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[Help] monkey_dungeon error
Test mode? Can you be more specific? Thanks -
Spells aren't being cast
I'm trying to find anything, that could tell me, which tokens are actually being checked/used but nothing other then this function I found If I understand it correctly, it should only need these: dwVnum, szPointPoly, szSPCostPoly, szCooldownPoly, szDurationSPCostPoly, dwTargetRange, szDurationPoly, bMaxLevel, bLevelLimit But even if I export it, client still end up on "Find strange game data".. This export will not brick the spells, but still won't get me any effect dwVnum szName bType bLevelStep bMaxLevel bLevelLimit szPointOn szPointPoly szSPCostPoly szDurationPoly szDurationSPCostPoly szCooldownPoly szMasterBonusPoly szAttackGradePoly setFlag setAffectFlag szPointOn2 szPointPoly2 szDurationPoly2 setAffectFlag2 szPointOn3 szPointPoly3 szDurationPoly3 szGrandMasterAddSPCostPoly prerequisiteSkillVnum prerequisiteSkillLevel eSkillType iMaxHit szSplashAroundDamageAdjustPoly dwTargetRange dwSplashRange -
Translate LUA ( 15 Languages )
When I add the quests they are okay on putty side but doesnt show up in-game -
Spells aren't being cast
Check the function which loads the .txt file, its splitting it at tabs so data <tab> data is token <tab> token etc etc. -
I can't react to topics?
@ɛʟ Ǥʟɑçѳи hi, can you help me ? -
[Help] monkey_dungeon error
If your server is in testing mode the delay is 10 seconds... Take a look at this... -
[Help] monkey_dungeon error
Hello developers! My monkey cave dungeon, when I die or the time is up without killing the boss, I will be teleported back to the village and transformed into a monkey for 10 minutes, but it will be restored in 1 second after returning to the village. I don't know what's wrong, can you help me? Thank you this my file: quest monkey_dungeon begin state start begin when login begin pc.setqf("clear", 0) local i = pc.get_map_index() if i == 107 or i == 108 or i == 109 then local warp_to = { [107] = { { 3, 979, 564 }, { 23, 575, 97 }, { 43, 535, 66 }, }, [108] = { { 63, 1016, 1352 }, { 63, 1016, 1352 }, { 63, 1016, 1352 }, }, [109] = { { 63, 831, 549 }, { 63, 831, 549 }, { 63, 831, 549 }, }, } pc.setqf("fail", 0) pc.warp_local(warp_to[i][pc.empire][1], warp_to[i][pc.empire][2] * 100, warp_to[i][pc.empire][3] * 100) elseif pc.getqf("level") != 0 then if i >= 1070000 and i < 1100000 then q.set_title(locale.monkey_dungeon.quest_title) q.set_clock(locale.monkey_dungeon.quest_rest_time, 20*60) q.start() timer("failtimer", 20*60) if pc.getqf("level") >= 2 then timer("regen_middle_boss", 10*60) end else pc.setqf("level", 0) q.done() if pc.getqf("fail") != 0 then pc.setqf("fail", 0) pc.polymorph(5003, 10*60) makequestbutton(locale.monkey_dungeon.curse_of_monkey_button) setskin(NOWINDOW) end end end end when button begin say(locale.monkey_dungeon.curse_of_monkey) end when logout with pc.get_map_index() >= 1070000 and pc.get_map_index() < 1100000 begin if pc.getqf("clear") == 0 then pc.setqf("fail", 1) local map_index, x, y = pc.get_start_location() pc.set_warp_location(map_index, x, y) end if pc.getqf("level") != 0 then d.exit_all() d.purge() end end function determine_level() if pc.get_map_index() == 63 then if pc.local_y < 800 then return 3 else return 2 end else return 1 end end when begin local delay = 3600 if is_test_server() then delay = 10 end if get_global_time() - pc.getqf("time") < delay and pc.getqf("time") != 0 then say(locale.monkey_dungeon.cannot_enter_yet) else local s = monkey_dungeon.determine_level() local msgs = { locale.monkey_dungeon.low_entrance, locale.monkey_dungeon.middle_entrance, locale.monkey_dungeon.high_entrance } local maps = { 107, 108, 109 } say(msgs[s]) say(locale.monkey_dungeon.notice) local r = select(locale.monkey_dungeon.enter, locale.monkey_dungeon.no_enter) if r == 1 then pc.setqf("time", get_global_time()) d.join(maps[s]) -- if maps[s] == 107 then -- pc.warp(819200, 51200) --下仙洞 -- elseif maps[s] == 108 then -- pc.warp(128000, 640000) --中仙洞 -- elseif maps[s] == 109 then -- pc.warp(128000, 716800) --上仙洞 -- end monkey_dungeon.spawn_goto_mobs(s) d.regen_file("data/dungeon/monkey/monkey"..s..".txt") pc.setqf("level", s); end end end when regen_middle_boss.timer begin if pc.getqf("level") == 2 then d.spawn_group(5017, 596, 332, 1, true, 1) elseif pc.getqf("level") == 3 then d.spawn_group(5028, 596, 332, 1, true, 1) end end when 5116.party_kill with pc.getf("monkey_dungeon","level") == 2 begin d.spawn_goto_mob(595, 335, 601, 560) end when 5127.party_kill with pc.getf("monkey_dungeon","level") == 3 begin d.spawn_goto_mob(595, 335, 601, 560) end when 5161.party_kill with pc.getf("monkey_dungeon","level") == 1 begin cleartimer('failtimer') timer('successtimer', 30) party.setqf("clear", 1) end when 5162.party_kill with pc.getf("monkey_dungeon","level") == 2 begin cleartimer('failtimer') timer('successtimer', 30) party.setqf("clear", 1) end when 5163.party_kill with pc.getf("monkey_dungeon","level") == 3 begin cleartimer('failtimer') timer('successtimer', 30) party.setqf("clear", 1) end when failtimer.timer begin d.exit_all_to_start_position() d.purge() end when successtimer.timer begin d.exit_all() d.purge() q.done() end function spawn_goto_mobs(level) local t = { { {145, 315, 345, 361}, {80, 308, 106, 547}, {206, 109, 75, 368}, {320, 238, 89, 746}, {421, 272, 520, 352}, {487, 279, 541, 45}, {70, 368, 211, 109}, {65, 434, 615, 49}, {67, 498, 284, 705}, {350, 361, 145, 310}, {210, 495, 553, 285}, {526, 352, 487, 274}, {528, 415, 626, 291}, {523, 480, 285, 569}, {101, 547, 80, 303}, {82, 746, 315, 238}, {541, 40, 416, 272}, {615, 44, 72, 498}, {553, 291, 215, 495}, {626, 296, 523, 415}, {278, 705, 72, 498}, {280, 569, 518, 480}, {470, 560, 579, 390}, }, { {145, 315, 345, 361}, {80, 308, 520, 352}, {206, 109, 487, 274}, {320, 238, 75, 368}, {421, 272, 211, 109}, {487, 279, 215, 495}, {70, 368, 315, 238}, {65, 434, 520, 352}, {67, 498, 284, 705}, {350, 361, 145, 310}, {210, 495, 416, 272}, {526, 352, 80, 303}, {528, 415, 72, 498}, {523, 480, 106, 547}, {101, 547, 523, 415}, {82, 746, 541, 45}, {541, 40, 72, 121}, {615, 44, 518, 480}, {553, 291, 89, 746}, {626, 296, 285, 569}, {278, 705, 615, 49}, {280, 569, 72, 498}, {470, 560, 579, 390}, }, { {145, 315, 75, 368}, {80, 308, 541, 45 }, {206, 109, 615, 49 }, {320, 238, 284, 705}, {421, 272, 520, 352}, {487, 279, 553, 285}, {70, 368, 145, 310}, {65, 434, 345, 361}, {67, 498, 523, 415}, {350, 361, 72, 498}, {210, 495, 626, 291}, {526, 352, 487, 274}, {528, 415, 72, 498}, {523, 480, 106, 547}, {101, 547, 518, 480}, {82, 746, 285, 569}, {541, 40, 80, 303}, {615, 44, 211, 109}, {553, 291, 416, 272}, {626, 296, 215, 495}, {278, 705, 315, 238}, {280, 569, 89, 746}, {470, 560, 579, 390}, } } if level >= 1 and level <= 3 then table.foreachi(t[level], function(n, p) d.spawn_goto_mob(p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]) end) if level == 1 then d.spawn_goto_mob(581, 395, 595, 565) end end end end end