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[PROBLEM]White Flag

Go to solution Solved by Runah,

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Hi guys, all fine? I hope so...

I'm having an issue with White Flags (Item).

Item objective: When click stay invisible for some time and moobs lose target.

Problem? You stay invisible but the moobs still doing damage and don't lose the target.

Hope you guys can help me,

With the best regards,



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The problem wasn't stay invisible but stop the attckers... Anyway,
Thx guys but i solved it. Was a problem in second if of char_battle.cpp (function: FuncStopMyAttcker or something like it) . i just deleted the second if and let the content after the first if. I don't know if u understand but i will put an example in some hours.


struct FuncForgetMyAttacker
	FuncForgetMyAttacker(LPCHARACTER ch)
		m_ch = ch;
	void operator()(LPENTITY ent)
		if (ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER))
			if (ch->IsPC())
			//if (ch->m_kVIDVictim == m_ch->GetVID())

With the best regards,


A new project is coming up very soon. Stay tunned.

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