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Problems with LAG/Frozen screen

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Hi everyone, i'm expecting some problems with my server have a couple of time, sometimes the server just lag and take something like 5 secs to execute a function like, open npc chat, open a teleport ring, do a gm command, and sometimes its even worse, the game get frozen no one can move and after a couple of seconds they can play normaly again.


I have an dedicated server with this configs. And i'm running 2 channel with 5 core each (1 core is used only for login in each channel) and something like 150-200 players. 


CPU Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1245 V2 @ 3.40GHz





Do you guys have any idea what it could be? Which config i should check? What i can do to improve the performance?

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Something is causing lag :-? hmm


Check your cores so other mapindexes don't stack .

I mean , if you got mapindex 26 on core 2

delete from the others game99 too .


Second .. post your



The mapindex don't stack, i haven't the same map twice.


I haven't this file on my /usr/local/etc/my.cnf oO



You asked the people at the host company?


No i didn't, because when something happen on their side they send a mail about it. And this is happening have more than a month.

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Today i try play my server and run the HTOP on my dedicated to see what happen with the process when the server lag. And I notice 3 things.


1: The AUTH process get a high usage sometimes like 20-25% CPU usage

2; Have an process MYSQL running too and it get high and low all time, but after the lag it just get 80% usage sometimes even worse.

3: I have 2 channel 5 cores each running right now and on the HTOP it say 167 task.



Anyone can confirm to me if any of those 3 is normal? 

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No, this isn't normal. What gamefile are you using? Do you have any quests using mysql?

check them. Also provide your syslog at the time the lag occuring. That'll help us detecting your problem.


Sorry for the delay, selfcompiled game mainline client novaline, yes i have some quests with mysql, but they only run in a monster kill and this monster just respawn on saturday and the lag happen everyday. Wich syslog do you want? From Auth? I try send all then here but it take more than 3 hours here just showing "saving post" and never end.

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