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  Hi guys, I'm trying to figure it out how to fix this bug, I followed some tutorials but no result. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what, I checked many times. I use vanilla core, i changed the functions as default (because I saw there some functions for 2 or 4 inventories but didn't worked) and then replaced with the 4 inventories structure.


Here is a video with the bug:



Here are my char_item.cpp and exchange.cpp:




This is the hidden content, please


Kind regards,


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Wtf is this bug, I'll try.


PS : Can you give me your uiinventory.py and your inventorywindows.py please ?

The is no client side bug, because with the original game, also a vanilla core, everything works fine, but it has stone bug :(

Here are the uiinventory.py and inventorywindows.py:


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Thanks, I'm pretty sure that indeed it's not a clientside bug, because I don't have this bug.

You do something wrong in your sources, I'll check.


Otherwise, there's a bug at the 3 and 4th page when you tried to refine something at the blacksmith.

Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate!

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