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Why you shouldn't buy anything from "Metin2 developers..."


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Hello, this is a little bit of a rant but I'm so sick and tired of Metin2 "developers" community.

I came back to Metin2 about 4 months ago and since I have made a few purchases from "developers" I'm not gonna be throwing any names, as my point isn't to be shaming anyone but... it is kind of ridiculous. This year bought stuff from 4 different "developers" and spent more than $1000 on it.. and................ not once I've got a support from anyone.

Whenever the was an issue, either with the code itself or just something else that wasn't working properly along side the code.. every single "MT2 Developer" i had bought stuff from had the same approach..

"It work's for for me."

"It work's for everyone else."

"I don't help with implementation"

"$$ for fix"

or they will just blank you and never respond... after getting the $$$

This is ridiculous you know I worked on a couple of games and this is first time I'm seeing such a shitty community, everyone is a money grabber, half of the time i have to make changes in code..

In someone else fucking code with some variables written in another language, this just makes me sick to my stomach please don't call yourself developers if you don't develop anything you just wrote useless code that you can only implement on your source files.. and whenever you need to change/adjust something you can't even do that.

It's absolutely disgusting, I'm very seriously starting to think I'm gonna release all the shit I bought from people as I don't think they deserve to sell it, nor they should sell it to other people

Remember guys respect your clients they payed for you shit so have some decency and at least do some diagnosis when there is an error and point them in the right direction rather than blanking them or saying it works for you.. because this is the respond I've gotten way too often.

I bought stuff from 4 different "developers" as of now, and all 4 times I had to fix things up myself no support from anyone....


So if YOU planning to buy something from someone you might want to think again.. if it's worth spending 800 bucks on shit that you gonna have to fix up yourself..


/end of rant.

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metin2 has the worst community ever and it's your mistake if you chose to deal with these people

most of these sellers barely know english and their code is trash, they are not very smart as well and they probably don't even know how to fix their bugs

(shouldn't be to hard to spot one of those guys if you ask me)

and some very few of them know how to code but they cut corners to get the money as fast as possible without giving a damn about you

so how can they keep it going like this? because they mostly sell to kids or ignorants I don't think I need to elaborate more on this

you might have more luck avoiding these main sellers who sell their crap for 20 people and their work is still bugged

probably you won't find someone decent willing to work (even if you are willing to pay good for someone good) nowdays but good luck

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7 minutes ago, alibaba said:

metin2 has the worst community ever and it's your mistake if you chose to deal with these people

most of these sellers barely know english and their code is trash, they are not very smart as well and they probably don't even know how to fix their bugs

(shouldn't be to hard to spot one of those guys if you ask me)

and some very few of them know how to code but they cut corners to get the money as fast as possible without giving a damn about you

so how can they keep it going like this? because they mostly sell to kids or ignorants I don't think I need to elaborate more on this

you might have more luck avoiding these main sellers who sell their crap for 20 people and their work is still bugged

probably you won't find someone decent willing to work (even if you are willing to pay good for someone good) nowdays but good luck

There's a slight difference between a seller and a coder. You see a bit confused about that.

If we keep selling it means the quality of our works is out of question, we're in 2019, there aren't many kids left in the game after 15 years, don't you think?

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"Nothing's free in this life.

Ignorant people have an obligation to make up for their ignorance by paying those who help them.

Either you got the brains or cash, if you lack both you're useless."


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5 minutes ago, Syreldar said:

There's a slight difference between a seller and a coder. You see a bit confused about that.

If we keep selling it means the quality of our works is out of question, we're in 2019, there aren't many kids left in the game after 15 years, don't you think?

first of it's pretty obvious about what I mean, sellers that sells their service, their systems or what ever, I am not referring to modelars, designers... I mean the people that sell their own code

and your second point is invalid to put it nicely, there are currently sellers that sell trash code and this isn't up to debate you can see it with your own eyes, and they done it for years and still doing it

about the kids, there are few of them who want a server and end up with a bad experience because they are ignorant mostly

adults can be ignorant as well, so they buy without knowing or informing themselves

these ignorants praise these sellers action so they kept going with it, even after they complain about the bad quality of the service

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12 minutes ago, alibaba said:

first of it's pretty obvious about what I mean, sellers that sells their service, their systems or what ever, I am not referring to modelars, designers... I mean the people that sell their own code

and your second point is invalid to put it nicely, there are currently sellers that sell trash code and this isn't up to debate you can see it with your own eyes, and they done it for years and still doing it

about the kids, there are few of them who want a server and end up with a bad experience because they are ignorant mostly

adults can be ignorant as well, so they buy without knowing or informing themselves

these ignorants praise these sellers action so they kept going with it, even after they complain about the bad quality of the service


People that sell their own code are still developers. Sellers are those who sell the code others make without having the permission to do so, it's pretty disrespectful, at least in my eyes, to put devs and sellers on the same level.

Although it's true that there are bad coders (they always existed everywhere, not only in Metin2 communities), you can tell by their reputation value if they're true developers or non-trustworthy people, so that's up to you.

Ignorant adults, as you say, are mostly mature enough to pay, 99% of devs will always treat you nicely and are capable of maintaining a respectful conversation, even if one of the sides has got some issues. They don't "praise us", they can at most recommend us.

And you wouldn't recommend nor praise someone whose work didn't work for you, I think.



"Nothing's free in this life.

Ignorant people have an obligation to make up for their ignorance by paying those who help them.

Either you got the brains or cash, if you lack both you're useless."


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24 minutes ago, Syreldar said:

People that sell their own code are still developers. Sellers are those who sell the code others make without having the permission to do so, it's pretty disrespectful, at least in my eyes, to put devs and sellers on the same level.

 Although it's true that there are bad coders (they always existed everywhere, not only in Metin2 communities), you can tell by their reputation value if they're true developers or non-trustworthy people, so that's up to you.

Ignorant adults, as you say, are mostly mature enough to pay, 99% of devs will always treat you nicely and are capable of maintaining a respectful conversation, even if one of the sides has got some issues. They don't "praise us", they can at most recommend us.

 And you wouldn't recommend someone whose work didn't work for you I think.


I have no intentions of even considering people that sell other's people work even in consideration here, they are obviously to be avoided

there are people who made their own code that are bad at it and sold it as proper work, being bad/beginner at it is fine, the issue is when they sell it and the buyer doesn't know it

never said that all of them are bad, never said all of them are scumbags

if I am to say more on this is that there are good, nice, competent people but for different reasons they won't accept work, never said he can't find

and about the last thing, normally yes, but you can see a good example here on this board of a bad seller that got praise at one point in time

I am not going to name people and I think it's unnecessary, anyway it's always up to the buyer to take the decision

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40 minutes ago, Syreldar said:

People that sell their own code are still developers. Sellers are those who sell the code others make without having the permission to do so, it's pretty disrespectful, at least in my eyes, to put devs and sellers on the same level.

Although it's true that there are bad coders (they always existed everywhere, not only in Metin2 communities), you can tell by their reputation value if they're true developers or non-trustworthy people, so that's up to you.

Ignorant adults, as you say, are mostly mature enough to pay, 99% of devs will always treat you nicely and are capable of maintaining a respectful conversation, even if one of the sides has got some issues. They don't "praise us", they can at most recommend us.

And you wouldn't recommend nor praise someone whose work didn't work for you, I think.


Well, the problem is that people who sell code they don't sell code that is actually developed they just sell code that they wrote on their source, but you know the thing with source is that you can change anything and when I buy a system from someone and I have a different function in my source then he has he should have a look and be like "huh ok this function is causing the problem, let's see what we can do about it" and not be like "this work's on my server". When i pay someone over 700 bucks for a system/s that after implementation is not working properly because there is some sort of mismatch in functions,code or whatever he should know how to diagnosis this, he should know what is is what.. I didn't write the code yet me and my team always have to fix up others people shit because they just don't care, they already got the money they don't need to do anything... Worst case scenario you will get a -rep from someone on your thread which is no like anyone cares about it anyway, if someone will need to buy something he will buy it regardless of what other people say.

I bought systems that I had to buy, because it was just too time consuming to write them (like offline shops) and then testing, finding out all the bugs etc etc. but now I'm thinking what is the point when after buying such system I still have to go review the code, find the errors and change then fix them.. When I pay for a system and expect it to be working on my server/machine not on your private or someone else's machine.

I'm not saying all devs are shit, but from my experience they mostly are.. all the systems are bought so far came with bugs, all the bugs had to be fixed by me and my team.. and the only outside help I've ever gotten was from @IceShiva (I'm literally gonna tag him because he deserves it), even thought he doesn't work much with Metin2 anymore he still helped me more than people I bought systems from.. People are just not interested in developing/fixing their code as long as it works for them and it can be sold.

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On 4/8/2019 at 4:42 PM, tierrilopes said:

Randomly saw 'offline shop' there.

I guess its offline shop with duplicated functions (because pro developers copypaste instead of using builtin stuff) and without cache like the two main ones that are used. ?

P.S: always ask for sauce with the kebab, tastes better

Well.. kind of.

I bought offline shops for a double price because the person claimed it's a new version, the shops had several issues and weren't even tested properly. I asked the guy for fixes but he was no help, It took my developer a few days but he managed to fix the issues, it wasn't due to duplicated functions thought just shitty code in general. Had to rewrite quite a lot on client-side. Which is a bother, because I bought offline shops for the exact reason.. that I didn't want to waste time making them.. and in the end we still had to waste our time fixing his poor code.

In general I'm not a person who buys stuff from other people, I like to know things, I like to know how something works, how to build it etc etc, but when I'm on a schedule its a simple exchange money for time, it's just a shame that in the end I lose money and lose time anyway.

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When I buy something I already know that I will have to do it all again almost from the beginning. If you don't have experience you're screwed but it's not always like this.

However I didn't read everything but it was just my opinion about the thread's title. Before buying an offline shop to install, you have to eat lots of sandwiches, you will never find it perfect.


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It's best to develop everything in your own team. Most people creating these "systems" are not professional and don't know how to write reusable code. Most of them opened a server which failed and are hoping to get some money off the time they spent preparing it before quitting because the public didn't understand their genius.

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