Private Servers / Metin2PServer
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- Metin2FRZ International
- Powered by Metin2PServer
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- Hashira 2 PVM Medium-Easy
- Powered by Metin2PServer
fix Fix Stealth invisible show effects when u move camera
@ Ikarus_did u have problem with damages not show how suppose do? like klaus said, i have same problem- 1
Mouse Wheel Scrollbar
Hi! With the below release, I made it. [Hidden Content] Here we go: Try it! Easy to implement. -
Quest charset causing errors
The issue you're encountering is likely related to the encoding mismatch between the quest compiler and the Czech characters you're using. The ěščřžýáíé symbols are not part of the standard ASCII character set and can cause issues during compilation if the compiler doesn't properly support the encoding you're using. Make sure your quest file is saved using UTF-8 encoding, as it's widely supported for extended character sets, including Czech characters. If you're using a text editor, ensure that the file is saved as UTF-8. You can do this by going to "Save As" and selecting the encoding format. Sometimes, escaping special characters can help. You can try escaping the Czech characters in the text to avoid the encoding issue. For example, ě could be written using its Unicode escape sequence if supported by the compiler: \u011B. If the quest compiler only supports specific encodings like CP1250 (used for Central European languages), make sure your text file is saved in this encoding. Some text editors (like Notepad++ or Sublime) allow you to convert files between encodings. -
Quest charset causing errors
Hello, I've got an issue related to compiling quests... I made a quest for item exchange with some select options and every time I use Czech language symbols I keep getting an error while compiling... quest smena_receptu begin state start begin when"Směna receptury" begin say_title("Ah-Yu:") say("Mohu ti směnit receptury.") say("Přines mi recepturu, a můžeš si vybrat jednu") say("z ostatních receptur.") say("Kolik receptur chceš směnit?") local count = tonumber(input()) if count == nil or count <= 0 then say("Zadej platný počet!") return end if pc.count_item(30128) < count then say("Nemáš dostatek receptur.") return end local selected = select("Receptura brnění", "Receptura bot", "Receptura naušnic", "Receptura náhrdelníků", "Receptura štítů", "Receptura helem", "Receptura náramků", "Receptura zbraní") local recept_map = { [1] = 30120, [2] = 30121, [3] = 30122, [4] = 30123, [5] = 30124, [6] = 30125, [7] = 30126, [8] = 30127 } local selected_recept = recept_map[selected] pc.remove_item(30128, count) pc.give_item2(selected_recept, count) say_title("Ah-Yu:") say("Získal jsi "..count.." ks receptur "..selected_recept.."!") end end end What am I doing wrong? Some of my quests keep working just fine with latin1 / cp1250, but this one doesnt... Even the text outside of the buttons keeps working fine, but the text inside the select() is causing problems. When I remove the letters such as ěščřžýáíé it starts working fine. How do I fix this? -
Mob drop info helper
Looks cool and I've tried it! Can you please make it that in the place where you enter the mob name, you can also enter the mob Vnum? There is a way to search for mobs for already existing mob_drop_item files. As well, as for item names, to introduce the vnum to see the name of the item. in this way you can also use the tool for editing existing mod_drop_item files more efficiently. -
official Official Client Locale String[REVERSED]
0911 19:47:52106 :: CPythonLocale::ReplaceQuestLocaleString: Error: boost::too_many_args: format-string referred to fewer arguments than were passed 0911 19:47:54805 :: CPythonLocale::ReplaceQuestLocaleString: Error: boost::too_many_args: format-string referred to fewer arguments than were passed ?? my syserr