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Sysser Errors, Batch Item and Shaman Assistant Problems

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1.Word Event: When you put a letter on the slot is not showing the picture of the letter
2.K Inventory and Batch item: When you try to sell or delete something from K inventory with batch system is showing an item from the normal inventory there, not what you want to sell / delete from Special Inventory and is selling the item showed from the normal inventory
3.Switch Bot: Is generating a syser error
4.Render Target: After teleport is just showing the preview Blank
5.Binary_new_affect: Is generating a syser error
6.Guild Ranking system: The system is in maintenance right now. Error Message
7.Demons tower: Entrance quest missing
8.Restart After duel: Crashing the client
9.Skill Color System: Buttons are problematic, and i don`t find the place to refit them
10.Shaman Assistant: Is disappearing if you go to far from it and she need to teleport close to you
11. MySQL Tables Error:  innodb_index_stats / innodb_table_stats / proc
/ slave_master_info / slave_relay_log_info / slave_worker_info / battle_emp_convention / battle_emption /
log_reborn / daily_reward_status / report_system /
-------------------------- ------------------------ Error ----------- -------------- ------------------------ -------------------------- ---
0315 17: 18: 30389 :: CActorInstance :: __ RunNextCombo (wComboType = 0, wComboIndex = 1) - m_pkCurRaceData-> GetComboDataPointer (m_wcurMotionMode = 10, & pComboData) == NULL
--------- -------------------------- Error ----------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------ --------------------
0315 11: 43: 53851 :: Traceback (mostch t recent call last):

0315 11: 43: 53852 :: File "ui.py ", line 2767, in OnSelectItemSlot

0315 11: 43: 53852 :: File "ui.py", line 142, in __call__

0315 11: 43: 53853 :: File "ui.py", line 133, in __call__

0315 11: 43: 53853 :: File " uiesyaislem.py ", line 360, in __OnSelectItemSlot

0315 11: 43: 53854 :: ValueError
0315 11: 43: 53854 :::
0315 11: 43: 53854 :: list.remove (x): x not in list
0315 11: 43: 53854 ::
--------------------------- ----------------------- Error ----------- --------------- ----------------------- --------------------------- -
0315 14: 46: 17719 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0315 14:46: 17719 :: File "uiefsunbotnorm.py", line 99, in OnUpdate

0315 14: 46: 17719 :: File "uiefsunbotnorm. py ", line 251, in UpdateBoni

0315 14: 46: 17719 :: TypeError
0315 14: 46: 17719 :::
0315 14: 46: 17,719 :: 'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
0315 14: 46: 17,719 ::
--------------------- --- ------------------------------------- --------- Error --- ----------------------------------------------- --- -----
0315 15: 47: 27847 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0315 15: 47: 27847 :: File "ui.py", line 1750, in CallEvent

0315 15: 47: 27847 :: File "uiefsunbotnorm.py", line 635, in <lambda>

0315 15: 47: 27848 :: File "uiefsunbotnorm.py", line 732, in doThisEvent

0315 15: 47: 27848 :: File "uiefsunbotnorm.py", line 118 , in StartBOT

0315 15: 47: 27848 :: File "uiefsunbotnorm.py", line 165, in DefineBoni

0315 15: 47: 27848 :: File "uiefsunbotnorm.py ", line 198, in ControllBoni

0315 15: 47: 27848 :: NameError
0315 15: 47: 27848 :::
0315 15: 47: 27848 :: global name 'a' is not defined
0315 15: 47: 27848 ::
------ - ------------------------------------------------ Error - ------------------------------------------- ----- - ---------------------
0315 12: 34: 15880 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0315 12: 34: 15881 :: File "game.py ", line 1435, in BINARY_NEW_AddAffect

0315 12: 34: 15882 :: AttributeError
0315 12: 34: 15882 :::
0315 12: 34: 15882 :: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'BINARY_NEW_AddAffect'
0315 12: 34: 15882: :

Any help is wellcome! Thank you!

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