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Quest drop items but randomly to each person

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Hey i have  simple quest like this. It works okay, but i would like that the items drops randomly to each person without party. When im in party it drops randomly. But when i kill it with 2 chars ingame it only drops to one char. Is there way to do it or it only works with party? The reason why i am using quest drop and not normal mob drop item --> i have high level of drop. I can start droping on one map with level 200 can drop untill i reach level 250. But when i did drop with level 200 i dropped 2times more items then with level 250. Maybe you can help me fix that and i dont have to make this quest 😄 Thanks

quest drob begin
    state start begin
		when 8602.kill or 1901.kill or 693.kill or 2206.kill or 8614.kill begin 
		local r = number(1, 100)
		local r9 = number(1, 100)
		local a1 = number(1, 100)
		local a2 = number(1, 100)
        if r <= 5 then
			game.drop_item_with_ownership_and_dice(71802, 1)
		elseif r9 <= 20 then
			game.drop_item_with_ownership_and_dice(80005, 1)
		elseif a1 <= 20 then
			game.drop_item_with_ownership_and_dice(80006, 1)
		elseif a2 <= 20 then
			game.drop_item_with_ownership_and_dice(80007, 1)			



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