it doesn't really matter as long as once you extract your tarball on your server it follows this file hierarchy: Now you should change the group and ownership of some files for your database: service mysql-server stop chown -R mysql /var/db/mysql && chgrp -R mysql /var/db/mysql service mysql-server start Setup an account for you to login to the database via Navicat and an account for your game cores to interact with your database using. For this example I'll use the username "rumor" for my account and "metin2" for the game core's account. Every password in this example will be "password" but please DO NOT use this as your password! If you have a static IP address and wish to restrict access to the database only to your IP, change the "%" sign to your IP. The "%" sign indicates that any IP address is allowed to connect to the database using the specified credentials. mysql -p Now enter the password you set with mysqladmin earlier... and you will see this prompt: mysql> This is where we set the actual permissions for the accounts up. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'rumor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'metin2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION; quit pro tip: remember (or write down) this information because you will need it later. Setup your CONFIG files under each channel folder and the "auth" folder. All of these are found inside the Metin2 server files. PLAYER_SQL: localhost metin2 password player COMMON_SQL: localhost metin2 password common LOG_SQL: localhost metin2 password log The conf.txt file looks a little bit different and it's found in the "db" folder of your Metin2 server files. SQL_ACCOUNT = "localhost account metin2 password 0" SQL_PLAYER = "localhost player metin2 password 0" SQL_COMMON = "localhost common metin2 password 0" SQL_HOTBACKUP = "localhost hotbackup metin2 password 0" ~~~~ STOP HERE IF YOU'RE RUNNING YOUR WEB SERVER SOMEWHERE ELSE ~~~~ 7. Setting up web server for website and/or patcher Install nginx: cd /usr/ports/www/nginx make install clean Make sure these are selected with space bar: [X] HTTP_MODULE Enable HTTP module [X] HTTP_ADDITION_MODULE Enable http_addition module [X] HTTP_CACHE_MODULE Enable http_cache module [X] HTTP_GEOIP_MODULE Enable http_geoip module [X] HTTP_GZIP_STATIC_MODULE Enable http_gzip_static module [X] HTTP_IMAGE_FILTER_MODULE Enable http_image_filter module [x] HTTP_PERL_MODULE Enable http_perl module [X] HTTP_REALIP_MODULE Enable http_realip module [X] HTTP_REWRITE_MODULE Enable http_rewrite module [X] HTTP_STATUS_MODULE Enable http_stub_status module Press "Enter" when ready to continue. Install libtool cd /usr/ports/devel/libtool make install clean Install php5 cd /usr/ports/lang/php5 make config Make sure the following is selected with space bar then press "Enter": [X] FPM Build FPM version (experimental) Leave everything else default. then do this: make install clean ~~~~ If you need cURL support then do this, if not then skip this step: cd /usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions make config Make sure that the "CURL Support" is selected then press "Enter". Then do the installation and clean the directory: make -DBATCH install clean ~~~~ Time to configure your php.ini file... cp /usr/local/etc/php.ini-production /usr/local/etc/php.ini Edit /usr/local/etc/php.ini in WinSCP using Notepad++. Firstly, set your "date.timezone" to the appropriate one. Choose from this list: [Hidden Content] Next, if you have something that needs to run large MYSQL queries you may run into some issues. Some website packages also can cause these problems. The issue is with memory usage. For security reasons there are limitations set on how much memory php is allowed to use. I suggest only modifying this IF you have problems loading memory-intensive pages. Just try to raise it a bit until it works, don't raise it to an excessively high number. I had to set mine to "512M" to make my queries work in my patcher. It can be set by just inputting numbers and they will be recognized as bytes, or you could use K, M, or G. memory_limit = 512M Installation of php-mysql5: cd /usr/ports/databases/php5-mysql make -DBATCH install clean If you've gotten this far, congratulations.. you're almost done! You need to create a folder for your website like this: mkdir /usr/local/www/nginx/domain.com Set the owner and permissions: chown www:www /usr/local/www/nginx/domain.com chmod 755 /usr/local/www/nginx/domain.com Customize this file to your needs and upload it to /usr/local/etc/nginx: If you're using cloudflare, uncomment the lines 38-57 by removing the "#". The reason for this is to ensure you get the real user IP in your logs rather than cloudflare's IP. If you want to allow directory listing.. ie: [url=[Hidden Content] to present a visitor with a list of files they can access/download then uncomment lines 63 and 73. You MUST change the domain name to your own! Now you need to enable startup of php-fpm and nginx whenever your server is booted: ee /etc/rc.conf Add these lines: php_fpm_enable="YES" nginx_enable="YES" Start your services: service php-fpm start service nginx start Upload your website files to /usr/local/www/nginx/domain.com
    1 point
  8. Hello everyone, A lot of people might already know the issue. If you choose Arial as Font for Metin2, texts will be displayed in a weird way and with dots. There are a few reasons for this to happen and increasing font size fixes it, but no one wants huge texts everywhere and obviously, we wannt a nice font. Not a trial and error. So here's a partial fix for it. If you choose very small font sizes (e. g. font size 9px) in locale_game.txt it'll still look a bit off but it's definitely readable. With these changes, you'll have no problem with font sizes 14px and higher. Maybe someone wants to share different approaches or ideas. I think with these changes the problem is almost entirely fixed, no one needs size 9 especially with Arial.. First open your Binary source and search for "LOGFONT" (without "" of course). You'll find two matches where it's being used for initialization of new fonts: One in TextBar.cpp(CTextBar::__SetFont) and one in GrpFontTexture(CGraphicFontTexture::GetFont). And these are the two functions where we need to make some changes first. Under the line where LOGFONT is used, you're gonna add the following code: HDC hDC = m_dib.GetDCHandle(); if (hDC) { auto px = fontSize * 72 / 96; fontSize = -MulDiv(px, GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY), 72); } This code segment does two things: First it converst px -> pt, since LOGFONT expects pt. And on second, it calculates the correct displaying size according to the ppi and the cell height. This leads to the variable we need: The point size. Note that there's a minus, which means that we'll automatically choose the nearest possible size according to the specified font size. So everything's good here. Als note that you need add this segment to BOTH places where LOGFONT is being used for initialization. You have to change the name fontSize according to the files you edit. In TextBar.cpp the example above fits, for GrpFontTexture you just need to change fontSize to m_fontSize. Now change the following parts in both functions: logFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS; logFont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; logFont.lfQuality = NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY; logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = VARIABLE_PITCH; Note: You can also change logFont.lfWeight from FONT_NORMAL to FONT_MEDIUM or any other font weight if you wanna add up a mit more strength to your fonts. I just left it to FONT_NORMAL, which is fine. Also note that I chose NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY since anti-aliasing didn't make any change (not sure if Arial is even compatible, at least not those small font sized that I tested it with..). You can also change them to something like ClearType to do the job, that's up to you. I wanted to display the fonts just like they are, no mangling with them. But depending on your needs you can tweak a bit here. that's almost it! Last but not least, we have to change the way our adapter hDC does it's job. Especially since the above calculation for point size is only 100% true for MapMode MM_TEXT. And that's what we're gonna establish now. If you are in CGraphicFontTexture::GetFont, you can just scroll a bit higher. You'll see the initialization of hdC (function CGraphicFontTexture::Create). just below SetBkColor(hDC, 0); you can add these two lines: SetGraphicsMode(hDC, GM_ADVANCED); SetMapMode(hDC, MM_TEXT); Aaand you're done! That's it! Compile and enjoy! Best Regards Vanilla
    1 point
  9. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) I think they forgot to cythonize =)) I don't recommend to use that code, is ugly ... [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  10. The traceback error is solved (that's why I marked the post as so), but my client is still crashing. That's what I'm doing right now: going file by file in root/locale to check where the error is. But thank you for your answer. I'll probably update this post (and say clearly where was the error) when I get this solved.
    1 point
  11. I don't see any reason for his posting either. So let's just keep him talk. Would be sad if anyone buys it and we have a fix that's about to be published. If anyone still buys his "easy fix" for money, then this person might not be the smartest one out there considering the fact that we're gonna fix this. As I said, on my client it works perfectly fine without any dots. So I only have to find the stuff I did on it and didn't mention.. Then we're good to go.
    1 point
  12. @Vanilla I changed only logFont. things and I got the same result, as you got with more changes that you wrote. Arial is almost the same font as Script and I saw something like this: FF_SCRIPT. I think it have something to do with the Script font, but idk how should I use it. But practically I have the problems with letters like o, v which still contain the dot and it looks so ugly ? I'm still searching solution for this dot problem for these two letters. Only ClearType fixed the problem with dots, but this ClearType is used for Asian fonts and in game it looks so ugly.
    1 point
  13. Boost is bunch of C++ libraries aiming to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations. Boost libraries are even suitable for eventual standardization. Please keep in mind this is just common guide to update Boost with no source codes changes. Each update has it's own individual changes, see release notes for more information. Step By Step Guide 1, Download the newest package of Boost Here is the official site of Boost. Download the "Current Release" version, do not change it with "Beta Release" and make sure archive is in .tar.gz format. 2, Upload the content on server In the Compilation folder make folder named Boost and upload there the archive you have downloaded. Once the archive is uploaded extract it by using this command: tar xvzf [NameOfTheArchive].tar.gz. After that delete the archive. 3, Delete the old version Before updating we need to delete old version of the Boost. Go to the Extern/Includes/Boost folder and delete the boost folder. 4, Copy files into the Extern folder After you have deleted the old version, go to the extracted folder and from there copy whole boost folder into the Extern/Includes/Boost folder. 5, Delete the folder with Boost source codes Once you have done this, we don't need the folder with sources anymore. Delete it.
    1 point
  14. Hello guys! After job, before sleep here is the latest patch, the v19.2. Have fun /emoticons/default_wink.png Ramadan costumes, hairstyles, pets New minigame "samemonster" gui elements 6th7th attribute gui elements Download locale_de locale_en locale_hu Metin2 Download (All)
    1 point
  15. Don't give them ideas /emoticons/default_biggrin.png 2019 easter pet, costumes + hairs: (Mega) (Mega Icons) (Metin2 Download)
    1 point
  16. The brazilian guys made the same mistake, or probably these actions aren't mistakes? [M2] BR Python core
    1 point
  17. Can you code better then them? I'm sure you don't have 0.5% (percent) from them knowledges in programming. You understand how it's work a def function, for, while, if, else, elif statement and know to declare a list etc and you think you are a guru on python? and you can criticize developers who have over 10 years on programming? If you was a man who have some years experience in programming you never criticize guys like them, because know how it's work that domain, you can refactor on every day your code, and all time exist "better then previous version", you think they do all efforts to make the code full organized & clean & pro & perfectly? No employee will do that, after a lot a years on domain, you don't care too much how code looks or how much optimized is it, if is working well. Especially if they are paid with a low sallary, they will not do the best. If i put you to explain some functions of them code you get mind fuck, because you are at a very low level. A lot a people talk about "shit code", and most of them (98%) doesn't know how to use a list/dict comprehension or a map, filter, lambadas, generators on python. Also if you think you are more good then them, then rewrite the game as you like it, or do your own MMORPG. < sarcasm level 999 PS: I just saying my point of view, don't need to approve or disapprove it.\ Sorry for the english level 999. Was a joke.
    1 point
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