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Skill GYEONGGONG Archer Patch 17.5 Official Servers

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Hey guys,

 Well..., i promised that i will publish this update ?, so here it is, only this part was missing.


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Gyazo: https://metin2.download/picture/fE4iVlr9kM2v359jN5PUaffJqamItO9Z/.gif




Thanks for @CHMarvin


This is the hidden content, please

Path: pc/assassin/effect/7-2.dds


Enjoy it.

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4 hours ago, Rakancito said:

This is the hidden content, please

Hey guys,

 Well..., i promised that i will publish this update ?, so here it is, only this part was missing.


NOTE: Please follow the guide, read README.md





Enjoy it.

Sorry I don't understand why you share a tutorial or system with us when your gif or the system too with a effect error? 

Edited by Metin2 Dev
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Il y a 1 heure, Kori a dit :

Sorry I don't understand why you share a tutorial or system with us when your gif or the system too with a effect error? 

How dares he share a complete update of a skill with a wrong path to an image in the effect?! I would ten times keep the old skill without effect error

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15 hours ago, Rakancito said:

This is the hidden content, please

Hey guys,

 Well..., i promised that i will publish this update ?, so here it is, only this part was missing.


NOTE: Please follow the guide, read README.md





Enjoy it.

Your a fking god.

Edited by Metin2 Dev
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hace 7 horas, Kori dijo:

Sorry I don't understand why you share a tutorial or system with us when your gif or the system too with a effect error?  


hace 5 horas, Galet dijo:

How dares he share a complete update of a skill with a wrong path to an image in the effect?! I would ten times keep the old skill without effect error 

They are right, I should have shared the skill with the fix effect, but I don't think it's so difficult to go to the files of "Metin2client.de" and fix the effect by add the patches or taking what "CHMarvin" has put, I given them the complete code of how to make the skill work correctly :).

I have already uploaded the patch, it is already 100% functional.

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  • Honorable Member

There will be always negative people no matter what, but could you just stop insult him?
Thank you anyway, I just don't understand webzen about this content; selfbuf skill which cause damage around the character which is an archer, a far range attacker.

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6 minutes ago, xP3NG3Rx said:

There will be always negative people no matter what, but could you just stop insult him?
Thank you anyway, I just don't understand webzen about this content; selfbuf skill which cause damage around the character which is an archer, a far range attacker.

That's why nobody should never post anything about this game as free. If you sell it, they say the price is too high. If you post it free, they talk sh!t. If you sell it at least they have no choice. 

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hahahahahahaha... Don't worry, i'm a relaxed person,  i actually laughed   dahh... i haven't been angry, you still have the complete code of an update of the official servers, Maybe it's a nice update for archer ninjas. .
I think it's important that some things are updated on the servers that want them.

I could publish more things but now it gives me laziness, at another time with time I will see what else I update with respect to the official servers,  although if you are interested in something, you can tell me and see if i can :) i don't have problems.

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There's an old saying that says, "Everyone should put their own house in order."
Point your finger at you, before you judge others.

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1 hour ago, Mafuyu said:

it only makes 2 or 3 damage, even on perfect master. You have a correct formula for the damage?

UPDATE `player`.`skill_proto` SET `bType` = 2, `bLevelStep` = 1, `bMaxLevel` = 1, `bLevelLimit` = 0, `szPointOn` = 'NONE', `szPointPoly` = '-((lv*2+(3*dex+100)+str*2+iq*2)*k)', `szSPCostPoly` = '60+220*k', `szDurationPoly` = '3+(90*k)/10', `szCooldownPoly` = '4+8*k', `szMasterBonusPoly` = '-((lv*2+(3*dex+300)+str*2+iq*2)*k)', `setFlag` = 'SELFONLY', `setAffectFlag` = 'GYEONGGONG', `szPointOn2` = 'MOV_SPEED', `szPointPoly2` = '60*k', `szDurationPoly2` = '3+(90*k)/10', `szGrandMasterAddSPCostPoly` = '60+220*k', `prerequisiteSkillVnum` = 0, `prerequisiteSkillLevel` = 0, `eSkillType` = 'NORMAL', `iMaxHit` = 1, `szSplashAroundDamageAdjustPoly` = '1', `dwTargetRange` = 0, `dwSplashRange` = 200 WHERE `dwVnum` = 49


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Am 4.11.2019 um 16:25 schrieb WLsj24:

UPDATE `player`.`skill_proto` SET `bType` = 2, `bLevelStep` = 1, `bMaxLevel` = 1, `bLevelLimit` = 0, `szPointOn` = 'NONE', `szPointPoly` = '-((lv*2+(3*dex+100)+str*2+iq*2)*k)', `szSPCostPoly` = '60+220*k', `szDurationPoly` = '3+(90*k)/10', `szCooldownPoly` = '4+8*k', `szMasterBonusPoly` = '-((lv*2+(3*dex+300)+str*2+iq*2)*k)', `setFlag` = 'SELFONLY', `setAffectFlag` = 'GYEONGGONG', `szPointOn2` = 'MOV_SPEED', `szPointPoly2` = '60*k', `szDurationPoly2` = '3+(90*k)/10', `szGrandMasterAddSPCostPoly` = '60+220*k', `prerequisiteSkillVnum` = 0, `prerequisiteSkillLevel` = 0, `eSkillType` = 'NORMAL', `iMaxHit` = 1, `szSplashAroundDamageAdjustPoly` = '1', `dwTargetRange` = 0, `dwSplashRange` = 200 WHERE `dwVnum` = 49


u also have the correct text for skilldesc in locale_xx ? with the official one it gives out in the damage value "75-0" (75 is the movementspeed it gives you), i dont get him to give me the damage value in this variable.


here is the official locale part (in german):



49	°æ°ø¼ú	2	1	1	0	MOV_SPEED	60*k	60+220*k	3+(90*k)/10		4+8*k			SELFONLY	17	NONE	(Lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,300))+str*2+iq*2)*k)		17	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0



49	ASSASSIN	Federschreiten	Schnell wie der Wind	Gottes Geschwindigkeit	Mache deinen Körper leichter, um die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit zu erhöhen. 	Positiver Effekt	Erhöht die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit	Explosion mit Flächenwirkung	Schaden wird verstärkt durch DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION|IGNORE_BLOCK	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Explosionskraft %.0f-%.0f	((lv*2+(3*dex+100)+str*2+iq*2)*k)	((lv*2+(3*dex+300)+str*2+iq*2)*k)



here skilldesc in english:

49	ASSASSIN	Feather Walk	Wind Walk	God's Speed	Make your body lighter to increase movement speed.	Buff	Increases movement speed	Explosion with area of effect	Strengthened by DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION|IGNORE_BLOCK	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Explosive power: %.0f-%.0f	((lv*2+(3*dex+100)+str*2+iq*2)*k)	((lv*2+(3*dex+300)+str*2+iq*2)*k)


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@Mafuyu, @Tallywa

skilltable.txt (Language doesn't matter)

49	경공술	2	1	1	0	NONE	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,300))+str*2+iq*2)*k)	60+220*k	3+(90*k)/10		4+8*k			SELFONLY	17	MOV_SPEED	60*k		17	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0


49	ASSASSIN	Feather Walk	Wind Walk	God's Speed	Make your body lighter to increase movement speed.	Buff	Increases movement speed	Explosion with area of effect	Strengthened by DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Explosive power: %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Federschreiten	Schnell wie der Wind	Gottes Geschwindigkeit	Mache deinen Körper leichter, um die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit zu erhöhen. 	Positiver Effekt	Erhöht die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit	Explosion mit Flächenwirkung	Schaden wird verstärkt durch DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Explosionskraft %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Camino pluma	Andar del viento	Velocidad de dios	Aligera tu cuerpo para aumentar la velocidad de movimiento.	Efecto positivo	Incrementa velocidad de movimiento	Explosión con efecto en área	El daño se ve reforzado por DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Poder de explosión %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,300))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Foulée de plume	Marche céleste	Course divine	Vous allégez votre corps pour augmenter votre vitesse de déplacement.	Effet positif	La vitesse de déplacement augmente	Explosion avec effet de zone	Ceci est renforcé par : DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Puissance d'explosion : de %.0f à %.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Passo piumato	Veloce come il vento	Velocità degli dei	Rendi il tuo corpo più leggero per aumentare la velocità di movimento.	Effetto positivo	Aumenta la velocità di movimento	Esplosione con effetto sul raggio di azione	Il danno si rafforza tramite DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Forza esplosiva %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Flutuar	Andar Furacão	Velocidade Suprema	Torna o teu corpo mais leve para aumentar a Rapidez de Movimento.	Reforço	Aumenta Rapidez de Movimento	Explosão com Área de Efeito	Fortalecida por DES, FRÇ, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Poder Explosivo: %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Mers de Fulg	Mersul Vântului	Viteza Luminii	Corpul tãu devine mai uºor pentru a te miºca mai repede.	Suport	Creºte viteza de miºcare	Explozie cu efect de zonã extinsã	Întãrit de DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Putere explozie: %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)


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vor 17 Stunden schrieb WLsj24:

@Mafuyu, @Tallywa

skilltable.txt (Language doesn't matter)

49	경공술	2	1	1	0	NONE	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,300))+str*2+iq*2)*k)	60+220*k	3+(90*k)/10		4+8*k			SELFONLY	17	MOV_SPEED	60*k		17	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0


49	ASSASSIN	Feather Walk	Wind Walk	God's Speed	Make your body lighter to increase movement speed.	Buff	Increases movement speed	Explosion with area of effect	Strengthened by DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Explosive power: %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Federschreiten	Schnell wie der Wind	Gottes Geschwindigkeit	Mache deinen Körper leichter, um die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit zu erhöhen. 	Positiver Effekt	Erhöht die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit	Explosion mit Flächenwirkung	Schaden wird verstärkt durch DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Explosionskraft %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Camino pluma	Andar del viento	Velocidad de dios	Aligera tu cuerpo para aumentar la velocidad de movimiento.	Efecto positivo	Incrementa velocidad de movimiento	Explosión con efecto en área	El daño se ve reforzado por DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Poder de explosión %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,300))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Foulée de plume	Marche céleste	Course divine	Vous allégez votre corps pour augmenter votre vitesse de déplacement.	Effet positif	La vitesse de déplacement augmente	Explosion avec effet de zone	Ceci est renforcé par : DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Puissance d'explosion : de %.0f à %.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Passo piumato	Veloce come il vento	Velocità degli dei	Rendi il tuo corpo più leggero per aumentare la velocità di movimento.	Effetto positivo	Aumenta la velocità di movimento	Esplosione con effetto sul raggio di azione	Il danno si rafforza tramite DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Forza esplosiva %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Flutuar	Andar Furacão	Velocidade Suprema	Torna o teu corpo mais leve para aumentar a Rapidez de Movimento.	Reforço	Aumenta Rapidez de Movimento	Explosão com Área de Efeito	Fortalecida por DES, FRÇ, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Poder Explosivo: %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)

49	ASSASSIN	Mers de Fulg	Mersul Vântului	Viteza Luminii	Corpul tãu devine mai uºor pentru a te miºca mai repede.	Suport	Creºte viteza de miºcare	Explozie cu efect de zonã extinsã	Întãrit de DEX, STR, INT	STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW|DAGGER|SWORD	gyeonggong	19	4				60*SkillPoint		Putere explozie: %.0f-%.0f	-((lv*2+(3*dex+number(100,3))+str*2+iq*2)*k)


thanks i will try it at home :)


edit: works fine, thanks! :)

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Maybe i'm wrong, but this version of the 17.5 archer skill is fixed to the character.
On the offical server the "bomb" get's dropped on a localtion and isn't directly bound on the character himself.

So my question is, is the GIF just an older development state or is it up2date?

Here is a video (don't mind what the videocreator is talking :D )  what i'm talking about: 


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