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  1. Karbust's post in Exe file signature (Unknown Author) was marked as the answer   
    The only way to disable Windows SmartScreen is with a EV Code Signing Certificate, and it’s only available for registered companies and has a strict verification process.
    Self-signed Code Signing Certificates are only recognized on the machine they were created.
    The other options is having an IV or OV Code Signing Certificate, but it doesn’t automatically remove the Windows SmartScreen, that only happens with EV, it needs to build reputation, only after that it will disappear. (Neither option is free, and there is a verification process and the certificate will have the name of the Individual or the Organization that was validated through the process. Depending on the country the verification can be lengthy, in Portugal I even had to get myself notarized and sign some documents for Sectigo on the notary.)
    On my patcher services I offer an addon for Code Signing, and I also sign my own client and other tools I may share with others on my services.
  2. Karbust's post in FATAL ERROR ! Python Library not Exist ! When I debug the client with VS was marked as the answer   
    You need to set the working directory to the folder where the client files are, by default the process ran by the debugger uses some VS folder as the work directory.

  3. Karbust's post in Dragon Soul Drop Item Bug was marked as the answer   
    I already have it like this:
    def OnKeyDown(self, key): if self.interface.wndWeb and self.interface.wndWeb.IsShow(): return if key == app.DIK_ESC: self.RequestDropItem(FALSE) constInfo.SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(0) try: self.onPressKeyDict[key]() except KeyError: pass except: raise return TRUE It happens with ESC and clicking Cancel...
    Solved. Thanks @PACI
    On game.py, on RequestDropItem function, at the end was SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS, but on uidragonsoul.py it was checking for GET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS...
  4. Karbust's post in Enigma protector was marked as the answer   
  5. Karbust's post in Vega's Title System Game Crash was marked as the answer   
    Problem solved
    There're a few bool functions that weren't returning anything, neither false or true. But since their value was never used, they were only called outside of if's I passed them all to void and the few return false changed to return.
    My compiler wasn't giving error about bool functions not returning a value. About this, anyone has any idea?
    EDIT: Added this to my CFLAGS:  -Werror=return-type
  6. Karbust's post in Dragon soul stones trading says inventory full was marked as the answer   
    I found the solution in this topic a few days ago: 
    It the same solution as @Chookez posted.
    @Legend I already had ds qualification, other wise I could even use the most of dragon soul system, I just couldn't trade it...
    Thanks anyway
  7. Karbust's post in Two problems (please solve the problem) was marked as the answer   
    Navicat -> Your Database -> player db -> Edit player table -> Indexes -> Set name field as UNIQUE
  8. Karbust's post in Bug pet mount was marked as the answer   
    I just needed to change "item_vnum" to "pet_item", since "pet_item" is the item vnum (local pet_item = pc.getqf("pet_item")) and the quest flag is being set when the pet is called: "pc.setqf("pet_item",item.vnum)"
  9. Karbust's post in Cheat to get more damage was marked as the answer   
    I already found out what it was, it was a bug from Pet System, I added bonus by quest, click once the pet comes with bonus, clicking the second time the pet goes away with the bonus, but the pet system sends the pet away when it the player dies, not removing the bonus, soo each time the player invoked the pet and then died and invoked the pet again and so on, the bonus where going to add up, doing this many times would have a huge amount of bonus...
    I solved using the kill event to remove the bonus...
  10. Karbust's post in Problem with storage / mall was marked as the answer   
    Well, I found the source of the bug... It was related to the offline shops and was on python..
    On uiinventory.py at def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos):
    I had this:
    elif player.SLOT_TYPE_OFFLINE_SHOP == attachedSlotType: mouseModule.mouseController.RunCallBack("INVENTORY")
    This didn't let me remove anything from the safebox, because couldn't check for an empty slot...
    I had checked syserr.txt multiple times, didn't saw anything, today, I found this o.O
  11. Karbust's post in Problem with Shops was marked as the answer   
    Problem solved...
    I just had to add the client source part from the offline shops but deactivated, now I have a bunch of useless code...
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