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Experience Orbs Color Change - Pink

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I was wondering lately how to change the color of the Experience Orbs and I find out it's easier than I even thought. You don't need any special software for this simple change, a text editor is enough for this.

For this you will first have to unpack ( you can use Eternexus for this step ) your Effect.eix from Pack directory and by default you have to find the file called ga_piece_yellow_small2.msf which you can find in effects\etc\gathering.
If the path is different you will find the correct path in playersettingmodule.py from root by line effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_EXP...

Now, opening ga_piece_yellow_small2.msf with Notepad you have to look for AttachedFile in the block called Group AttachData. There is the path to the actual file where you will have to edit some numbers to change the color.
By default the file you are looking for is called ga_piece_yellow2.mse. Now open the new file and look for the following code.

List TimeEventColorRed
		0.828205 1.000000
List TimeEventColorGreen
		0.828205 0.100000
List TimeEventColorBlue
		0.828205 1.000000

You will have to edit the second number for each color representing each color with values from 0 to 1
The example above is for a pink experience orb. You can change the numbers to create any color from RGB.

To calculate any color you can find out on internet some website with the RGB Color with numbers and change it for the color you wish.
Now you have just to take the numbers associated with each color and divide it by 255. (For example, if the red is 100 you divide it by 255 and you will get the result of 0.392156 to replace inside TimeEventColorRed, do the same for all 3 colors )

In the end you have to pack back the effect directory using Eternexus(or the soft you are using to unpack the Pack files)* and make sure the result of the packing is placed correctly in the Pack folder of the client.

  • Metin2 Dev 3
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