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Wiki drop isn't showing any items [HELP]

Go to solution Solved by Amun,

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Hey, I've added a wiki drop that looks like this


but after adding everyting correctly im not seeing the slide bar or any items, when I press on monster it shows "doesn't drop anything"

since it's level restricted I tried with different levels of characters and monsters. Doesn't work and yes I do have drop included in common drop/mob drop item item etc.


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1 hour ago, Amun said:

What about mob_drop_item?

You could've left a link to the system so we can see what's reading and what doesn't.




Im sorry, I meant mob drop item, it is filled with drop. There nothing in any sysser or whatsoever.

Im giving you the files now since I forgot bout that sorry.

It is from polish forum so I can either link you the package that was included or separate files if you want.  I can also include screenshots if u don't wanna download anything.

link wiki system: 

This is the hidden content, please

virustotal scan of wiki system : https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/c977489040f3054aa833d3a32d7f51582a90b8d3c7cd1479b5d88f9896f6b107?nocache=1

Here are the files that are in the system 


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Right, skipping the part where it bloody loads the items whenever you click that button, let's find out if you actually get the items in binary. If you do, then the problem is from python/root.

In UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp

Look for:

bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvTargetInfoPacket()

In that function find

			if (pInstTarget->IsEnemy() || pInstTarget->IsStone())
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo", 
				Py_BuildValue("(iii)", pInfoTargetPacket.race, pInfoTargetPacket.dwVnum, pInfoTargetPacket.count));
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_RefreshTargetMonsterDropInfo", Py_BuildValue("(i)", pInfoTargetPacket.race));

And add a TraceError, like this:

			if (pInstTarget->IsEnemy() || pInstTarget->IsStone())
				TraceError("DROP INFO: item: %d, count: %d", pInfoTargetPacket.dwVnum, pInfoTargetPacket.count);
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo", 
				Py_BuildValue("(iii)", pInfoTargetPacket.race, pInfoTargetPacket.dwVnum, pInfoTargetPacket.count));
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_RefreshTargetMonsterDropInfo", Py_BuildValue("(i)", pInfoTargetPacket.race));

Recompile the binary, click to see the drop of a mob, and then check your syserr to see if it tells you the items.

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22 minutes ago, Amun said:

Right, skipping the part where it bloody loads the items whenever you click that button, let's find out if you actually get the items in binary. If you do, then the problem is from python/root.

In UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp

Look for:

bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvTargetInfoPacket()

In that function find

			if (pInstTarget->IsEnemy() || pInstTarget->IsStone())
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo", 
				Py_BuildValue("(iii)", pInfoTargetPacket.race, pInfoTargetPacket.dwVnum, pInfoTargetPacket.count));
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_RefreshTargetMonsterDropInfo", Py_BuildValue("(i)", pInfoTargetPacket.race));

And add a TraceError, like this:

			if (pInstTarget->IsEnemy() || pInstTarget->IsStone())
				TraceError("DROP INFO: item: %d, count: %d", pInfoTargetPacket.dwVnum, pInfoTargetPacket.count);
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo", 
				Py_BuildValue("(iii)", pInfoTargetPacket.race, pInfoTargetPacket.dwVnum, pInfoTargetPacket.count));
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_RefreshTargetMonsterDropInfo", Py_BuildValue("(i)", pInfoTargetPacket.race));

Recompile the binary, click to see the drop of a mob, and then check your syserr to see if it tells you the items.

I've replaced the function as you said and now sysser shows the items

so the problem is somewhere in root?

Edited by Metin2 Dev
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2 minutes ago, Tuckii said:

I've replaced the function as you said and now sysser shows the items

so the problem is somewhere in root?


Good, now that we know that you actually receive the items, you can remove that TraceError.

Go to root/uiTarget.py and find

def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race)

Then, after 

if race in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA

in the loop add a couple of traces to find out if it's actually loading and reading the items to and from constInfo.

Like this:

			def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race):

				if race in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA:
					if len(constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) == 0:
						itemListBox = ui.ListBoxExNew(32 + 5, self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT)
						itemListBox.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 15 * 2 - ui.ScrollBar.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, (32 + 5) * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT)
						height = 0
						import dbg
						for curItem in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]:
							if curItem.has_key("vnum_list"):
							# here
								dbg.TraceError("race %d, vnum_list: %d" % (race, curItem["vnum_list"]))
								height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum_list"], curItem["count"])
								dbg.TraceError("race %d, vnum: %d" % (race, curItem["vnum"]))
								height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum"], curItem["count"])
						if height < itemListBox.GetHeight():

If it shows the items in syserr, then the problem is from Append, if it doesn't show the items, then the problem is from def BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo.

You could also add some traces before that, just to know where it breaks.

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8 minutes ago, Amun said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Good, now that we know that you actually receive the items, you can remove that TraceError.

Go to root/uiTarget.py and find

def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race)

Then, after 

if race in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA

in the loop add a couple of traces to find out if it's actually loading and reading the items to and from constInfo.

Like this:

			def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race):

				if race in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA:
					if len(constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) == 0:
						itemListBox = ui.ListBoxExNew(32 + 5, self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT)
						itemListBox.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 15 * 2 - ui.ScrollBar.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, (32 + 5) * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT)
						height = 0
						import dbg
						for curItem in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]:
							if curItem.has_key("vnum_list"):
							# here
								dbg.TraceError("race %d, vnum_list: %d" % (race, curItem["vnum_list"]))
								height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum_list"], curItem["count"])
								dbg.TraceError("race %d, vnum: %d" % (race, curItem["vnum"]))
								height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum"], curItem["count"])
						if height < itemListBox.GetHeight():

If it shows the items in syserr, then the problem is from Append, if it doesn't show the items, then the problem is from def BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo.

You could also add some traces before that, just to know where it breaks.


Sysser doesn't show anything so the problem is in def BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo as you said

so here is the problem? Even tho it's completely new function?


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22 minutes ago, Tuckii said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Sysser doesn't show anything so the problem is in def BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo as you said

so here is the problem? Even tho it's completely new function?


Not in binary, in root.

If you look inside game.py, you'll see this

		def BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo(self, raceNum, itemVnum, itemCount):

This function is called with those arguments from your source through PyCallClassMemberFunc.

To see the items you receive from the source, you can just add a trace:

		def BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo(self, raceNum, itemVnum, itemCount):
			import dbg
			dbg.TraceError("race num %d, itemVnum %d, itemCount %d" % (raceNum, itemVnum, itemCount))
			if not raceNum in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA:

However, I don't see why that would be the problem. Also, from what I see, that function is actually building and updating the MONSTER_INFO_DATA dict, so the problem is probably from __LoadInformation_Drops.

Try adding this in uiTarge to see if the dict is still empty when the function is called:

			def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race):
    			# this
				import dbg
				dbg.TraceError("ConstInfo data: %s" % str(constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA))


Edited by Metin2 Dev
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12 minutes ago, Amun said:

Not in binary, in root.

If you look inside game.py, you'll see this

		def BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo(self, raceNum, itemVnum, itemCount):

This function is called with those arguments from your source through PyCallClassMemberFunc.

To see the items you receive from the source, you can just add a trace:

		def BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo(self, raceNum, itemVnum, itemCount):
			import dbg
			dbg.TraceError("race num %d, itemVnum %d, itemCount %d" % (raceNum, itemVnum, itemCount))
			if not raceNum in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA:

However, I don't see why that would be the problem. Also, from what I see, that function is actually building and updating the MONSTER_INFO_DATA dict, so the problem is probably from __LoadInformation_Drops.

Try adding this in uiTarge to see if the dict is still empty when the function is called:

			def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race):
    			# this
				import dbg
				dbg.TraceError("ConstInfo data: %s" % str(constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA))



After applying the tracerror in gamepy there is nothing in sysser however when I applied tracerror under def _LoadInofrmation_Drops

then this is in sysser 


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2 minutes ago, Tuckii said:
  Reveal hidden contents


After applying the tracerror in gamepy there is nothing in sysser however when I applied tracerror under def _LoadInofrmation_Drops

then this is in sysser 


Wait, so there's no syserr showing from game.py/BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo when you click to see the drop of a mob? It seems pretty impossible, could you try that again, please?

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10 minutes ago, Amun said:

Wait, so there's no syserr showing from game.py/BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo when you click to see the drop of a mob? It seems pretty impossible, could you try that again, please?

So after I replace it with yours it looks like this lmao


and syser



And function in game.py


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39 minutes ago, Tuckii said:

So after I replace it with yours it looks like this lmao


and syser



And function in game.py


That's because you added an extra tab to 'curList', just delete that extra tab and the error will go away.

Yeah, so the dict IS actually built and loaded properly. I'll take a look at how it retrieves it and I'll edit this post to let you know.


Try replacing it with this:

			def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race):

				if (race not in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA) or (len(constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) == 0) :

				itemListBox = ui.ListBoxExNew(32 + 5, self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT)
				itemListBox.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 15 * 2 - ui.ScrollBar.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, (32 + 5) * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT)
				height = 0

				for curItem in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]:
					if curItem.has_key("vnum_list"):
						height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum_list"], curItem["count"])
						height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum"], curItem["count"])

				if height < itemListBox.GetHeight():
					itemListBox.SetSize(itemListBox.GetWidth(), height)

				self.AppendWindow(itemListBox, 15)

				if len(constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) > itemListBox.GetViewItemCount():
					itemScrollBar = ui.ScrollBar()
					itemScrollBar.SetPosition(itemListBox.GetRight(), itemListBox.GetTop())
					itemScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(32 * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT + 5 * (self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT - 1))
					itemScrollBar.SetMiddleBarSize(float(self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) / float(height / (32 + 5)))


Edited by Metin2 Dev
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  • 1 year later...

Hi @ Amun . I have the same error. I've followed step by step but still it's not showing any item. Maybe I'm miss something..

Here is my syserr:


0223 09:45:25578 :: DROP INFO: item: 2071, count: 1
0223 09:45:25578 :: DROP INFO: item: 7032, count: 1
0223 09:45:25578 :: DROP INFO: item: 3031, count: 1
0223 09:45:25594 :: DROP INFO: item: 3010, count: 1
0223 09:45:25594 :: DROP INFO: item: 5013, count: 1
0223 09:45:25594 :: DROP INFO: item: 2042, count: 1
0223 09:45:25611 :: DROP INFO: item: 33, count: 1
0223 09:45:25611 :: DROP INFO: item: 5001, count: 1
0223 09:45:25611 :: DROP INFO: item: 2021, count: 1
0223 09:45:25626 :: DROP INFO: item: 3003, count: 1
0223 09:45:25626 :: DROP INFO: item: 3042, count: 1
0223 09:45:25626 :: DROP INFO: item: 16061, count: 1
0223 09:45:25644 :: DROP INFO: item: 2012, count: 1
0223 09:45:25644 :: DROP INFO: item: 7021, count: 1
0223 09:45:25644 :: DROP INFO: item: 11201, count: 1
0223 09:45:25660 :: DROP INFO: item: 7011, count: 1
0223 09:45:25660 :: DROP INFO: item: 21, count: 1
0223 09:45:25660 :: DROP INFO: item: 70104, count: 1
0223 09:45:25676 :: DROP INFO: item: 11801, count: 1
0223 09:45:25676 :: DROP INFO: item: 52, count: 1
0223 09:45:25676 :: DROP INFO: item: 12, count: 1
0223 09:45:25693 :: DROP INFO: item: 17063, count: 1
0223 09:45:25693 :: DROP INFO: item: 15023, count: 1
0223 09:45:25693 :: DROP INFO: item: 11402, count: 1
0223 09:45:25709 :: DROP INFO: item: 4002, count: 1

uitarget.py def __LoadInformation_Drops (I've added the one that you post)

def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race):

    if (race not in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA) or (len(constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) == 0) :

    itemListBox = ui.ListBoxExNew(32 + 5, self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT)
    itemListBox.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 15 * 2 - ui.ScrollBar.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, (32 + 5) * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT)
    height = 0

    for curItem in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]:
        if curItem.has_key("vnum_list"):
            height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum_list"], curItem["count"])
            height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum"], curItem["count"])

    if height < itemListBox.GetHeight():
        itemListBox.SetSize(itemListBox.GetWidth(), height)

    self.AppendWindow(itemListBox, 15)

    if len(constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) > itemListBox.GetViewItemCount():
        itemScrollBar = ui.ScrollBar()
        itemScrollBar.SetPosition(itemListBox.GetRight(), itemListBox.GetTop())
        itemScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(32 * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT + 5 * (self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT - 1))
        itemScrollBar.SetMiddleBarSize(float(self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) / float(height / (32 + 5)))

PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp bool

bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvTargetInfoPacket()
	TPacketGCTargetInfo pInfoTargetPacket;

	if (!Recv(sizeof(TPacketGCTargetInfo), &pInfoTargetPacket))
		Tracen("Recv Info Target Packet Error");
		return false;

	CInstanceBase* pInstPlayer = CPythonCharacterManager::Instance().GetMainInstancePtr();
	CInstanceBase* pInstTarget = CPythonCharacterManager::Instance().GetInstancePtr(pInfoTargetPacket.dwVID);
	if (pInstPlayer && pInstTarget)
		if (!pInstTarget->IsDead())
			if (pInstTarget->IsEnemy() || pInstTarget->IsStone())
				TraceError("DROP INFO: item: %d, count: %d", pInfoTargetPacket.dwVnum, pInfoTargetPacket.count);
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo",
					Py_BuildValue("(iii)", pInfoTargetPacket.race, pInfoTargetPacket.dwVnum, pInfoTargetPacket.count));
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_RefreshTargetMonsterDropInfo", Py_BuildValue("(i)", pInfoTargetPacket.race));
				PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "CloseTargetBoard", Py_BuildValue("()"));

			 m_pInstTarget = pInstTarget;
		PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "CloseTargetBoard", Py_BuildValue("()"));

	return true;

game.py with TraceError

		def BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo(self, raceNum, itemVnum, itemCount):
			import dbg
			dbg.TraceError("race num %d, itemVnum %d, itemCount %d" % (raceNum, itemVnum, itemCount))
			if not raceNum in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA:
				uiTarget.MONSTER_INFO_DATA.update({raceNum : {}})
				uiTarget.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[raceNum].update({"items" : []})
			curList = uiTarget.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[raceNum]["items"]

			isUpgradeable = False
			isMetin = False
			if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON or item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR:
				isUpgradeable = True
			elif item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN:
				isMetin = True

			for curItem in curList:
				if isUpgradeable:
					if curItem.has_key("vnum_list") and curItem["vnum_list"][0] / 10 * 10 == itemVnum / 10 * 10:
						if not (itemVnum in curItem["vnum_list"]):
				elif isMetin:
					if curItem.has_key("vnum_list"):
						baseVnum = curItem["vnum_list"][0]
					if curItem.has_key("vnum_list") and (baseVnum - baseVnum%1000) == (itemVnum - itemVnum%1000):
						if not (itemVnum in curItem["vnum_list"]):
					if curItem.has_key("vnum") and curItem["vnum"] == itemVnum and curItem["count"] == itemCount:

			if isUpgradeable or isMetin:
				curList.append({"vnum_list":[itemVnum], "count":itemCount})
				curList.append({"vnum":itemVnum, "count":itemCount})

		def BINARY_RefreshTargetMonsterDropInfo(self, raceNum):


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