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[Questlib] Table index rework and extended

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I have reworked the get function calls without parameters.

I mean when you use pc.empire instead of pc.get_empire()

This time I have extended to more features and added the quest features.


Tested in Marty Sama.



To add more functions you must know which ones.
Functions must return a value and must not receive any parameters.
pc.get_empire() is very simple, it returns a number and no parameter is sent. Its "alias" would be pc.empire or whatever name best suits it.
item.get_value() does not work. Its alias would be item.value but the server will not know which value it refers to, since it needs to specify the index of that value. This structure does not work if the function requires parameters.

When you need to use q.getcurrentquestindex(), you just put q.index. Now it's simpler.




questlib.lua. Remove this code:


npc_index_table = {
    ['race'] = npc.getrace,
    ['empire'] = npc.get_empire,

pc_index_table = {
    ['weapon']		= pc.getweapon,
    ['level']		= pc.get_level,
    ['hp']		= pc.gethp,
    ['maxhp']		= pc.getmaxhp,
    ['sp']		= pc.getsp,
    ['maxsp']		= pc.getmaxsp,
    ['exp']		= pc.get_exp,
    ['nextexp']		= pc.get_next_exp,
    ['job']		= pc.get_job,
    ['money']		= pc.getmoney,
    ['gold'] 		= pc.getmoney,
    ['name'] 		= pc.getname,
    ['playtime'] 	= pc.getplaytime,
    ['leadership'] 	= pc.getleadership,
    ['empire'] 		= pc.getempire,
    ['skillgroup'] 	= pc.get_skill_group,
    ['x'] 		= pc.getx,
    ['y'] 		= pc.gety,
    ['local_x'] 	= pc.get_local_x,
    ['local_y'] 	= pc.get_local_y,

item_index_table = {
    ['vnum']		= item.get_vnum,
    ['name']		= item.get_name,
    ['size']		= item.get_size,
    ['count']		= item.get_count,
    ['type']		= item.get_type,
    ['sub_type']	= item.get_sub_type,
    ['refine_vnum']	= item.get_refine_vnum,
    ['level']		= item.get_level,

function npc_index(t,i)
    local npit = npc_index_table
    if npit[i] then
    return npit[i]()
    return rawget(t,i)

function pc_index(t,i)
    local pit = pc_index_table
    if pit[i] then
    return pit[i]()
    return rawget(t,i)

function item_index(t, i)
    local iit = item_index_table
    if iit[i] then
    return iit[i]()
    return rawget(t, i)


Add this code:

index_tables = {
	pc = {
		['weapon']		= pc.getweapon,
		['level']		= pc.get_level,
		['hp']			= pc.gethp,
		['maxhp']		= pc.getmaxhp,
		['sp']			= pc.getsp,
		['maxsp']		= pc.getmaxsp,
		['exp']			= pc.get_exp,
		['nextexp']		= pc.get_next_exp,
		['job']			= pc.get_job,
		['money']		= pc.getmoney,
		['gold'] 		= pc.getmoney,
		['name'] 		= pc.getname,
		['playtime'] 	= pc.getplaytime,
		['leadership'] 	= pc.getleadership,
		['empire'] 		= pc.getempire,
		['skillgroup'] 	= pc.get_skill_group,
		['x'] 			= pc.getx,
		['y'] 			= pc.gety,
		['local_x'] 	= pc.get_local_x,
		['local_y'] 	= pc.get_local_y,
		['mapindex'] 	= pc.get_map_index,
		['guild'] 		= pc.get_guild,
		['sex'] 		= pc.get_sex,
		['gmlevel'] 	= pc.get_gm_level,
		['ip'] 			= pc.get_ip0,
		['hwid'] 		= pc.get_hwid,
	npc = {
		['race']		= npc.getrace,
		['empire']		= npc.get_empire,
		['vid']			= npc.get_vid,
		['level']		= npc.get_level0,
		['name']		= npc.get_name0,
		['pid']			= npc.get_pid0,
		['type']		= npc.get_type0,
		['hwid']		= npc.get_hwid,
	item = {
		['id']			= item.get_id,
		['cell']		= item.get_cell,
		['vnum']		= item.get_vnum,
		['name']		= item.get_name,
		['size']		= item.get_size,
		['count']		= item.get_count,
		['type']		= item.get_type,
		['sub_type']	= item.get_sub_type,
		['refine_vnum']	= item.get_refine_vnum,
		['level']		= item.get_level,
		['levellimit']	= item.get_level_limit,
		['wearflag']	= item.get_wearflag0,
		['antiflag']	= item.get_antiflag0,
		['immuneflag']	= item.get_immuneflag0,
	q = {
		['index']		= q.getcurrentquestindex,
		['name']		= q.getcurrentquestname,
	--add your new space

function generic_index(t, i)
	local it = index_tables[t]
	return it[i] and it[i]() or rawget(t, i)

setmetatable(pc, { __index = function(t, i) return generic_index("pc", i) end })
setmetatable(npc, { __index = function(t, i) return generic_index("npc", i) end })
setmetatable(item, { __index = function(t, i) return generic_index("item", i) end })
setmetatable(q, { __index = function(t, i) return generic_index("q", i) end }) --quest
--add your new space


  • Metin2 Dev 1
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